Hello Kathryn,


Christmas time is here! As I write this letter, I have a stack of Amazon boxes next to me calling my name. I have promised myself that I will not wait until December 23rd to wrap them all in one day like last year. Time is running out for me friend; I need to get started. It is easy to get caught up in all of this and really forget the reason behind the season. God became flesh and dwelt among us, Immanuel. Our Peace, our Savior was born to deliver us from sin.

Our Savior is still alive and working miracles before our very eyes. My friend, who was diagnosed with lymphoma, back in October had a PET scan last week and she is cancer free, just halfway through her chemo treatments! God is good!

If you recall she said something very profound that I will never forget. She said, “I can do anything for six months if it means that I will be cured.” She has a strong faith that I admire. She believed and she has been cured. She may have been forced into this situation as she did not choose it or would never have chosen it, but she believed anyway.

Like my friend, Mary, the mother of Jesus, believed. When the angel told her in Luke all that would happen to her, Mary’s response was, “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word.” Mary did not doubt or hesitate. She submitted herself to the will of the Lord for her life. Thought it may have been difficult, illogical, and out of the ordinary, she submitted herself wholeheartedly to God. She believed anyway. The Word of God was fulfilled, and the Savior was born.

I admire the great faith of these women. Great faith takes God at His word and obeys. It is just that simple. Without faith it is impossible to please God. God desires our obedience more than sacrifice. Our obedience is the proof of our faith.

Is God calling you to obedience? Just like these women I mentioned, their obedience was difficult, but they obeyed anyway. Afraid I am sure, but they obeyed anyway.

What is God calling you to that is difficult? What is God calling you to that is frightening? Will you obey anyway? Obedience pleases God.

Merry Christmas!

Are you in a season of change? If so, can I pray for you? Email me here.

Dr. Cheryl Davis is a conservative Christian, Bible-teacher, conference speaker, wife, mother, and Proverbs 31 Woman.


Dr. Davis is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of the Truth Project, a 501(c)(3), non-profit last days Christian ministry located in St. Paul’s, NC that she and her husband Thad Davis lead.


Dr. Davis is the CEO of Primary Health Choice, an I/DD (Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities) behavioral health company in North Carolina. She is a graduate of the School of Medicine at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill.

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