Resilience and community planning in Puerto Rico's recovery

The onslaught of various atmospheric events in Puerto Rico has imposed several setbacks on the path to reconstruction. This situation reinforces the need for our communities to strengthen their disaster response methods and become more resilient.  

During our Stay Open, Stay Safe session, we talked with Félix Aponte-González, our new colleague and Senior Program Officer for the Whole Community Resilience Planning Program (WCRP) about community planning as a tool for island recovery. 



¡Tú puedes cambiar el rumbo de tu país!
¡Exigimos servidores públicos competentes, honestos y con espíritu de servicio al pueblo!

The Federal Trade Commission signed an updated memorandum of understanding (MOU) with two Nigerian enforcement agencies to enhance communication and cooperation in a joint effort to combat cross-border fraud.
The updated MOU with Nigeria's Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (FCCPC) and Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) reaffirms the agencies' capacity and willingness to work together, as well as the intention to share information and to assist one another in consumer protection investigations. Nigeria's FCCPC addresses consumer protection matters through investigations and enforcement. The EFCC is a criminal enforcement agency that combats consumer fraud and other financial crimes. The updated MOU replaces the FTC's 2013 MOU with the FCCPC's predecessor, the Consumer Protection Council (CPC), and the EFCC.

29 de octubre de 2020, GUAYNABO, Puerto Rico - Los sobrevivientes del desastre afectados por la tormenta tropical Isaías podrían recibir una carta de decisión de la Agencia Federal para el Manejo de Emergencias (FEMA, por sus siglas en inglés) que indique que no son elegibles para recibir asistencia. Esta podría no ser el resultado final. Si usted cree que la decisión de FEMA fue incorrecta, puede presentar una apelación ante FEMA.

El primer paso es leer su carta de decisión detenidamente para comprender por qué FEMA indicó que la solicitud "no era elegible". Muchas veces, solucionar el problema podría ser algo tan simple como proporcionar información o documentos que faltan.

FEMA's mission is to help people before, during and after disasters.
Follow FEMA online, on Twitter @FEMA or @FEMAEspanol, on FEMA's Facebook page  or Espanol page and at FEMA's YouTube account. Also, follow Administrator Pete Gaynor's activities @FEMA_Pete.

Developments That Matter
Why Stakeholders' Concerns Depend on Long-Term Corporate Success

Last week, I took part in a conversation at the Bipartisan Policy Council on stakeholder capitalism and corporate governance.  Why this matters: Stakeholder concerns including Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG), among others, have forced the attention of companies and investors

Economic Viewpoints
Housing Market Gains Continue in September

As previewed earlier this week, the numbers for third quarter GDP came out today and showed the economy grew 33.1%. This is a record for quarterly growth. The previous record was 16.7%, so it almost doubled that rate. Even with a strong quarter, GDP remains about 3% below where it was pre-pandemic. 

Top of Mind
How We Can Stop the Spread and Keep America Safe & Open

We have learned a lot since the pandemic began in the spring. We can stop the spread of COVID-19, limit deaths and suffering, and prevent job-crushing lockdowns.  That was the focus of today's event, No Crystal Ball Needed: Keeping America Safe & Open.

Discover & Deliver: No October Surprise, But Promising Advances for a COVID Vaccine

While there may not have been an October surprise in the race to develop a COVID-19 vaccine, there have been a number of promising advances in the last week alone.

The Logistical Challenges of Vaccine Distribution

Once COVID-19 vaccines are developed the challenge will be distributing them. Today, the U.S. Chamber hosted the next installment of the NOW+NEXT series exploring this topic with experts from Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, SICPA, and DHL.

USCC Myron Brilliant Interviews Israeli Ambassador Ron Dermer

U.S.-Israel Trade Forum Explores Benefits of a More Connected Middle East

On Monday, the Chamber's U.S.-Israel Business Initiative celebrated the 35th anniversary of the U.S.-Israel free trade agreement (FTA) at its annual U.S.-Israel Trade Forum.
What happened: In his keynote remarks, Israeli Minister of Economy H.E. Amir Peretz noted that bilateral trade has multiplied 10-fold since the FTA's signing and accounts for 20% of U.S. bilateral trade with the Middle East, though Israel makes up just 2% of the region's population.

Small Business, Big Impact
10 Smart and Practical Ways to Cut Your Overhead Costs

Every small business knows it can be tricky to reduce expenses without sacrificing internal or external quality. If you need to cut your overhead costs, the first step is setting aside time to comb through every single expense you have and understand exactly how much you're spending. Once you've taken that step, you can start to assess what's necessary, what can be reduced and what should be eliminated entirely.

Resources to help keep your business strong, prepared, and proactive:

Event Series

Keep Your Business Safe from Cybersecurity Threats

According to the National Cybersecurity Alliance, many small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) have the misconception that their data is not valuable and that, in turn, they are unlikely to be the target of a cyberattack. However, 28% of cyberattacks involve small business victims. In short, all data is valuable - and there are simple steps that small business owners can take to protect theirs. This Cybersecurity Awareness Month, we encourage you to leverage the following tips and resources to ramp up your cybersecurity safeguards.

BBB Tip: Hauntings from the cyber beyond could be a trick - not a treat
October 29

A little late-night Web surfing reveals an instant message popping up from a sender you once knew. Once being past tense because they have already left the land of the living and now, so it seems, they are reaching out to reconnect. Before clicking reply, keep in mind approximately 2.5 million deceased individuals have their identities stolen every year according to a study by ID Analytics.

A Preliminary Look at 2019 Tax Data for Individuals 

The IRS has released tax data covering the first 30 weeks of the tax season, providing a glimpse of how individual taxpayers fared in 2019, the second tax year under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). The preliminary data provides aggregate information by income group on a range of topics, including sources of income as well as deductions and credits taken by taxpayers.

Covid-19 desestabiliza los mercados

La tensión generada por el aumento en contagios por coronavirus y las próximas elecciones presidenciales en Estados Unidos dio paso a una contracción de 3.4% en la bolsa de valores -la más fuerte desde junio-, lo que podría impactar negativamente el desarrollo de las actividades económicas en Puerto Rico.

Dow Jones registra significativa caída - Global Market Square

Los mercados de valores de EE. UU. Y Europa cayeron bruscamente a medida que los casos de COVID-19 se disparan en ambas partes del mundo. Hoy Francia impuso más restricciones a medida que los casos de COVID-19 aumentan a un enorme 119% en los últimos 30 días.


Join CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta for the latest news about the coronavirus. He'll make sense of the headlines, speak with the experts and give you all the information you need to stay safe and healthy.

Dr. Craig Spencer's Long Haul
October 30

Almost exactly six years ago, Dr. Craig Spencer was getting out of the hospital after being treated for Ebola. But his recovery didn't end there. He joins CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta to talk about how his experience could shed light on the long-term effects of Covid-19.

The Coronavirus Campaign
October 29

With Election Day less than a week away, CNN's Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta speaks with CNN Political Director David Chalian about the role the pandemic plays in choosing the next president.

Nuestra Network Navigator, Evy Collazo fue entrevistada por Anika Horn and Enoch Elwell de Social Venturers para conversar sobre "ecosystem builders". En esta entrevista junto a otros dos constructores de ecosistemas empresariales hablaron sobre la importancia de poner a los empresarios y emprendedores primero.

"Our main focus is to connect entrepreneurs with resources so we have built relationships with other entrepreneur support organizations on the island including less obvious ones such as universities that cater to their entire community as well as some government offices. We manage a central calendar of events and a resource directory for entrepreneurs across Puerto Rico." 

Dicen que soy un huracán de energía. Yo digo que soy una traductora tropical. Pero mi mamá, mi fuerza y mi ídolo como mujer negra, me nombró Roslyn Famous. Así que ésa soy yo, Roslyn Famous: traductora, afroempresaria y dueña de Lingovox Translation Studio.

PPP Criollo

En días recientes el Gobierno de Puerto Rico lanzó una ayuda adicional para empresas locales conocido como el "PPP Criollo".

Adjunto le hemos incluido información detallada de parte de Synergi Partners Puerto Rico sobre este nuevo beneficio.  Sabemos que hay mucha confusión sobre lo cambinabilidad y eligibilidad de todos los beneficios disponibles y a través de Synergi Partners no solo le pueden orientar sino también asistir en el trámite.

Para más información puede contactar Synergi Partners según aparece en los documentos adjuntos y/o a Daphne Barbeito que es nuestra asesora de desarrollo de negocio asignada

Comiendo sin delivery fees: DoorDash se convierte en la opción de delivery más asequible para Boricuas en la isla durante COVID.

San Juan, Puerto Rico- DoorDash, la plataforma de delivery más grande de los Estados Unidos reconoce que la economía de Puerto Rico está más afectada por COVID en comparación con el resto de EE. UU. Por lo tanto, están implementando una tarifa de entrega de $0 para cada cliente y cada restaurante. 

Beneficios para Nuestros Socios

Corporate Events Solution

to all active PRCC Members


Eventos @Camarapr

Webinar: Canna Forum
Industria de Cannabis Medicinal en Puerto Rico: Retos y Oportunidades

5 de noviembre  |  3:00 - 5:00 p.m.

VIA Plataforma ZOOM y Facebook LIVE 


Condonación del préstamo PPP

5 de noviembre |  2:00 PM - 4:00 PM  |  Libre de Costo



5 de noviembre | 10:00 AM  |  Libre de Costo

El "email marketing" es una herramienta que podría ayudarte a adquirir nuevos clientes, profundizar tu relación con los que ya tienes, desarrollar lealtad, interactuar con tus contactos, aumentar ventas, generar confianza hacia un servicio o producto, confirmar órdenes, lograr una segunda venta, entre otras cosas.


2020 Corporate Citizenship Conference: Business Solves

Tuesday, November 17 - Thursday, November 19   |  1:00 - 4:00 PM (EDT)

Join us for insightful conversations on how business will chart a resilient path forward after this year's challenges. For the first time this year, the conference will be held in conjunction with our 21st Annual Citizens Awards.


Empresario, ¿sabes cómo vender en línea tus productos o servicios?

12 de noviembre | 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM  |  Libre de Costo

Ven a escuchar y aprender como integrar "E-commerce" - Comercio electrónico! Seminario Virtual, ¡Libre de Costo! El cierre de comercios resultado del Covid-19 resalta la necesidad de nuevas modalidades de negocios utilizando el internet. Únete a esta modalidad.

Goldman Sachs Small Business Program

Goldman Sachs Small Businesses Program es un programa para ayudar a los empresarios a crear empleos y oportunidades económicas al brindar acceso a servicios de educación, capital y apoyo empresarial. El PR MBDA Business Center continúa promoviendo el programa dirigido a dueños de negocios con el cual podrán crear un plan de crecimiento: una implementación estratégica y táctica para guiar el crecimiento de su negocio.

  • Negocios con 2 años o más
  • $ 75,000 en ingresos
  • Tener al menos 2 empleados
  • Ser el propietario / copropietario / tomador de decisiones clave


Los profesionales de la salud que tengan síntomas de COVID-19 o sospecha de haberse contagiado podrán acudir a las facilidades del Colegio de Médicos Cirujanos de Puerto Rico, lunes a viernes de 8:00am a 5:00pm, para realizarse la prueba diagnóstica rápida que los saque de dudas. 

El doctor Víctor Ramos, presidente del Colegio, informó que esta gestión se realiza en alianza con la Asociación de IPA's, la Cámara de Comercio de Puerto Rico, el Colegio de Enfermería Práctica y organizaciones aliadas a la salud. El servicio es libre de costo, los profesionales de la salud solo necesitan llevar una orden médica y sacar cita antes de ir.

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Edificio Miramar Plaza
954 Ave. Ponce de León
Suite 406 - Cuarto Piso
Miramar, San Juan, 
Puerto Rico 00907

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