Sun Tran Event Detours

Sun Tran and Sun Express will be on detour for theTucson Meet Yourself event beginning Wednesday, October 11 at 5 p.m. until Sunday, October 15 at 11:30 p.m., Sun Tran routes will be on detour.

All buses will service bus stops on detour route(s).

Route 3

Route 3 detour will begin Tuesday. October 10 at 5 p.m. until Sunday October 15 at 11:30 p.m., Sun Tran Route 3 east bound will not service bus stop on Alameda & Court Avenue. The bus will detour through Broadway Blvd. Route 3 map here.

Sun Tran Express Route(s): 101x, 102x, 103x, 104x, 105x, 107x. 108x, 109x, 110x

  • Route 101x bus stops on Church Ave./Pennington St. and Congress St./Church Ave. will not be serviced.
  • Route 102x bus stops on Church Ave./Pennington St. and Congress St./Church Ave. will not be serviced.
  • Route 103x bus stops on Church Ave./Pennington St. will not be serviced.
  • Route 104x bus stops on Church Ave./Pennington St. and Congress St./Church Ave. will not be serviced.
  • Route 105x bus stops on Church Ave./Pennington St. will not be serviced.
  • Route 107x bus stop on Church Ave./Pennington St. will not be serviced.
  • Route 108x bus stops on Church Ave./Pennington St. and Congress St./Church Ave. will not be serviced.
  • Route 109x bus stops on Church Ave./Pennington St. and Congress St./Church Ave. will not be serviced.
  • Route 11x bus stops on Church Ave./Pennington St. and Congress St./Church Ave. will not be serviced.

Sun Tran Express Route(s) detour map here.

Route 2 & 12

Routes 2 and 12 will not service the Church Ave./Pennington St. stop. Route detour map here.

Route 1, 6, 7, 8, 25

Routes 1, 6, 7, 8, 25 will not service the Church Ave./Pennington St. stop. Route detour map here.

About Tucson Meet Yourself

The Tucson Meet Yourself folklife festival is right around the corner! The festival begins Friday, October 13 and runs through Sunday, October 15, 2023. The annual celebration is located in Downtown Tucson, and it includes hundreds of artisans, home cooks, dancers, musicians and special exhibits that celebrate arts of Southern Arizona and Northern Mexico. For more information about Tucson Meet Yourself visit

El festival folklórico Tucson Meet Yourself está a la vuelta de la esquina. El festival comienza el viernes 13 de octubre y se extenderá hasta el domingo 15 de octubre de 2023. La celebración anual está ubicada en el centro de Tucson e incluye cientos de artesanos, cocineros caseros, bailarines, músicos y exhibiciones especiales que celebran las artes del sur de Arizona y el norte de México. Para obtener más información sobre Tucson Meet Yourself, visite

Sun Link's Spooky Train!

You're invited to Sun Link's Spooky Train. It is will fun for the whole family. Come dressed in your costume and trick or treat on the streetcar. We will be started from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and located 4th Ave. & 8th Ave.

¡El spooky tren de Sun Link! 

Estás invitado al Spooky Tren de Sun Link. Es divertido para toda la familia. Ven vestido con tu disfraz y pide dulces en el tranvía. Comenzaremos de 11 a.m. a 2 p.m. y estaremos ubicados en la 4ª Avenida y la 8ª Avenida.  

We are hiring!

We are always looking for talent to join our team. Please visit

for current openings!

¡Estamos contratando!

Siempre estamos buscando talento para unirse a nuestro equipo. Visite para vacantes actuales.