Gobernadora Wanda Vázquez Garced informa cambios en la nueva
Orden Ejecutiva relacionada al COVID-19

(16 de octubre de 2020- La Fortaleza, San Juan)- La gobernadora Wanda Vázquez Garced anunció hoy la firma de la Orden Ejecutiva 2020-077 relacionada al COVID-19, cuya efectividad es desde mañana, sábado, hasta el 13 de noviembre. La misma establece la continuación del toque de queda de 10:00 p.m. a 5:00 a.m.

El porcentaje de ocupación de los establecimientos comerciales y los salones comedores de los restaurantes que era hasta 50%, aumentará a 55%. Los lugares cuya capacidad era de 25% como los cines, casinos y gimnasios, ahora podrán tener hasta un 30% de ocupación.

[Acceda el Comunicado de Prensa completo publicado en Foro Noticioso]

Nuestra directora de Asuntos legales y legislativos, Lcda. Wanda Pérez, participó el miércoles 15 de octubre en el Sun Cast Summit Puerto Rico bajo el tema Chambers of Commerce: Accelerating Renewables -  Strategies & actions of Chambers of Commerce to help solar growth and deployment. Diálogo sobre esto junto a Mrs. Leslie Southard, Consultant GACC South y Mr.Gerardo Cosme, Owner Solartek.  [Acceda la agenda]


Estimados Socios,
Como parte de nuestro Plan de Trabajo, me place informarles que ya tenemos en campo los dos estudios que nos comprometimos a realizar este año: El Índice de Confianza del Consumidor y el Índice de Confianza del Empresario. Estos estudios facilitarán recopilar datos que tanta falta le hacen a los empresarios en la Isla.
Hoy les solicito que se tomen 5 minutos de su tiempo y contesten la encuesta del Índice de Confianza del Empresario. El estudio está siendo realizado por la Fundación de Estudios Técnicos. Las respuestas son confidenciales y no serán compartidas con la Cámara, sino en agregado. El estudio del Índice de Confianza del Consumidor es una muestra de 600 personas totalmente aleatoria.

Le solicitamos complete esta encuesta en el siguiente enlace:
Tendremos un evento muy importante para presentar ambos estudios a la comunidad empresarial el 3 de diciembre de 2020 desde el Recinto Metro de la Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico.
También incluyo el enlace para que puedan contestar la encuesta de "Ease of Doing Business" que está llevando a cabo la Junta de Supervisión Fiscal. Esta encuesta proveerá información muy valiosa sobre el sentir del sector privado en cuanto al ambiente de negocios en la Isla. Ahora más que nunca, ya que el gobierno estará haciendo un gran esfuerzo para atraer nuevas empresas, es importante entender las necesidades de los diferentes sectores.
Agradezco sobremanera su apoyo.
Mil gracias,
Juan Carlos Agosto Martínez

Comunicado de Prensa
La Junta de Supervisión propone expansión temporal
de Medicaid bajo ciertas condiciones

Más familias de bajos ingresos calificarían para Medicaid durante una pandemia; la cobertura finalizaría el 30 de septiembre de 2021.

(San Juan, PR - 16 de octubre de 2020) - La Junta de Supervisión y Administración Financiera para Puerto Rico propuso hoy que el Gobierno de Puerto Rico podría expandir temporalmente la cobertura de Medicaid a más de 200,000 puertorriqueños durante la pandemia de COVID-19, siempre y cuando se cumplan varias condiciones. La expansión temporal de Medicaid -el equivalente a Vital en Puerto Rico-, debido a COVID-19, finalizaría el 30 de septiembre de 2021 cuando expire el aumento de los fondos de Medicaid proporcionados por el Gobierno federal.



¡Tú puedes cambiar el rumbo de tu país!
¡Exigimos servidores públicos competentes, honestos y con espíritu de servicio al pueblo!

A federal court has shut down an Atlanta-based debt collector in response to a Federal Trade Commission complaint alleging that its agents threatened consumers with arrest and imprisonment and tried to collect debts that consumers did not actually owe.

In support of the National Strategy for Critical and Emerging Technologies, Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross said the Department is fully behind the President's strategy and has already implemented a number of export controls on emerging technologies. Earlier this month, the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) in Commerce imposed controls on six more emerging technologies, bringing the total to 37.

El PR MBDA Business Center continúa promoviendo el Goldman Sachs Small Business Program, dirigido a dueños de negocios.  Este programa ha sido reevaluado en cuanto a los criterios de participación, basado en la situación actual de los negocios.

Request for Information FEMA

FEMA's Federal contracting and logistics  in Washington has submitted the following "Request for Information" for vendors, manufacturers and/or distributors of Rice and Beans on the island. 
This notice is issued for information and planning purposes only and does not constitute a request for proposal in itself. The Government does not intend to award a contract based solely on responses to this source of search notice. Any information received in response to this notice must be marked "Property" and will be protected and treated accordingly. Interested parties are responsible for properly marking proprietary or competitively sensitive information contained in their response.
FEMA is identifying vendors, manufacturers or distributors, of rice and beans that may have the capacity to manage inventory and be able to distribute at a given time (within 24 hours of FEMA's request) to support disaster survivors during an emergency response.
As part of the support feeding plan, resources requested include approximately 510,000 pounds of rice and approximately 51,000 ounces of canned beans
The recommendations would include the following elements:
- White medium grain rice (not less than a 3 pound bag)
- Large, pink, red or assorted beans (no less than 15 ounces).
The purpose is to feed a household for 10 days. For additional information the links to follow are:

Reporte de la recuperación al día con respecto a los terremotos

Developments That Matter
A Big Week for Small Business

Small business was top of mind this week for the Chamber.  On Tuesday, the U.S. Chamber hosted our biannual meeting for our Small Business Council, our policy committee for Main Street employers who account for the majority of Chamber membership. 

Economic Viewpoints
Consumer Prices Rise in September

Inflation is slowly coming back. In the current situation, this is good news, because it means a resumption of economic activity. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported this week that consumer prices (CPI) rose 0.2% in September and producer prices (PPI) rose 0.4%.

Top of Mind
A Pause for Some COVID-Related Clinical Trials are Routine and Necessary to Ensure Patient Safety and Effectiveness

Clinical trials for COVID-19 vaccines and treatments once again captured headlines this week.  These three developments may seem worrisome. In fact, the opposite is true. Clinical trials are routinely paused to ensure the medicine being tested is truly safe and effective.

USCCF Parents 2.0 Video

Childcare Challenges Persist as Parents Return to Work Amid COVID-19

report and video published yesterday by the U.S. Chamber Foundation found that lack of childcare is a main barrier for returning to work as many parents have yet to find a stable solution for their childcare needs.

Leading Candidates for WTO Director-General Call for Reforms

It's the final countdown...to choose the next Director-General of the World Trade Organization.
Last week, the WTO announced two finalists, South Korean Minister of Trade Yoo Myung-hee and former Nigerian Finance Minister Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala. The Chamber's International Division recently hosted Yoo and Okonjo-Iweala for conversations with members, and we were pleased to hear both call for reforms - an issue the Chamber has long supported.

Small Business Big Impact
This 'Mompreneur' Landed Big Retail and a Jimmy Fallon Line by Disrupting the Baby Pacifier Business

Necessity is the mother of invention, as the saying goes, and some of the most successful new consumer products on the market were developed to solve a real problem in the life of the brand's founder. WubbaNub, a line of baby pacifiers attached to cuddly plush toys, is one such product, born when founder Carla Schneider's colicky newborn son needed a better way to hang onto his pacifier while on a car trip.

  • Today at the Pritzker Forum on Global Cities: Adapting Governance, U.S. Chamber President Suzanne Clark discussed the uneven economic recovery: "We're seeing some businesses thriving while others are still in freefall."

  • The Chamber's International Division hosted a conversation with global American Chambers of Commerce on diversity, equity and inclusion, featuring Chamber SVP of Strategic Alliances and Outreach Rick Wade and Johnson & Johnson Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer Wanda Bryant Hope.

  • "Diversity drives innovation, not the other way around," said U.S. Chamber President Suzanne Clark at the Global Innovation Policy Center's recent Equality of Opportunity in the Innovation Economy event.

  • More companies going public can ensure prosperity is shared in two ways: by fueling growth and broadening investment opportunities, writes Tom Quaadman, Executive Vice President, Center for Capital Markets Competitiveness.

Resources to help keep your business strong, prepared, and proactive:

Event Series

BBB Scam Alert: Con artists impersonate your favorite celebrity
October 15

You log into your Facebook or another social media account and spot a post in your News Feed. It looks like a favorite celebrity shared an image of piles of cash, high-end cars, and/or other valuables. The photo has a caption promising you a chance to win these things. It seems to come from the celebrity's real profile: it uses their name and has a photo.

There is, of course, one small catch: To win, you must pay an entry fee or click a specific link and create an account. However, none of the prizes actually exist. If you follow the scammers' instructions, they either make off with your money or steal personal information by asking you to click a link and "validate your account information."

Dwayne Johnson is only one of many celebrities to be impersonated by scammers on Facebook and other social media. Even fake accounts for Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook's founder, routinely pop up, so be wary of any offer that looks suspicious.

Role of the 2017 Tax Reform in the Nascent U.S. Economic Recovery 

While there is still plenty of work to be done to get unemployed Americans back to work, the U.S. economy as a whole is now recovering strongly from the pandemic-induced economic downturn, outperforming forecasts from earlier in the year and outperforming most other developed countries. The Atlanta Federal Reserve's "nowcast" indicates that the U.S. economy grew at an annual rate of 35.2 percent in the third quarter-an estimate that has increased considerably in recent months as economic indicators come in better than expected.

Dale forma a tu futuro. RESPONDE el Censo HOY

  • Es fácil y rápido
    Completar el Censo del 2020 solo toma unos minutos.
  • No es demasiado tarde
    Todavía puede completar el censo hoy mismo.
  • Es seguro y confidencial
    La Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. protege sus respuestas y las mantiene estrictamente confidenciales.

Join CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta for the latest news about the coronavirus. He'll make sense of the headlines, speak with the experts and give you all the information you need to stay safe and healthy.

Basketball Practice With A Mask On
October 16

Top-ranked women's college basketball player Rhyne Howard is facing a season like no other. CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta talks to Howard about staying positive while training during a pandemic, and advocating for social justice.

Uncomfortably Numb
October 15

Around the world, more than a million people have now died from the coronavirus. Rationally, we know this is devastating, but emotionally, why can we feel so removed from it? CNN's Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta talks to Associate Professor of Psychology Azim Shariff about the limits of human empathy, and what a computer game  might teach us about our response to this pandemic.

Afroempresaria en Acción: Searypets

Searypetscomenzó luego del huracán María. No le llamo negocio o trabajo pues considero lo que hago como una aventura en la cual he ido disfrutando cada faceta a la vez que me voy descubriendo a mí misma y el potencial que poseo como mujer afro descendiente, profesional, emprendedora y empresaria. La idea surge luego de que unos amigos salieron de Puerto Rico y me pidieron el favor de cuidar de su perrita. Me indicaron que yo les inspiraba confianza debido al amor y cuidados que le brindaba a mi perrita Bali. Poco a poco me di cuenta de que cuidar de su mascota, me proporcionaba felicidad y disfrutaba ver a Bali interactuar con Coco.  Un día se me ocurrió que la pasión que sentía por los animalitos era algo que podría monetizar y convertir lo que amo y me apasiona, en una fuente de ingresos. 

Beneficios para Nuestros Socios

Corporate Events Solution

to all active PRCC Members


Eventos @Camarapr

Webinar: Ayuda de SBA para individuo y negocios por el paso de la Tormenta Isaías

21 de octubre  |  3:00 - 5:00 p.m.

VIA Plataforma ZOOM y Facebook LIVE


¿Cómo diseñar una reforma efectiva
del servicio público en Puerto Rico?

21 de octubre |   2:30 PM


Opciones de Financiamiento Comercial para negocios nuevos o establecidos en Puerto Rico

21 de octubre |   8:00 PM - 10:00 PM AST  |  GRATIS

Si tienes planes de montar un negocio y/o estás buscando capital para establecer un negocio, crecer el negocio o comprar una propiedad comercial, tienes que participar en este webinar.

Después del COVID-19, todo ha cambiado y es importante que conozcas las opciones que hay disponibles ahora mismo para obtener el financiamiento que necesitas. Estaremos explicando las opciones que hay disponibles, los requisitos, los documentos requeridos y cómo preparar el caso para aumentar las posibilidades de una aprobación.


Vacunación contra COVID-19: Una Mirada Profunda en Puerto Rico

22 de octubre |   9:00 AM - 12:30 PM AST  |  VIA ZOOM  |  GRATIS

Foro Virtual sobre el Estatus actual sobre la Vacunación contra COVID-19 y Estrategias a seguir en Puerto Rico. 


A Deep Dive Into Puerto Rico's Innovation
& Entrepreneurship Ecosystem

October 22 |   1:00 p.m.  |  FREE

From the surfboard to the boardroom, Puerto Rico means business. As the Island continues to drive its economic transformation, we're hedging that Puerto Rico's unique combination of start-up incubators & accelerators, incentives, shared co-working space, and vibrant lifestyle is the sure bet to support visionary entrepreneurs as they develop and grow their ventures.

Join us in a lively exploration into the opportunities that abound in Puerto Rico and why forward-looking enterprises, both big and small, can make it happen here. 

Panelists will share their experiences and insights on the Island's entrepreneurial scene and business growth opportunities:
  • Puerto Rico's startup culture
  • Availability of resources and support services for entrepreneurs
  • Success stories from local incubators and accelerators
  • VC efforts to drive innovation locally
  • Infrastructure: public Wi-Fi, 5G and IoT networks, and more


Shine Professional Women Meetup, 2020

24 de octubre |   10:00 AM - 12:00 PM AST  |  GRATIS

Shine Professional Women Meetup este año se realiza de forma virtual , libre de costo.  La Pandemia de COVID-19 nos ha impuesto grandes retos a todos. Pero, dentro de la adversidad, hay mujeres que retan la Pandemia para continuar desarrollándose, creciendo y aportando desde el aspecto personal y laboral.  Este evento te presenta a cuatro de ellas, quienes compartirán sus vivencias, logros y consejos.


Boots to Business Reboot - PR & USVI

October 27 and 28 |   8AM EDT to 12:00PM EDT

Join our VBOC for a two day B2BR which will consist of two four hour classes. Boots to Business Reboot is a two-step training program that provides participants an overview of business ownership as a career vocation, an outline and knowledge on the components of a business plan, a practical exercise in opportunity recognition, and an introduction to available public and private sector resources.

Step one is the Introduction to Entrepreneurship course eligible to Veterans of all eras, service members(including members of the National Guard and Reserve) and their spouses. This course is instructed by SBA and its partners, who are skilled business advisors. Step two is one of the online follow-on courses instructed by a consortium of professors and skilled business advisors from the SBA Network. 

CDBG-DR-RFP-2020-04 Gerente para el
Programa de Pareo de Partidas No Federal

El Departamento de la Vivienda (DV), está emitiendo esta Solicitud de Propuestas (RFP) para los Servicios de Gerencia de Programas para el Programa de Pareo de Partidas No Federal bajo la asignación de CDBG-DR. El DV busca seleccionar la (s) firma (s) que asistirán en la implementación del Programa de Partidas No Federal de CDBG-DR. El (los) Proponente (s) Seleccionado (s) será responsable (s) de administrar múltiples entidades elegibles que ejecutarán acuerdos con DV.

Los profesionales de la salud que tengan síntomas de COVID-19 o sospecha de haberse contagiado podrán acudir a las facilidades del Colegio de Médicos Cirujanos de Puerto Rico, lunes a viernes de 8:00am a 5:00pm, para realizarse la prueba diagnóstica rápida que los saque de dudas. 

El doctor Víctor Ramos, presidente del Colegio, informó que esta gestión se realiza en alianza con la Asociación de IPA's, la Cámara de Comercio de Puerto Rico, el Colegio de Enfermería Práctica y organizaciones aliadas a la salud. El servicio es libre de costo, los profesionales de la salud solo necesitan llevar una orden médica y sacar cita antes de ir.

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Edificio Miramar Plaza
954 Ave. Ponce de León
Suite 406 - Cuarto Piso
Miramar, San Juan, 
Puerto Rico 00907

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