This month we celebrate the independence of our nation, the United States of America. This nation was founded on certain inalienable rights such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We have freedoms in this country that many others across the world don’t experience.
However, the Bible says when much is given much is required. We have been given much in this country by way of freedoms as well as being blessed by God, but what are we doing with those blessings? We are not honoring God with these rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
The right to life is to preserve life and have the freedom to live. In today’s society it seems that we have that backwards. For example, there is major road construction going on near my home on I-95. The interstate is being widened to four lanes on each side for about 30 miles of the interstate. There is an overpass at the exit near my house and the civil engineers have planned an entire bridge and exit ramp around a graveyard. There are tremendous efforts and money spent to route the new road so that the graveyard is not disturbed. When I passed by this morning, the Spirit spoke to me to say, “We care more for the dead than the living.” We work harder to preserve what is dead and decayed rather than giving a fetus a future. As a nation we are divided around when life begins and we are pushing for the woman’s freedom to end that life for any and no reason.
The right to liberty is the state of being free from oppressive restrictions on one’s way of life. Yes, we have freedom to make our own choices. But the choices that we are making as a nation are putting us further and further into bondage. Sin is abounding more and more as time goes on. We are a nation that is falling away from God and we are even seeing parts of the church fall away from the Word of God. My prayer is that we experience true liberty in the freedom of salvation and not our own choices. If left to our own choices, we will self-destruct.
The right to pursue happiness is the motivation of many Americans today. Whatever makes me happy I will do without regard for the moral consequence. The truth behind the pursuit of happiness that we are all born with a God shaped hole inside of us. We are born with a sense of innate transcendence that searches for God. We will never experience wholeness or peace until we are reconciled to our Redeemer Jesus Christ.
There is an urgency that the rapture is soon to occur. Are we prepared that if Jesus was to come today would we be caught up to meet Him in the air?
If there is doubt, I urge you to seek a relationship with Jesus Christ in the pardon and forgiveness of your sins. I am praying for this nation and this nation’s churches that we all seek the Lord while He may be found.
Until next time,