Nueva Orden Ejecutiva 2020-054

Orden Ejecutiva de la Gobernadora de Puerto Rico, Hon. Wanda Vázquez Garced, a los fines de derogar el Boletín Administrativo Núm. OE-2020-048, a los fines de adoptar medidas mas restrictivas para controlar la propagación del COVID-19 en Puerto Rico.

Gobernadora Wanda Vázquez Garced emite Orden Ejecutiva 2020-054 que extiende el toque de queda y establece restricciones para evitar el contagio del COVID-19

(16 de julio de 2020 - La Fortaleza, San Juan) - La gobernadora Wanda Vázquez Garced emitió la Orden Ejecutiva 2020-054, que extiende el toque de queda o el término del horario permitido para salir de las residencias de 5:00 a.m. a 10:00 de la noche hasta el 31 de julio de 2020, y establece cierre y restricciones de algunos comercios y actividades.

[Acceda el Comunicado de Prensa completo]

Gobernadora Wanda Vázquez Garced anuncia envío de más de $180 millones en nuevos pagos del incentivo de Impacto Económico

(16 de julio de 2020 - La Fortaleza, San Juan)  - La gobernadora Wanda Vázquez informó la emisión de nuevos pagos millonarios de $1,200, aprobados bajo la Ley CARES, para asistir a los ciudadanos afectados por la emergencia del COVID-19.

[Acceda el Comunicado de Prensa completo]

15 de julio de 2020
Café CNN - CNN Español entrevista a nuestro Presidente 
Juan Carlo Agosto

July 17
Essay: Rethinking Government,
A New Commonwealth-Muni Partnership

Given the challenges of the central government and the fiscal sustainability of many municipal governments, this might be the best chance Puerto Rico has to truly transform the entire government structure.

Guía de Pasajeros 
El Gobierno local exige a pasajeros que completen un formulario de
Declaración de Viajero a su llegada a Puerto Rico

Determinación Administrativa Núm. 20-18
Período extendido libre de Impuesto Sobre Ventas y Uso por regreso a la escuela para el Año Fiscal 2020-2021

Today, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross issued the following statement on the July 16 ruling by the Court of Justice of the European Union in the Schrems II case.

"While the Department of Commerce is deeply disappointed that the court appears to have invalidated the European Commission's adequacy decision underlying the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield, we are still studying the decision to fully understand its practical impacts," said Secretary Wilbur Ross. "We have been and will remain in close contact with the European Commission and European Data Protection Board on this matter and hope to be able to limit the negative consequences to the $7.1 trillion transatlantic economic relationship that is so vital to our respective citizens, companies, and governments. Data flows are essential not just to tech companies-but to businesses of all sizes in every sector. As our economies continue their post-COVID-19 recovery, it is critical that companies-including the 5,300+ current Privacy Shield participants-be able to transfer data without interruption, consistent with the strong protections offered by Privacy Shield." 

The Federal Trade Commission has sent a  report  to Congress on the use of social media bots in online advertising. The report summarizes the market for these bots and outlines the Commission's past enforcement work and authority in this area, including cases involving automated programs on social media that mimic the activity of real people.

Chamber Daily Bulletin
Keep your business strong, prepared, and proactive.
Developments That Matter

Mask Requirements Across America

A broad consensus has emerged that wearing masks is effective in minimizing the spread of COVID-19. Yet, debate and politicization of mask-wearing continues to threaten the reopening of our economy.

In an attempt to curb the recent spike in cases, some governors have issued orders requiring masks to be worn in public, leading to an inconsistent patchwork of rules across counties and states yet again. This  interactive map from the U.S. Chamber shows how this patchwork undermines consumer confidence and slows the recovery of economic activity. 

New Normal? The Most Effective Ways to Communicate Change To Your Employees

Research suggests that miscommunication costs small businesses  an average of $420,000  per year. That's a staggering economic loss attributed to ineffective communication. During periods of rapid change, communication becomes even more important. The chance for misunderstanding,  broken trust , and low morale gets compounded if your team is communicating poorly during times of change. Here's how to best communicate change to your employees to reduce uncertainty and frustration.

Chamber Outlines Priorities for Next Round of Coronavirus Relief Legislation

The Chamber's CEO Tom Donohue sent a  letter  today to congressional leaders urging further economic relief to families, businesses, and communities as Congress begins to draft the next round of coronavirus relief legislation.

1.3 Million Americans Filed for Unemployment Last Week

Initial unemployment claims remain stubbornly high. According to the  Department of Labor today , initial claims were 1.3 million last week. That is just 10,000 fewer than the week before. It is the 15th straight week of declines. Claims have fallen more than 5.5 million since their peak in late March. In total, more than 51 million Americans have filed claims since the COVID-19 shock hit.

Chamber's Bradley Talks COVID-19 Guidance for Business and Addressing Inequality

"A local-based guidance approach is really the best way to go," said Bradley. "It has to recognize that a construction site is not the same as an office building, that a restaurant is not the same as a retail store, and we have to adjust accordingly. If we give broad parameters, if we allow governors and local public health departments to adjust them based on local conditions and to change them as necessary, then we'll do a lot better job in protecting workers."

Resources to help keep your business strong, prepared, and proactive:

SBA Administrator Jovita Carranza Appoints Senior Executives to Champion Agency's Mission and Enhance Services for America's 30 Million Small Businesses 

July 16, 2020, WASHINGTON - Today,  SBA Administrator Jovita Carranza announced the appointment of seven senior executives in 2020-to date to administer the Agency's programs and advocate for small businesses.
"I am proud to announce the appointment of these senior executives to play a critical role in managing and realigning the delivery of our products and services to meet the needs of America's entrepreneurs during this extraordinary time," said SBA Administrator Jovita Carranza. "These executives will ensure that small businesses retool and gain a competitive edge in the areas of access to capital, entrepreneurial development, government contracting, and international trade."

BBB Tip: Scammers steal addresses of empty homes for rental cons, phony stores and more
For years, BBB has warned consumers against doing business with callers and online companies who don't have a valid physical address. Scammers, never easily deterred, have found a way to associate an address with their shady dealings, and this has led to the birth of even more scams.


Dale forma a tu futuro. RESPONDE el Censo HOY

  • Es fácil y rápido
    Completar el Censo del 2020 solo toma unos minutos.
  • No es demasiado tarde
    Todavía puede completar el censo hoy mismo.
  • Es seguro y confidencial
    La Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. protege sus respuestas y las mantiene estrictamente confidenciales.

Quién debe responder

El Censo del 2020 cuenta a todas las personas que viven en los Estados Unidos y en sus cinco territorios (Puerto Rico, Samoa Americana, la Mancomunidad de las Islas Marianas del Norte, Guam y las Islas Vírgenes de los EE. UU.).

Una sola persona debe responder por hogar. Esa persona debe tener por lo menos 15 años de edad, debe vivir en el hogar o en la misma dirección y conocer la información general sobre cada una de las personas que vive ahí. Para más información, visite   Qué preguntas se hacen.

Español/Spanish: Guía en Video para Completar el Censo del 2020 por Internet
Guía en Video para Completar el Censo del 2020 por Internet

Segunda Cápsula Informativa de la Cámara de Comercio del Sur de PR


3 Times a Mask Isn't Required & 10 Times It Always Is
Do you really need to wear one when driving?

Do you really need to wear one when driving?

Most of our daily tasks don't require much thought. Things like showering, eating, and using the bathroom are second nature by now, but what if we told you there was a more efficient way to do everyday activities you've forgotten about?  Correct Me If I'm Wrong... is's award-winning series about improving even the most mundane tasks you tackle on a daily basis so you can live happier and healthier.

Join CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta for the latest news about the coronavirus. He'll make sense of the headlines, speak with the experts and give you all the information you need to stay safe and healthy.

July 17

The White House is eager to get kids back in school, but many teachers and families worry about the role kids might play in spreading the virus. CNN's Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta talks with former acting CDC director Richard Besser about the risks and rewards of sending children back to school, as well as the importance of following public health guidance. from organizations like the CDC.

Beneficios para Nuestros Socios

OFERTA DE LANZAMIENTO para los Socios de la CCPR :
  • Valida hasta 31 de julio de 2020
  • 5% de descuento adicional aquellas empresas que paguen Setup + 12 meses por adelantado
  • Sujeta a contrato de permanencia por un seis meses
  • Benefíciese del ahorro del impuesto por servicios rendidos B2B (Ley 57) pagando varios meses por adelantado.
  • Registro en con el codigo de referido PRCC

 Más información


"Wellness Break - Live Sessions" 
a las 3:00 PM. 
Acceda a nuestro canal en YouTube o Facebook Live.

Foro con los Candidatos a la Gobernación

13 de agosto  | 3:00 - 6:00 p.m.  |  Via ZOOM


Curso Corto: Requisitos de seguridad para el manejo de firmas electrónicas y envío de documentos por correo electrónico

4 de agosto  | 1:00 p.m.

El registro es de manera online, entrando al enlace bajo "Regístrate aquí". Completar toda la información solicitada y el pago, el cual debe ser a través de PayPal. Una vez completa el proceso de registro y pago, recibirá un correo electrónico por parte de Zoom con el enlace único para accesar el día del curso.

Certificado de horas de educación continuada para corredores de bienes raices debe ser solicitado a [email protected] o llamando al 787-753-9237. El mismo tendra un costo adicional de $5, pagado a su totalidad al momento de solicitarlo, con tarjeta VISA o MC.
Cualquier pregunta o asistencia, no dude en comunicarse con nosotros al 787-753-9237.

July xx, 2020

Los profesionales de la salud que tengan síntomas de COVID-19 o sospecha de haberse contagiado podrán acudir a las facilidades del Colegio de Médicos Cirujanos de Puerto Rico,  lunes a viernes  de 8:00am a 5:00pm, para realizarse la prueba diagnóstica rápida que los saque de dudas. 

El doctor Víctor Ramos, presidente del Colegio, informó que esta gestión se realiza en alianza con la Asociación de IPA's, la Cámara de Comercio de Puerto Rico, el Colegio de Enfermería Práctica y organizaciones aliadas a la salud. El servicio es libre de costo, los profesionales de la salud solo necesitan llevar una orden médica y sacar cita antes de ir.

La Cámara de Comercio de Puerto Rico está participando junto 
al Colegio de Médicos Cirujanos de Puerto Rico y  32 organizaciones de Salud en el Centro de Llamadas.  

Se contestan preguntas sobre:
  • Salud
  • Médicas
  • Negocios
  • Contribuciones
  • Operaciones, logística de envío y recibo de paquetes
  • Legales, Recursos Humanos, Osha, entre otros.
Para más información escriba a la Dra. Jeannette Vázquez[email protected]

Material Campaña  Educativa Nacional Prevención del Coronavirus (COVID19)

Campaña Prevención Coronavirus y Otras Enfermedades Infecciosas
Campaña Prevención Coronavirus y
Otras Enfermedades Infecciosas

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