Reflections on Balance
I serve both as a member of the Trustees of Diocesan Funds and the Special Commission to Study Diocesan Investments. What has impressed me in these roles, as well as in my professional, personal, and spiritual life is the importance of balance. A wise colleague of mine once told me, “Our strengths over utilized are our weaknesses” and therefore balance in everything we do is crucial.
The diocese, its parishes and resources, both human and financial, have the opportunity to profoundly impact the broader community, the state, and society through our Episcopal mission, reflecting the teachings of Jesus Christ. At the same time, the diocese and its parishes are encountering aging congregations, diminishing ongoing support, and church infrastructure suffering from natural decay and deferred maintenance. Through the grace, wisdom, and efforts of those who came before us, the trustees are blessed to manage $40 million in investments on behalf of the diocese and its parishes. This blessing reflects the aspirations our predecessors held dear for our Episcopal Church.
Therefore, we are faced with competing objectives: advancing our mission; assuring the diocese has the resources to meet its current and future obligations; and respectfully fulling the aspirations of those who have been so generous in the past. All are crucial to our viability and success as a diocese.
The Special Commission will be presenting its report to the Annual Convention next month. Its work is not complete. However, I believe we as a diocese will discern that an appropriate balance of all three objectives will be required.
—Carlos Mello, Trustees of Diocesan Funds