Tucker First UMC Weekly News

January 10, 2025

Worship at Tucker First - January 12

"Well Pleased"

Luke 3:15-17, 21-22

 11:00 am

Traditional Worship | Sanctuary

Baptism of the Lord Sunday

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This Sunday at Tucker First

Baptism of the Lord Sunday

Jesus’ baptism displays to us how God uses water to change our lives and change the world. We know we are made one with Christ through our baptism as we go out into the world to share His love with those who need it most. Because God is generous with His love and grace for us, we have the chance to be generous with our own gifts.

Opportunities to make the world a better place exist all around us, whether they’re down the street or across the ocean. God, through the water, calls us to a shared ministry that brings healing, hope, and salvation to a broken and hurting world.

Tucker First News and Notes

Welcome Kelsey Gay, our new Youth Pastor

Kelsey Gay is a Certified Candidate in the United Methodist Church and a graduate of the Candler School of Theology at Emory University, where she earned her Masters of Divinity. Over the past decade, she has dedicated her career to Youth Ministry, including working at McDonough First United Methodist Church. Kelsey obtained her Bachelor of Arts in Religion from the University of Georgia in 2015, during which time she actively served in leadership roles at the UGA Wesley Foundation and the University of Georgia Redcoat Marching Band. Alongside her devotion to the Georgia Bulldogs, Kelsey's genuine passion lies in brightening people's lives and fostering meaningful connections. She enjoys spending quality time with loved ones, and her beloved tuxedo cat, Luna! Kelsey is looking forward to serving the youth ministry and the church at Tucker First United Methodist Church!

Wednesday Night Supper Resumes January 15!

We’re excited to welcome you back for Wednesday Night Supper starting January 15. Each week in January, we will meet in the Wesley Center from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm for a delicious meal, with takeout orders available for pickup until 7:00 pm.

Please make your reservation by Monday evening. You can reserve your spot on the church website at www.tucker.first.org, through Realm, or by calling the church office at 770-938-3030.

Adult plates are $10, or $12 for walk-ins. Kid plates are $5, or $6 for walk-ins. We look forward to sharing food and fellowship with you!

Make a Reservation
Give Blood

Red Cross Blood Drive

Thanks to Tucker First UMC serving as a host location for blood drives each month, the Red Cross collected 403 life-saving pints of blood in 2024. Our first drive for 2025 is Thursday, January 23 from 2:30 pm to 7:30 pm. To sign up to help this ministry as a host volunteer (signing people in or giving out snacks) go to www.tinyurl.com/TFUMCBloodDriveVolunteerss Each shift is only 2-hours long. Questions? Contact Evelyn Burkett at ehburkett@comcast.net THANK YOU for helping save lives.

Church Council Members Encouraged to Attend Webinar

Leaders from churches of all sizes are invited to the Launching Your Church Council Webinar on Sunday, January 12, from 5 to 6:30 pm

This training is for: Church Council chairs, SPR Committee Members, Lay Leaders, Trustees, Finance Committee Members, Stewardship Chairs, Lay Leadership Nomination Teams. The session is designed to equip church councils with the tools they need to lead effectively. 

The webinar will cover: Key requirements outlined in the Book of Discipline; Practical strategies to move beyond the basics and embrace best practices; insights to help your council function effectively, provide strong support, and make a meaningful impact in ministry. 

Register Here

Volunteer & Mission Opportunities

Join Us in Serving Trinity Table!

Come one, come all—make a difference! We need eager volunteers to help serve a meal, distribute cold-weather items, and hand out sack lunches to our unsheltered brothers and sisters downtown. Mark your calendars for Sunday, February 2, from 11:00 am to 1:30 pm. We'll meet at the church and head out together at 10:30 am. Ready to lend a hand? Contact Kay Entrekin at kayjohne@gmail.com to sign up or for more details. Let’s share warmth and kindness this winter!


Help NETWorks Support Neighbors Facing Food Insecurity

As the need for food assistance grows during this season, NETWorks is working hard to support neighbors struggling with food insecurity. We can make a difference by donating canned meats, vegetables, and soups.

Please place your donations in the NETWorks bin in the Gathering Room or drop them off at the church office. Joy Egge has kindly volunteered to deliver these items to NETWorks each week.

Thank you for helping make a positive impact in our community!

Every Sunday

1:00 - 4:30 pm

Activities Center

Shower Ministry

Our Shower Ministry is popular, and there are ways you can help!  

  • Consider volunteering. You don't need experience, and our guests are very appreciative. Read the "Volunteer Guide" found on our Missions webpage to learn how we operate. Or, use this Sign Up Genius weblink.
  • Sponsor a meal for lunch! You, your friends and/or your Sunday School Class can sign up to bring a meal or prepare one in the Activities Center Kitchen. We need a complete meal ready to serve at least 50 guests starting between 1pm and 1:30pm on Sundays. If you bring the food, we'll do the dishes! Use this Sign Up Genius Weblink. 

Do you support the Shower Ministry?

Get added to the weekly emailing so you know what's happening, how to sign up, and what is needed to keep it running and well stocked with supplies. Click here or send an email to neiljduggan@gmail.com to get added to the weekly Shower Ministry email. 

Classes and Studies

You're Warmly Invited to Join the Discovery Class on Zoom every Sunday!

Our Sunday School class is a welcoming space for adults of all backgrounds, including all ages, races, cultures, gender identities, education levels, economic situations, family structures, and physical abilities. Together, we meet each week to study, pray, and grow in faith and community.

Join us at 9:45 am each Sunday using the provided Zoom link. We look forward to seeing you! For more information, contact Kay Entrekin at kayjohne@gmail.com



New Bible Study - The Christian Faith and Healing

The late Rev. Charles L. Allen, pastor of Grace Methodist Church in Atlanta, GA, spoke of the healing Christ, whose compassionate touch miraculously healed countless individuals of physical and emotional ailments, from blindness to grief. Through His presence or commanding words, Jesus brought transformative healing to many in His time, and His hand still reaches out today. While modern medical science achieves remarkable breakthroughs daily, Christ’s healing touch offers something beyond physical cures—hope, assurance, and restoration for the body, mind, and spirit.

As one religious speaker reminded us, in our dependence on medical professionals, we often forget the caring Christ who stands ready to work alongside them, bringing peace and encouragement in our struggles. Just as Jeremiah offered hope to the exiled Hebrews with the words, “There is balm in Gilead,” Christ assures us of His presence in our healing journey. 

Join us for a seven-week study, “The Christian Faith and Healing,” starting Wednesday, Jan. 22, at 6:00 pm in Room 209. Led by Dr. John Mattox and Rev. Paul Yeun. Rev. Yeun is a retired UMC elder who served 12 years in parishes, 20 years as a military chaplain, and 18 years in hospital pastoral care. Everyone is welcome.

Covenant Bible Study: Part 2

"Covenant Bible Study: Living" is an 8-week in-depth group Bible study that focuses on the concept of covenant throughout the Old and New Testaments, emphasizing the unique relationship between God and humanity, exploring how to live a life fully committed to that covenant through practical application of scripture across different biblical narratives. It aims to deepen our understanding of the Bible, build community, and develop personal faith by studying how the covenant theme plays out in various contexts throughout scripture. This study, led by Rev. Katie Mattox, will begin January 15 at 6:00 pm in Room 201. If you have questions or would like to sign up, please contact Pastor Katie at katie.mattox@ngumc.net


Children's Choir

Children’s Choir is available to all children Pre-K through 5th grade. Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings (rehearsal will start back January 15).

  • Cherub Choir (Pre-K and K) 5:30-6:10 pm
  • Melody Bells (3rd-5th grade handbells) 5:30-6:10 pm
  • Wesley Singers (1st-5th grade) 6:20-7:00 pm

Youth Activities

All 6th-12th grade students are invited on Sunday afternoons. And bring a friend!

  • 4:00-4:30 pm Chapel Bells (Youth Handbells) in Rm. 210
  • 4:30-5:15 pm Tucker ACTS in the Chapel (tuckeracts.org)
  • 5:15-7:00 pm Youth Group in the Wesley Center

To sign up for the regular youth newsletter, email the church office (sshanholtzer@tfumc.org)

Lectionary Bible Study Continues

This study follows the Revised Common Lectionary and meets on Tuesdays at 2:30 pm in Jenkins Hall. It is "no preparation required" and "come as you are, when you can." It's a wonderful time to be together and study the word of God. Join us!



Pioneers is Tucker First UMC's group for senior adults interested in friendship, fun, and faith. We meet the 2nd Thursday of the month at 11:30 am in Jenkins Hall. Join us for a catered lunch ($12), program, and a time to connect. RSVP to Carolyn Weir at 770-232-0176.

United Women in Faith

Join us in January (1st Saturday at 10:30 am in the Wesley Center) for a time of connection, community, and delicious food. Bring a favorite brunch dish to share, and enjoy the chance to build friendships and make a positive impact together. This gathering is open to all women in the church—don’t miss this wonderful opportunity for fellowship and mission!

For questions, please reach out to Stephanie Shanholtzer at sshanholtzer@tfumc.org.

Christian Women's Fellowship

Join the Christian Women’s Fellowship on the second Monday of the month at 10:15 am in Jenkins Hall for coffee, fellowship, and a short program about missions. Questions? Contact Liz Grizzard at lizgrizzard@comcast.net

United Methodist Men

The United Methodist Men meet each 1st Wednesday at

8:00 am at Matthews Cafeteria for breakfast and fellowship.

All men are invited!

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Tucker First Weekly News is a publication of Tucker First United Methodist Church.
Tucker First UMC
5095 LaVista Road, Tucker, GA 30084
Church Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday: 8:30 am-4:30 pm
Closed on Fridays