Trust and Estate Solutions
first PROBATE Loans

Hi, I'm Jonathan Brooks, the principal of First Probate. First Probate provides loans to fiduciaries - executors, administrators, trustees, conservators and guardians - who borrow on behalf of trusts and estates.  I have provided these services to the probate community for more than 20 years.

As promised in my last newsletter, you will only receive email communications from me on a quarterly basis. The remaining newsletter this year is scheduled for  November.  


If you have any comments, simply hit REPLY and let me know.  If you have some information that you would like to communicate to the probate community, forward it to me for consideration. Lastly, if I haven't convinced you that my newsletter is worthwhile, just press "SafeUnsubscribe" below.


Here's hoping we continue to stay in touch and that we may be of service to you!


Very truly yours,

Jonathan Brooks  



  PFAC Names Jonathan Brooks
 Marketing Committee Chair
The Professional Fiduciary Association of California has appointed Jonathan Brooks, president of First Probate Loans, chair of its 2015-2016 marketing committee.
Brooks, whose term began this summer, will lead year-long efforts that focus on the PFAC annual conference, working to increase awareness of the organization, and help build non-member conference participation.
In his role, he'll communicate and spread the PFAC message to organizations and professionals throughout the state, including attorneys, financial planners, courts, professional networking groups, councils on aging, social workers, and colleges and universities with related programs.
To receive 2016 PFAC Conference news via email, click here .
The California BOE:  
Role and Resources 
in Property Tax Reassessment 
In order to assess the possibility of extending credit to estates that are secured by real property, and to determine the ability to repay a loan, most lenders require the following information:
  • the current status of the property tax;
  • any planned changes in ownership;
  • any reassessment strategies planned.
BOE updates
In addition, lenders are particularly interested in periodic changes that the California State Board of Equalization (BOE) makes in regards to property taxes, reassessments and exclusions to reassessments. Keeping current with changes is key to any work in extending credit to estates secured by real estate.
The BOE is a public agency, created in 1879 by an amendment to the California Constitution to "equalize" tax assessments across all 58 counties in the state. The BOE is responsible for four areas of tax administration and fee collection.
  1. Franchise and income tax appeals
  2. Special taxes
  3. Sales and use taxes
  4. Property taxes (of special interest to estate planners and fiduciaries)
 BOE resources
  • BOE website - Tax preparers can to set up an account, pay taxes, set frequency of payments, make online payments, register for permits and licenses, request relief from interest or a penalty, and request a payment plan.
  • BOE Notice of Letters to Assessors- View the letters,which the BOE routinely issues to all 58 county assessors, and register online to receive notice of the letters via email.
  • Current Legal Digest - Property Tax Annotations- Subscribe to receive notice of Current Legal Digests electronically.
Have Questions?
We're happy to help answer any questions you have.

(818) 788-2308