Policy Paper
In an effort to understand the current state of human resource management in the government, our Research and Policy Department developed a series of reports to help guide the Commonwealth in their human capital planning, implementation, and evaluation processes.

This first report includes a thorough examination of the existing policy framework, which includes the evaluation of the regulatory policy proposed by Act 8-2017, known locally as the Sole Employer (Empleador Unico).  In addition, the report incorporates an examination of the existing literature around civil service reform in the US, including lessons learned and effective approaches, and introduces a new comprehensive and holistic approach to build, develop, and nurture a high-performing government workforce in Puerto Rico.



¡Tú puedes cambiar el rumbo de tu país!
¡Exigimos servidores públicos competentes, honestos y con espíritu de servicio al pueblo!

The Federal Trade Commission is sending PayPal payments totaling more than $7 million to victims of a tech support scam.

According to the FTC, Vast Tech Support, LLC and OMG Tech Help, LLC used free security scanning software trials to trick people into thinking there were problems with their computers and then pressured them into buying tech support products and services.

Comuníquese con FEMA si su información cambia

Luego de que usted solicite asistencia federal por desastre, es importante informarle a FEMA de cualquier cambio en su información de contacto, del seguro o información del depósito bancario.

Si su información ha cambiado, puede que no reciba alguna carta o llamada telefónica importante. Usted puede actualizar su solicitud y hacer cambios de su dirección postal, número de teléfono, correo electrónico, información de depósito bancario o estado de la reclamación a su seguro.
Hay varias maneras de comunicarse con FEMA:
También puede utilizar la línea de ayuda para programar una cita en un centro de recuperación por desastre. Infórmele a un especialista cuando llame a la línea de ayuda si usted necesita un intérprete de lenguaje de señas, requiere un equipo tecnológico especializado o desea que alguien lo acompañe en la cita. Se requiere el uso de mascarillas en los centros.

FEMA's mission is to help people before, during and after disasters.
Follow FEMA online, on Twitter @FEMA or @FEMAEspanol, on FEMA's Facebook page  or Espanol page and at FEMA's YouTube account. Also, follow Administrator Pete Gaynor's activities @FEMA_Pete.

Developments That Matter
Discover & Deliver: Promising COVID-19 Vaccine Developments

It has now been just over seven months since the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. In that time, the science has evolved rapidly, with new advances to combat coronavirus occurring daily.

Economic Viewpoints
NFIB Small Business Optimism Index Rebounds from Pandemic Lows

Today the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB) released its monthly Small Business Optimism Index for September. The report is encouraging news. According to a survey of NFIB members, small business optimism jumped from an index reading of 100.2 to 104.

Top of Mind
Small Business Summit Kicks Off with Need-To-Know Policy Updates & Expert Advice

The Big Week for Small Business began today with a deep dive on navigating the current policy landscape with the Chamber's Chief Policy Officer Neil Bradley and Small Business Administrator Jovita Carranza discussing the latest updates on the Paycheck Protection Program, potential legislative action, and other funding resources.

Argentina's President Speaks at AACCLA Forum

On October 8, the U.S. Chamber's Association of American Chambers of Commerce in Latin America and the Caribbean (AACCLA) hosted the first of three virtual forums as part of its 2020 Forecast on Latin America and the Caribbean (FOLAC) Conference.

Digital Empowers Summit Explores How Tech Can Improve Society

Last week, the U.S. Chamber Foundation and Tata Consultancy Services' (TCS) third annual Digital Empowers Summit dove into timely topics in social innovation, including virtual sessions on building an inclusive Black tech ecosystem and leveraging government open data for the greater good.

Small Business Big Impact
6 Tools to Build a Loyal and Excited Customer Base

If you want to create predictable revenue and continue to grow your business, then you should start by improving customer loyalty. That's because boosting your customer retention rates by just 5% could increase your revenue by as much as 25%-125%. The following six tools will help you improve customer loyalty.

  • President and CEO of the Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank Raphael Bostic joined the Chamber Foundation today for its final, interactive forum event on building the talent finance ecosystem of the future. Catch up on all the conversations.

  • Arizona's Proposition 208 is perhaps the most misguided policy on any state ballot and would threaten the ability of small businesses to recover and continue to grow, writes Suzanne Clark, President of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and Glenn Hamer, President and CEO of the Arizona Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

  • In a new blog post, Vice President and National Political Director Ashlee Rich Stevenson details the Chamber's new issue advocacy advertisements in two states the nation is watching closely this election season: Maine and Iowa.

Resources to help keep your business strong, prepared, and proactive:

Event Series

BBB Warning: The Flyest Kicks, LLC, doesn't deliver the goods.
October 13

The Better Business Bureau is warning consumers nationwide about online retailer The Flyest Kicks, LLC. The company operates the website theflyestkicks.com, which says it "acts as a middleman between buyers and sellers" of upscale sneakers. The site was just created in April 2020.

BBB has received 53 customer complaints since June from 19 states and Washington, D.C. The Flyest Kicks has failed to respond to 17 of the complaints, seven remain unresolved and another 18 are still pending. The Flyest Kicks has an F rating with BBB due to unanswered and unresolved complaints.

International Tax Competitiveness Index 2020 

The structure of a country's tax code is an important determinant of its economic performance. A well-structured tax code is easy for taxpayers to comply with and can promote economic development while raising sufficient revenue for a government's priorities. In contrast, poorly structured tax systems can be costly, distort economic decision-making, and harm domestic economies.

Dale forma a tu futuro. RESPONDE el Censo HOY

  • Es fácil y rápido
    Completar el Censo del 2020 solo toma unos minutos.
  • No es demasiado tarde
    Todavía puede completar el censo hoy mismo.
  • Es seguro y confidencial
    La Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. protege sus respuestas y las mantiene estrictamente confidenciales.


Estimado Socio:

En días recientes el Gobierno de Puerto Rico lanzó una ayuda adicional para empresas locales conocido como el "PPP Criollo".

Adjunto le hemos incluido información detallada de parte de Synergi Partners Puerto Rico sobre este nuevo beneficio.  Sabemos que hay mucha confusión sobre lo combinabilidad y elegibilidad de todos los beneficios disponibles y a través de Synergi Partners no solo le pueden orientar sino también asistir en el trámite.

Para más información puede contactar Synergi Partners según aparece en los documentos adjuntos y/o a Daphne Barbeito que es nuestra asesora de desarrollo de negocio asignada

Muchas gracias

[Acceda nuestro newsletter Puerto Rico Business Insider ]

Join CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta for the latest news about the coronavirus. He'll make sense of the headlines, speak with the experts and give you all the information you need to stay safe and healthy.

The Secretive and Essential Work to Find a Vaccine
October 14

The race is on for a Covid-19 vaccine, but behind the scenes there's a secretive group that has the power to stop a vaccine trial in its tracks. That's the Data and Safety Monitoring Board, or DSMB, and they're the only ones who get a look at the data during the trials. CNN's Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta speaks with Susan Ellenberg about her work with Covid-19 DSMBs.

Beneficios para Nuestros Socios

Corporate Events Solution

to all active PRCC Members


Eventos @Camarapr

Webinar: Parity of Funds Forum: 
Puerto Rico Federal Funding Test Cases 
Vaello & Peña Martínez

October 15  |  3:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Simultaneous translation in Spanish will be available.


Webinar: Ayuda de SBA para individuo y negocios por el paso de la Tormenta Isaías

21 de octubre  |  3:00 - 5:00 p.m.

VIA Plataforma ZOOM y Facebook LIVE



October 16  |  10:00 a.m.  


9no Encuentro de Mujeres Emprendedoras

16 de octubre  |  4:00 PM - 6:00 PM AST  |  Gratis

¡Participa de este encuentro con mujeres que te van ayudar a empoderarte y ser exitosa en el ámbito empresarial! El 16 de octubre vas a conocer e inspirarte con mujeres exitosas que van a relatar sus experiencias y vivencias en sus empresas a través del tiempo.

Este evento será de 4pm 6pm y gratuito. Mujeres Emprendedoras (EME) es una actividad auspiciada por la Asociación de Estudiantes de la Escuela Graduada de Administración de Empresas (AE-EGAE) del Recinto de Río Piedras de la Universidad de Puerto Rico en colaboración con la International Council for Small Business de Puerto Rico y el Caribe (ICSB PR&C).


Institute for Legal Reform Summit 2020: Future in Focus

October 20  |  2:00 - 3:50 PM

Join the U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform to discuss the biggest legal trends of 2020 and beyond.  We'll hear from Department of Justice Acting Assistant Attorney General Jeffrey Clark, political strategists David Axelrod and Mike Murphy, and others.

Mercado Orgánico de Consumo
18 de octubre  |  9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Tu salud es nuestra pasión; por eso te esperamos con cosechas frescas ecológicas del país, deliciosa comida orgánica elaboradora para llevar, dulce miel, rico guarapo de caña, kombucha, diferentes clases de panes orgánicos, jabones, probióticos, leche vegetal y mucho más.

Gracias por la colaboración de nuestra clientela y socios/as de la Cooperativa en mantener responsabilidad sanitaria y de seguridad, conducta que continuaremos tomando para promover un espacio seguro.


Los profesionales de la salud que tengan síntomas de COVID-19 o sospecha de haberse contagiado podrán acudir a las facilidades del Colegio de Médicos Cirujanos de Puerto Rico, lunes a viernes de 8:00am a 5:00pm, para realizarse la prueba diagnóstica rápida que los saque de dudas. 

El doctor Víctor Ramos, presidente del Colegio, informó que esta gestión se realiza en alianza con la Asociación de IPA's, la Cámara de Comercio de Puerto Rico, el Colegio de Enfermería Práctica y organizaciones aliadas a la salud. El servicio es libre de costo, los profesionales de la salud solo necesitan llevar una orden médica y sacar cita antes de ir.

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Edificio Miramar Plaza
954 Ave. Ponce de León
Suite 406 - Cuarto Piso
Miramar, San Juan, 
Puerto Rico 00907

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