Conversatorio sobre Competitividad y Desarrollo Económico
El pasado miércoles 16 de diciembre nuestro Presidente Juan Carlos Agosto participó junto al exgobernador de Puerto Rico y presidente de CRECE Luis Fortuño Burset, y líderes de organizaciones de diversos sectores económicos en el primer conversatorio sobre competitividad y desarrollo económico presentado por el Centro para Renovación Económica, Crecimiento y Excelencia (CRECE), el programa Emprendedores y El Vocero.

Cobertura en Prensa:

Press Release
Approves Re-apportionments by the Government of Puerto Rico and CDBG-MIT Action Plan; Discussed Puerto Rico’s Economy and Business Environment

(San Juan, PR – December 18, 2020) – The Financial Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico today held its23rd public board meeting and made several decisions that will continue to help Puerto Rico recover and improve Puerto Rico’s fiscal responsibility, as mandated under PROMESA.

The Oversight Board, with new members John Nixon and Dr. Betty Rosa recently appointed by President Donald J. Trump, discussed the current state of the Puerto Rico economy, the results of the Oversight Board’s latest business survey, and the second phase of the Oversight Board’s investigation into audit and consulting services performed by BDO Puerto Rico (BDO).

Publication 20-03: Developer Guide Informative Returns Electronic Filing Requirements For Tax Year 2020
16 entrepreneurs turn their business idea into a reality
Through our Emprende 360° program, 16 aspiring entrepreneurs completed the business education curriculum to transform their business idea into reality. After a 12-month process with leading organizations in the entrepreneurial ecosystem, the cohort developed 11 business ideas for the Coamo and Ponce region, and was awarded $2,000 in seed capital to jump-start each business.

The Emprende 360° program began in December of last year with the goal of decentralizing entrepreneurship education in the metropolitan area and developing new business ideas, using the visitor economy as a guide. Together with INprende, Centro para Emprendedores, Grupo Guayacán and Causa Local, Foundation for Puerto Rico (FPR) developed a sequential curriculum that integrates the methodologies of each entity, thus creating an innovative formula for the successful development of these business ideas and their owners. Through eight stages, with established goals and objectives, the participants learn about the different particular aspects of entrepreneurship.
Socios: $75 + IVU
No Socios: $125 + IVU
Plan #12Puntos para Promover la Actividad Económica en PR
Universidad Interamericana presenta su primer curso en línea abierto y masivo sobre Marketing Digital

San Juan, 25 de noviembre de 2020 - La Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico en colaboración a la Cámara de Comercio de Puerto Rico, presenta para los miembros de la Cámara y para el público en general, su primer curso en línea abierto y masivo llamado Introducción al Marketing Digital, a ofrecerse de forma gratuita.

En este curso, se discutirán los conceptos básicos del marketing digital, se explicarán los canales y contenidos que se utilizan en los esfuerzos de marketing digital y se describirá el proceso de planificación del marketing digital. Este curso se ofrecerá en español. [LEER MAS]
FDA Statement on Vaccines and Related Biological Products
Advisory Committee Meeting
Following today’s positive advisory committee meeting outcome regarding the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has informed the sponsor that it will rapidly work toward finalization and issuance of an emergency use authorization. The agency has also notified the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Operation Warp Speed, so they can execute their plans for timely vaccine distribution.
Don’t be CBDeceived by junk science
If you’ve explored alternative treatments for medical conditions, you’ve probably noticed that CBD products are pretty popular. But if an ad claims a CBD-based product is scientifically proven to cure or treat your symptoms, take that with a dose of caution to prevent losing money and, possibly, putting your health at risk.
Developments That Matter
Discover & Deliver: Second Approved COVID Vaccine Expected this Week

Economic Viewpoints
Retail Sales Fell in November

Top of Mind
Path Forward: Distributing the COVID-19 Vaccine

Rep. Meeks: Opening Doors to Opportunity Will Transform Individuals and Communities

Space Summit Focuses on Growing the Space Economy

Small Business, Big Impact
How to Open a Shopify Store in 5 Simple Steps

COVID-19 Tax Resource Center
As the U.S. federal, state, and local governments, as well as countries around the world, continue to implement measures to support their economies amid the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, our experts are providing trusted analysis of the latest coronavirus tax policy developments to better inform policymakers, journalists, and taxpayers.
Puerto Rico Divided into 2: Public vs. Private Sectors

One of the more distinctive contributions of Gov. Wanda Vázquez has been the segregation of Puerto Rico into two different islands, inhabited by people from the public and private sectors, respectively.

Since the lockdown orders began March 15, through its design, the brunt of the pain and suffering was passed on to the private sector, becoming the worst possible nightmare for businesses and employees who were laid off. At one point, more than 52 percent of the private sector’s employees were unemployed. Meanwhile, in the public sector, 70 percent of the employees were sent home and continued to get paid without working.
Join CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta for the latest news about the coronavirus. He'll make sense of the headlines, speak with the experts and give you all the information you need to stay safe and healthy.

A Spoonful of Hope
December 18

Nearly 60 years ago, Americans witnessed the roll out of a polio vaccine that would change lives and the way we fight disease. Writer and producer Jeffrey Sherman was a child when he took the vaccine, at the time delivered by sugar cube. It turns out that small act inspired an American classic. He talks to CNN writer Tom Lake about the experience and why it’s so relevant today.
7 lecciones que he aprendido luego de entrevistar a más de
70 empresarios e innovadores
Cuando era chiquito, mi papá siempre me decía: “No me digas qué quieres ser. Dime cómo quieres vivir y así encontrarás qué quieres ser”. Por alguna razón eso siempre me caló. Y recuerdo como si fuera hoy el día en que decidí que quería emprender. Yo solo quería ser mi propio jefe para poder trabajar en trajes de baño y chancletas. La meta no era monetaria ni incluía reconocimientos. Quizás es porque Instagram todavía no era el magnate de red social que conocemos hoy. Pero eso también despertó un sentido de responsabilidad dentro de mí porque entendía que iba a depender de mí, y solamente de mí, lograrlo. Y no es para menos, porque cuando buscas la definición de emprender en el Diccionario de la Real Academia Española te das cuenta que emprender es “cometer y comenzar una obra, un negocio, un empeño, especialmente si encierran dificultad o peligro”.
Beneficios para Nuestros Socios
Corporate Events Solution
to all active PRCC Members
Economic Injury Disaster Loan
To be conducted in Spanish and Free of Charge

Making the Reconsideration Process
How to Fill Out the Application
EIDL Guidance

December 21 | 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM AST | REGISTER
December 23 | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM AST | REGISTER

Foreign Trade Regulations Webinar (SPANISH) - ONLINE
January 13-14 | 2:00 - 3:30 PM ET

Foreign Trade Regulations' presentation within the AES Compliance seminar last 3 hours. In this event, we will have two sessions of 1.5 hours to keep our virtual audience engaged. Day One will cover legal requirements, fundamentals of an export shipment and data elements. Day 2 will discuss types of transactions, repairs, replacements and penalties. The information provided will help you to achieve compliance with your export shipments.
December, 2020
December 2, 2020
Feature Heading
Los profesionales de la salud que tengan síntomas de COVID-19 o sospecha de haberse contagiado podrán acudir a las facilidades del Colegio de Médicos Cirujanos de Puerto Rico, lunes a viernes de 8:00am a 5:00pm, para realizarse la prueba diagnóstica rápida que los saque de dudas. 

El doctor Víctor Ramos, presidente del Colegio, informó que esta gestión se realiza en alianza con la Asociación de IPA's, la Cámara de Comercio de Puerto Rico, el Colegio de Enfermería Práctica y organizaciones aliadas a la salud. El servicio es libre de costo, los profesionales de la salud solo necesitan llevar una orden médica y sacar cita antes de ir.
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