Gobernadora Wanda Vázquez Garced informa distribución de $108 millones para hospitales privados

(25 de junio de 2020 - La Fortaleza, San Juan) - La gobernadora Wanda Vázquez Garced informó la distribución de $108.9 millones a través del Programa de Asistencia a Hospitales Privados, incluido en el Plan Estratégico de Desembolsos de la ley Cares.

"Esta millonaria distribución de fondos, que inició durante la primera semana junio de 2020, representa un avance importante en la respuesta a la emergencia provocada por el COVID-19. Nuestra administración seguirá trabajando fuertemente para continuar desembolsando el restante de estos fondos dirigidos al sector hospitalario para que continúen protegiendo la salud pública y la vida de nuestro pueblo", expresó la primera ejecutiva.

La primera institución hospitalaria en recibir la asignación fue el grupo de hospitales del sistema del Centro Médico del Turabo, hoy conocido como los hospitales HIMA San Pablo (Caguas, Cupey, Fajardo, Bayamón y Humacao), cuyo desembolso rondó en $18.8 millones para el grupo de hospitales.

[Acceda el  Comunicado de Prensa completo]

Hacienda informa pagos millonarios en reintegros de la planilla 2019

[25 de junio de 2020 - San Juan, PR] El secretario del Departamento de Hacienda (DH), Francisco Parés Alicea, informó el desembolso de pagos adicionales de $26 millones en reintegros correspondientes a la Planilla de Contribución sobre Ingresos de 2019 que aumentan la cifra total de desembolsos a más de $400 millones por ese concepto.

"Esta semana enviamos reintegros por $26,247,554 a unos 35,116 contribuyentes. Nuestro compromiso y el de la gobernadora Wanda Vázquez Garced, es continuar desembolsando todas las ayudas y los pagos que nos corresponden, con la mayor diligencia posible para el beneficio de los ciudadanos impactados por los cambios que ha provocado el COVID-19 en la economía y en nuestro estilo de vida", dijo el funcionario.

Parés Alicea detalló que el Departamento ha reembolsado hasta el momento un total $412,999,154 en reintegros correspondientes a 546,412 planillas del 2019. "Le recuerdo a los ciudadanos que la fecha límite para cumplir con la radicación es el 15 de julio. Esta es la segunda extensión del término que hicimos en medio de la emergencia que experimentamos desde marzo", agregó.

Pride Month is a time for members of the LGBTQ+ community and its allies to celebrate our history and continue the fight for equal rights. While we come from different places and different backgrounds, we all share the innate desire for acceptance.The need to build and sustain a community online is more important than ever before.

I was born and raised in Arcata, a rural community in Northern California. Growing up, I felt fortunate to have access to Internet and other technology - something that can't be said for many rural communities in the U.S.

The email suddenly appears in your inbox. Someone is writing to say that they have access to your cell phone or your computer. And they're about to make your sensitive videos, pictures, or compromising information public. Pay them money (a ransom), they say, using a cryptocurrency , like Bitcoin, and they won't expose the truth.

FEMA Awards Nearly $2 Million to Help People Cope with COVID-19-Related Stress

FEMA Region 3 has awarded nearly $2 million to help fund crisis counseling services for people struggling with mental health issues stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic.

FEMA's mission is to help people before, during and after disasters.
Follow  FEMA online, on Twitter  @FEMA or  @FEMAEspanol, on  FEMA's Facebook page  or  Espanol page and at FEMA's  YouTube account. Also, follow Administrator Pete Gaynor's activities  @FEMA_Pete.

The Citizens Awards

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation's Citizens Awards  recognize businesses for the difference they make in communities around the world-in times of crisis and every day.

Businesses have played a longstanding role in helping solve society's greatest challenges and supporting the strength of their communities. We see examples of this every day, and no time has this been more apparent than during the coronavirus pandemic. Business has shown unprecedented strength on the front lines of the response effort, with companies doubling down on their commitment to communities and the programs that work towards a more sustainable and inclusive world. 

The Citizens Awards are now accepting nominations from businesses of all sizes, trade associations, chambers of commerce, and partnerships that have demonstrated the power of business to create positive impact.

We encourage you to nominate a company for  one or more categories and share this opportunity with organizations in your network.  The deadline to submit a nomination is Friday, July 10, 2020. 

You can learn more about the award program  here and begin your nomination now. For any questions, please reach out to  [email protected].

Chamber Daily Bulletin
Keep your business strong, prepared, and proactive.
Developments That Matter

National Summit on Equality of Opportunity Inspires the Call for Change

Yesterday, the U.S. Chamber hosted the  National Summit on Equality of Opportunity-a conversation that included many voices, thoughtful listening, and a drive for action.

"We fundamentally believe that all Americans should have the opportunity to earn their success, rise on their own merit, and live the American Dream. But we know today that isn't the case. Too many are held back because of the color of their skin," said Chamber CEO Tom Donohue in opening the summit.

Pride Month Spotlight: JSQUARED Naturals

While enduring Coronavirus-related shutdowns, many of us have turned to enjoying our natural surroundings more often. For Jeff Alfaro-Johnston, founder and perfumer of   JSQUARED , the importance of integrating natural elements into daily life has become a science -- one that he has mastered through formal study and a unique passion for natural materials and their ability to enrich our lives. 

1.48 Million Americans Filed for Unemployment Last Week

Another 1.48 million Americans  filed for unemployment  last week. That was down 60,000 from the previous week. But nearly 1.5 million workers still filing initial unemployment claims is troubling. In total, 47.2 million Americans have filed claims since the middle of March when the COVID-19 shock hit the economy.

How to Negotiate a Business Office Lease

Deciding to lease office space for your business is a big step and one that can be nerve-wracking for many business owners. Much like negotiating a lease for your home, there are some things to keep in mind when negotiating an office lease. Read on to find out how to negotiate the best lease terms possible for your office space.

Your Take: RELX

In challenging times like these, the need for effective public-private collaboration has never been more important. One of our businesses, Elsevier, is a leading scientific and medical journal publisher and information analytics provider. Elsevier has partnered with the NIH and the WHO to support COVID research solutions, and has started up a  Novel Coronavirus Information Center , providing free access to Elsevier's research content, clinical insights and data analytics on this new disease.  Our content has already been downloaded more than 50 million times. Every researcher on our platform could have a piece of the puzzle, a key to unlocking the solutions we need.

Resources to help keep your business strong, prepared, and proactive:

GAO Report Reveals Need to Simplify Next Round of Rebates

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) recently released a report revealing that almost a half-million taxpayers missed their total rebate payment due to complications over disbursing funds to non-filers with eligible dependents. Taxpayers who do not regularly file tax returns-usually those who do not owe tax because they earn lower incomes or who receive federal disbursements through agencies like the Social Security Administration-were required to provide additional information, such as their current address, to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to receive their benefits. Unless non-filers provide this information online, non-filers must wait until they file their 2020 tax return to receive their rebate.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: Daily Roundup June 25, 2020

A new FDA Voices, titled Partnering with the European Union and Global Regulators on COVID-19, explains how the FDA and the European Union, including the latter's European Medicines Agency, have long leveraged each other's expertise and experience to promote the safety, effectiveness, and quality of medical products to advance the health of our respective citizens. Now, our work, built together over more than a decade, has paved the way for a multitude of critical collaborations on many scientific and regulatory fronts as part of our response to the global COVID-19 public health crisis.

USDA Seeks Applications for Technical Assistance Grants to Help Socially Disadvantaged Groups

WASHINGTON, June 25, 2020  - U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Deputy Under Secretary for Rural Development Bette Brand today announced that USDA is accepting applications for grants to help socially disadvantaged groups develop business and strategic plans in rural areas.

USDA is making $3 million in grants available under the  Socially Disadvantaged Groups Grant  program. Eligible applicants include cooperatives, groups of cooperatives and cooperative development centers. The grants are intended to help disadvantaged groups develop the capacity to implement plans and undertake projects to improve economic and social conditions.

2020 Census: Your Response Matters

Invitations to respond to the 2020 Census were delivered in March. About 69 million households across the nation  were sent reminder post cards in the mail. 
Did you know?  You can respond online in one of 13 languages and find assistance in many more. 

Respond Now

Why You Shouldn't Feel Guilty About Putting Yourself First Right Now
During both a pandemic and social uprising, a therapist explains why Black Americans should still make room for mental health.

We're in the midst of both a global pandemic and social revolution. From focusing on the seriousness of COVID-19's effect worldwide to keeping up with the overwhelming evidence of America's institutional racism, it's an understatement to say that we are exhausted. At this time, it's important that we have tough conversations with family and friends, and anyone we know who may not understand the  severity of remaining silent . But having these conversations can be draining, and during this time it's also important to put yourself first and manage your mental health.


Prepara a tiempo tu planilla trimestral

Los eventos recientes de los huracanes Irma y María, los terremotos y la pandemia del Covid-19 han dejado claro la importancia de contar con las responsabilidades financieras de nuestros negocios al día. No solamente por cumplir con las exigencias gubernamentales, también la importancia de contar con un presupuesto y finanzas al corriente para sobrellevar eventos inevitables y de los cuales no podemos tener control. Muchos empresarios por falta de cumplimiento y planificación no han podido acceder a beneficios de manera oportuna.

Puerto Rico Business Insider
An exclusive newsletter for Synergi Partners Puerto Rico

SBA Loans or Salary Credits a few key differences between these two tools provided by CARES Act

Besides the Paycheck Protection Plan (PPP) loans authorized by Congress for the Small Business Administration (SBA) under the CARES Act, there are other alternatives that should be looked upon by business owners. Undoubtedly forgiveness of the loan seems attractive to any person. This product offers this alternative but fine print needs to be read carefully because loan forgiveness is predicated on a rather complex set of rules. To operating (or those partially doing so) businesses the credit for salaries paid starts for the payments made during the 24 weeks after disbursement so anything paid before will not count towards the possible forgiveness. The other alternative CARES offer is a credit for salaries paid up to 5,000 dollars. The employer will apply this credit in the Puerto Rico context to the Social Security payment due. The remaining balance, and most likely there will be a hefty one, will be refunded Puerto Rico Business Insider june 2020 Number 9 SBA Loans or Salary Credits a few key differences between these two tools provided by CARES Act directly by the Federal Government to the employer.



Beneficios para Nuestros Socios

OFERTA DE LANZAMIENTO para los Socios de la CCPR :
  • Valida hasta 10 de julio de 2020
  • 5% de descuento adicional aquellas empresas que paguen Setup + 12 meses por adelantado
  • Sujeta a contrato de permanencia por un seis meses
  • Benefíciese del ahorro del impuesto por servicios rendidos B2B (Ley 57) pagando varios meses por adelantado.
  • Registro en www.safetracpr.com con el codigo de referido PRCC

 Más información

Participe del webinar de orientación a empresas
lunes 29 de junio  |  10:30am.

Utilice este enlace para acceder el webinar:


"Wellness Break - Live Sessions" 
a las 3:00 PM. 
Acceda a nuestro canal en YouTube o Facebook Live.

Entrepreneurs Mastermind Third Edition

26 de junio  | 7:00 p.m.  |  Libre de Costo

Se unen mentes grandiosas y emprendedoras para compartir contigo temas de innovación, alianzas, finanzas, networking local e internacional.


Congreso Empresarial 2020

26 - 27 de junio  | ZOOM

Pendientes a nuestra página para más detalles.  Como emprendedores nada nos detiene, continuamos hacia delante siempre. 

Los #webinars son la nueva realidad para llevar a cabo talleres o seminarios transmitidos por internet. Contamos con el conocimiento y plataforma para realizarlos de manera segura con tus clientes o equipo de trabajo. Escríbenos un DM para trabajar contigo tu agenda de eventos virtuales.

Los profesionales de la salud que tengan síntomas de COVID-19 o sospecha de haberse contagiado podrán acudir a las facilidades del Colegio de Médicos Cirujanos de Puerto Rico,  lunes a viernes  de 8:00am a 5:00pm, para realizarse la prueba diagnóstica rápida que los saque de dudas. 

El doctor Víctor Ramos, presidente del Colegio, informó que esta gestión se realiza en alianza con la Asociación de IPA's, la Cámara de Comercio de Puerto Rico, el Colegio de Enfermería Práctica y organizaciones aliadas a la salud. El servicio es libre de costo, los profesionales de la salud solo necesitan llevar una orden médica y sacar cita antes de ir.

La Cámara de Comercio de Puerto Rico está participando junto 
al Colegio de Médicos Cirujanos de Puerto Rico y  32 organizaciones de Salud en el Centro de Llamadas.  

Se contestan preguntas sobre:
  • Salud
  • Médicas
  • Negocios
  • Contribuciones
  • Operaciones, logística de envío y recibo de paquetes
  • Legales, Recursos Humanos, Osha, entre otros.
Para más información escriba a la Dra. Jeannette Vázquez[email protected]

Material Campaña  Educativa Nacional Prevención del Coronavirus (COVID19)

Campaña Prevención Coronavirus y Otras Enfermedades Infecciosas
Campaña Prevención Coronavirus y
Otras Enfermedades Infecciosas

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