¡Tú puedes cambiar el rumbo de tu país!
¡Exigimos servidores públicos competentes, honestos y con espíritu de servicio al pueblo!

FDA Reaffirms Commitment to Safety, Security of its Public Health Laboratories

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration's mission to protect and promote public health by ensuring the safety of the nation's food supply, as well as the safety and efficacy of medical products, has always relied on a rigorous analysis of the scientific data available and a strong commitment to safety. We are dedicated to helping ensure the safety of the American public through our work and the safety of all of our staff by continuing to support and strengthen a culture that prioritizes workplace safety.

If you don't usually file a tax return, or didn't file a return for 2018 or 2019, you might not know you could qualify for an economic impact payment. You might be one of the nine million people getting a letter from the IRS letting you know how to register on their website to claim your payment. The new deadline for filing is November 21, 2020.

FEMA Announces Lost Wages Grant for Puerto Rico

WASHINGTON -- FEMA Administrator Pete Gaynor approved Puerto Rico for a FEMA grant under the Lost Wages Assistance program. FEMA's grant funding will allow Puerto Rico to provide $300 per week -- on top of their regular unemployment benefit -- to those unemployed due to COVID-19. FEMA will work with Puerto Rico Governor Wanda Vázquez Garced to implement a system to make this funding available to Puerto Rico residents.

On Aug. 8, 2020, President Trump made available up to $44 billion from FEMA's Disaster Relief Fund to provide financial assistance to Americans who have lost wages due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Today, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico agreed to administer a lost wages program for its citizens who are unemployed due to COVID-19.

FEMA looks forward to working with the governors of additional states who agree to administer a lost wages program to bring financial relief to unemployed Americans.

To see a list of states previously approved for lost wages assistance, go to: https://www.fema.gov/fact-sheet/lost-wages-assistance-approved-states

To learn more about FEMA's lost wages supplemental payment assistance, visit: https://www.fema.gov/disasters/coronavirus/governments/supplemental-payments-lost-wages-guidelines

FEMA's mission is to help people before, during and after disasters.
Follow FEMA online, on Twitter @FEMA or @FEMAEspanol, on FEMA's Facebook page  or Espanol page and at FEMA's YouTube account. Also, follow Administrator Pete Gaynor's activities @FEMA_Pete.

Congressional Budget Office Releases 2017 Data on Household Income and Tax Burdens 

Last week, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) published an updated analysis of the distribution of American households' income and tax burdens for 2017. The new CBO data reinforces existing trends in household income and tax burdens, showing that the federal tax system is progressive and incomes continued to rise in 2017 as part of the broader economic expansion post-Great Recession.

Dale forma a tu futuro. RESPONDE el Censo HOY

  • Es fácil y rápido
    Completar el Censo del 2020 solo toma unos minutos.
  • No es demasiado tarde
    Todavía puede completar el censo hoy mismo.
  • Es seguro y confidencial
    La Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. protege sus respuestas y las mantiene estrictamente confidenciales.

Join CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta for the latest news about the coronavirus. He'll make sense of the headlines, speak with the experts and give you all the information you need to stay safe and healthy.

Taking Attendance in a Virtual School Year
October 8

With the school year underway and so many kids learning remotely, how are schools getting students to show up for class? CNN Correspondent Evan McMorris-Santoro talks with school attendance experts about the biggest challenges with online school this year. 

Beneficios para Nuestros Socios

Corporate Events Solution

to all active PRCC Members


Eventos @Camarapr

Webinar: Parity of Funds Forum: 
Puerto Rico Federal Funding Test Cases 
Vaello & Peña Martínez

October  |  3:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Simultaneous translation in Spanish will be available.



Tech Guru Talks: Strengthening Developer Communities

October 14 |   5:30 p.m.  |  Gratis

Tim helps organizations find harmony between the want to do good by their community and the need to build a sustainable business. Figures out authentic ways to turn investments in human relationships into meaningful, positive results for the business and the people it impacts. He has also spent the last 10+ years of his career helping build early- and growth-stage technology startups - assembling and leading teams as an employee, and providing guidance and support to entrepreneurs as an advisor, mentor, independent board member, and consultant.


AMIGAS Mentoring Session 

October 21 |   7:00 p.m.  |  Gratis

Los mentores y patrocinadores son fundamentales para desarrollar sus metas y aspiraciones. El 21 de octubre, a las 7:00 pm EST, Friends of Puerto Rico le brindará la oportunidad única de asesorarle con mentores para su beneficio personal y profesional. Los mismos se han destacado en apoyar, aconsejar y guiar a hombres y mujeres líderes, como usted.
Le exhorto a que se dé la oportunidad de acceder a este evento GRATIS, reflexionar sobre su presente y transformar su futuro. ¡Este es su momento!

Finca Conciencia

Trabajamos una agricultura resiliente con base en la cimarronería. Nos dedicamos a la producción apícola y agrícola sustentable y resilente en Vieques, Puerto Rico. 


Los profesionales de la salud que tengan síntomas de COVID-19 o sospecha de haberse contagiado podrán acudir a las facilidades del Colegio de Médicos Cirujanos de Puerto Rico, lunes a viernes de 8:00am a 5:00pm, para realizarse la prueba diagnóstica rápida que los saque de dudas. 

El doctor Víctor Ramos, presidente del Colegio, informó que esta gestión se realiza en alianza con la Asociación de IPA's, la Cámara de Comercio de Puerto Rico, el Colegio de Enfermería Práctica y organizaciones aliadas a la salud. El servicio es libre de costo, los profesionales de la salud solo necesitan llevar una orden médica y sacar cita antes de ir.

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Edificio Miramar Plaza
954 Ave. Ponce de León
Suite 406 - Cuarto Piso
Miramar, San Juan, 
Puerto Rico 00907

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