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To Truro, From Truro, For Truro

A free, independent, non-profit publication for the public since 2010.

Truro Newsletter issue #165

What's Outside

January in Truro

This month days will slowly get longer by 20 minutes but with temperatures down about 4°F from December. A little more sun but a little colder. Expect an average temperature of 31°F, with average lows of 22°F and highs of 36°F. We get about 7 days of precipitation with an average total of 2 inches of rain and 13 inches of snow.

Weather for the Week

Weather reports for the next 7 days are available online at

Tides, Sun, and Moon

Tide charts for January and February are available for your reference. They also include times for sunrise and sunset, plus phases of the moon for each day of the month.

Did You Know

Truro Q&A

1. What was the fuel for the Highland Light?

2. When was Highland Light automated?

3. What was installed as the lighthouse beacon?

Answers are at the bottom!

Activities Around Town

Truro Public Library

The Truro Public Library sponsors a wide variety of interesting events and presentations each month, for both adults and kids, not to mention free e-book downloads. More ...

Winter Wednesdays

Winter Wednesdays is dedicated to fostering learning, connection, and community on the Outer Cape. Our commitment extends to breaking down barriers by supplying participants with all necessary materials for their registered course(s) at no expense. Additionally, we offer complimentary childcare during in-person classes and provide free transportation to and from the sessions. More...

Truro Yoga

Come join us and turn up the good vibes! We are in person or online.

This is for everyone and it is FREE! We meet 10-11 AM at the Truro Recreation Department or if you prefer to join on Zoom go to for link.

Red Door Chamber Music

Announcing our next concert on Sunday, January 28 at 3pm at the Provincetown United Methodist Church on Shankpainter Road. We will be "Exploring The Romantic Soul", a concert featuring Beethoven who ushered in the Romantic movement, Dvorak who exemplified the marriage of Romanticism with Folk inspired music, and Amy Beach whose music epitomizes American Romanticism. Learn more...

Truro's Community

Truro Historical Society

As a member, you'll enjoy free admission to the Highland House Museum for the 2024 season, as well as discounts from our gift shop. But that's not all - members also have the exclusive opportunity to rent out our stunning Highland House Museum for private events.

Plus, in addition to our popular Wednesday night speaker series, we’ll be introducing some new member-only events. And when you need some extra help with your research, our dedicated volunteers are always on hand at the Cobb Archive, where members can access free genealogy and research assistance year-round.

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity - join the Truro Historical Society today! Learn More...

Council on Aging: Volunteer Recruiting

Like to cook? Come join us to help prepare and serve Thursday lunches at the Council on Aging! It's fun and a great contribution to the well-being of seniors and others of Truro.

Please contact Barbara Bond, COA Board volunteer coordinator, for more information at [email protected] or (617) 515-4342. Many thanks.

Truro Gallery

Check out over 240 photos and share your own snaps of Truro through our Truro Gallery. If you have photos you would like to share, you can also email them to [email protected].

Sell your artwork and photography!

Artists who display photos of their work can also indicate that their artwork is available for purchase. Click on the "for sale tag" at the top of the Gallery page to highlight works that are for sale.

Food Resources

Truro Food Pantry: Food Insecurity in Truro

For many in Truro, not having enough to eat or not being able to afford foods to promote good health and well-being is a reality. The Truro Food Pantry, located in the Truro Council on Aging, serves Truro residents who need help to make ends meet in today’s high-priced market. But right now we’re struggling. Due to severe staff shortages, the Greater Boston Food Bank is scaling back food deliveries to all partner pantries by about half! We need your help so we can keep our shelves fully stocked and continue to serve the 50+ families who depend on us every week. A gift of any size will immediately change someone’s life for the better! And helping others is good for your soul!

For more information or to make a donation today, please contact Barbara Bond, Truro Food Pantry Manager at [email protected]. Thank you!


Truro Takes on Big Decisions in 2024: Protecting Open Space and Water and Charting a Green Future

Truro residents have made great strides in environmental responsibility, adopting a new energy code and preserving open spaces. But key decisions in 2024 will determine the future of the town's water, wildlife, and character. Read how Truro’s citizen committees can contribute to balancing development with protecting its precious resources. More…

Give Back to Your Land

We have a great responsibility living on Cape Cod because we are surrounded by water. How are we impacting our natural resources here? Watch a simple video of a natural garden and enjoy.  More...

Cape Cod AquiFund

AquiFund is a mechanism which may be of help to those who need to upgrade wastewater treatment on their property. Sponsored by Barnstable County, this program offers low-interest loans to Cape Cod homeowners faced with the cost of replacing their septic systems. Cape Cod AquiFund provides financial assistance for septic system replacement and installation of advanced onsite wastewater treatment units. More...


My Home Plus One ADU

A Housing Assistance technical assistance and incentive program to help Cape Cod homeowners build Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs). More...

Health & Safety

COVID, Flu and RSV Team Up,

Sparking Concerns About Health Impact

  • Respiratory viruses, including COVID-19, flu, and RSV, are surging across the US, with hospitalizations and cases rising significantly. 
  • Experts urge preventive measures like vaccination, masking, and staying home when sick to curb the spread. 
  • Although JN.1 is the dominant COVID variant, vaccines and treatments remain effective. 
  • Despite available safeguards, vaccination rates for all three viruses are low, raising concerns for the coming weeks.  


COVID-19 - From the CDC

Are you up-to-date? CDC’s updated booster guidance is available here. 

Community Perspectives

Public Records Frenzy

A surge in public records requests (PRRs) raises questions in late 2023, coinciding with a string of controversies and "consultant bonanza." Was it just citizen curiosity or a symptom of deeper troubles? One resident shares his perspective on the spike and why transparency matters. More…

Town Government

Town of Truro Calendar

Want to see what's going on in town government and related meetings?  Check out the calendar ahead.  More...

Special Town Meeting

moved by vote of Town Meeting that was held on Nov 28 to

Saturday, May 4th

10 AM at Truro Central School ballfield

Voters will gather to form the legislative body of our Town to hear proposals, offer comments, suggest amendments, and vote.

Supporting Truro Businesses

Truro News has teamed with TPRTA (Truro Part-Time Resident Taxpayers' Association) to create an improved “Truro BizList” of all Truro businesses. TPRTA has provided a list for more than a decade; and now in conjunction with Truro News, the Truro BizList has all updated info, added features, and includes all Truro businesses we have identified.

You can view the list now by clicking here.  If you have a business in Truro that we missed or have a new biz you want to list, please email [email protected].

Example page from the new BizList

Truro Businesses Job Openings

In addition, Truro businesses can now place job advertisements -- FREE -- to accompany their business listing. You can view the list of jobs now by going to  

If you have jobs that you want to post or change, please email [email protected].

Example section from the New Jobs Listing

An Independent Platform for Community Views

Truro Newsletter

The Truro Newsletter volunteer team has published over 160 issues in its 13-plus years online with the mission of bringing factual and timely information to the residents and friends of Truro, MA. We’ve tried to stay true to our belief that we’re here to tell you as accurately and fairly as we can what’s going on in our Town and to let you make up your mind about what to think.

Community Group Authors

Being digital, Truro News takes advantage of the connectedness of our readers to create collaborative content. One of the core benefits of the internet is the way it empowers groups of people to act collectively. Authors online can have the choice to be identified or remain anonymous.

As always, content will be reviewed by our volunteer editorial staff to ensure that it meets basic journalistic standards and does not propagate obvious misinformation. We view our platform as the free press of the Truro community and want to offer our community the opportunity to express ideas with as little friction as reasonably possible, even in working draft form.

"Goals without plans are just wishes."

- Antoine de Saint-Exupery, French literary giant


Truro Newsletter History

The Truro Newsletter is a 13-year-old independent non-profit publication. In the past year, we've welcomed many new subscribers, so we put together this short informative history video...

About Truro News and the Truro Newsletter

Truro News is Truro's free, independent, non-profit news source provided as a community service to readers and local organizations.

We place a premium on education and fact-based information and community commentary and aim to engage readers in informed, diverse, and respectful conversations about Truro. Please join these conversations and help us bring more people in - all views, news, comments and suggestions are welcome and appreciated, and can be sent to [email protected]


Articles published in the Truro Newsletter represent the views of the contributor and do not imply the endorsement of any other individual or organization, private or public, including Truro News. We do not publish campaign advertisements or "electioneering" pieces.


N. Boyle

[email protected]

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Voter Issue Articles

For future issues, we offer readers the option to opt out of receiving articles related to voter issues. If you do not wish to receive voter issues articles, please click Opt Out. Letters to the Editor will still be included.

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Too Many Emails? Want Summer News Only?

The Truro Newsletter is emailed monthly throughout the year. If you'd like to receive Truro Newsletter seasonally or put a "seasonal hold" on your free subscription, click here.

Your preferences will take effect with our next issue. Thank you!

Truro Q&A - Answers

1. What was the fuel for the Highland Light?

A: First it was sperm oil.  Later, it was lard, kerosene, and finally electricity.

2. When was Highland Light automated?

A: In 1987.

3. What was installed as the lighthouse beacon?

A: 1,000-watt bulbs

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