Join Us For Worship 
Sundays Online 9 a.m.
2936 N Power Road, Mesa AZ85215
Office Hours Unavailable - stay home and stay healthy

E-news: August 4, 2020

Red Mountain United Methodist Church 
is a  welcoming, diverse,  
intergenerational community, 
transformed by God's grace, 
reaching out in mission.

Find our Wednesday devotional
and Sunday worship online at:

Wednesday devotional and Sunday worship 
can now be viewed on You Tube


RMUMC and the Jack Martin Memorial Scholarship Sponsor 
Pauline Martin and Committee Members Lynn Martin, 
Marilyn Husted and Kathy Wooton.  As a fortunate recipient 
of the Scholarship for the 3rd year, this is yet another example of 
how my church family has encouraged, uplifted and supported 
me on my journey. Your abundant generosity is overwhelming.
Dane McCall


Volunteers Needed:
Feeding Mesa You CAN Make a 
Difference Canned Food Drives
In support of the Feeding Mesa campaign, the City of Mesa is hosting two additional canned food drives in August on Saturday 8/8 and Saturday 8/22.. The canned food drives will directly benefit the Mesa food banks who are providing food to Mesa residents directly and through a variety of food relief programs.
Volunteer Work: Those dropping off donations are asked to pull up to the drop off area and open their trunk or back seat where the food is located. Volunteers will then retrieve the food and place it in nearby collection bins.
Additional Volunteer Information:
  • Volunteer work may require the volunteer to lift up to 25lbs
  • Disposal PPE will provided to each volunteer at each shift
  • Volunteers must be 13+ years of age (16-17 with signed parental consent form, 13-15 with parent accompaniment).
  • Volunteer work will be conducted outdoors and is subject to inclement weather.
  • Volunteer work will require walking and/or standing for long periods of time.
  • Also provided: sunscreen, water, snacks, first aid, pop-up tents for shade, volunteer lanyards, and cooling fans.
Name: You CAN Make a Difference Canned Food Drive Events
Date: Saturday, 8/8 and Saturday, 8/22
Available Times: 7:00AM - 11:00AM
Thank you for all you do to make our community a better place!
Kind Regards,
Bethany Freeland
City of Mesa Citywide Volunteer Program Coordinator


It is important that you take care of your health -  
physical, spiritual and mental all play a role in how 
we respond to any situation.  
If you are struggling emotionally right now, please 
reach out for support.  There are resources 
available to you at the Crisis Counseling Program
at Resilient Arizona. 
Click here:  Resilient Arizona


              WORSHIP SERVICE              
Sunday August 9, 2020 at 9am
"Walk by Faith Not by Sight" 
by Pastor Jen Lambert
SCRIPTURE:  II Corinthians 5:1-21

Sunday August 9, 2020 at 10am
Join us for virtual coffee fellowship!

will be posted every Sunday morning at 8:00am 
so children can watch anytime on Sunday 
before or after our 9:00am online Worship Service!
For anyone interested in our 
Virtual Sunday School, please email Debbie at 

ZOOM SUNDAY AT 2! for Kids  -- AUGUST 9, 2020 at 2pm
What kind of things blow your mind? Is your mind blown when you see a world of super heroes come to life in a movie? Or maybe a giant space battle in one of the Star Wars episodes? 

Maybe it's real life that blows your mind more than fantasy and illusion. Maybe nature, with all its mystery and wonder, blows your mind. Or maybe it's the strange but true facts of history when they come to light. Or maybe it's the strange, improbable, and amazing stories of the Bible. The Bible is filled with remarkable, mind-blowing stories. It tells us story after story of ordinary people who saw God do the most amazing and mind-blowing things. For the next few Sundays, we're going to have our minds blown by these stories. We're going to dig deep to find stories you rarely hear, stories that are absolutely amazing, stories that are simply... mind-blowing. 

Mind-blowing is a term many people would use for their relationship with God. People who choose to walk with God from an early age often see His handiwork in mind-blowing ways. That is certainly the case with the first man we will meet this SUNDAY, AUGUST 9th. Enoch was a man who loved God and walked with God. He lived in the earliest days of human history. How early? He was a descendant of Adam and Eve and an ancestor of Noah!  Enoch lived a life of faith, but it's what happened right at the end of his time on Earth that is truly mind-blowing.  

See YOU Sunday at 2! on ZOOM!  Email for more information.

Join Pastor Jen for Bible Study 
on Wednesday evenings
Wednesday August 5, 2020 at 6pm (AZ time)

This summers reading plan:
Galatians, Ephesians and Philippians
Materials needed:  your Bible and you!
Email Pastor Jen to get the link:   Pas

Join others for sharing and prayer via Zoom
Thursday August 6, 2020 at 4:30pm
Email to receive your Zoom link.

Laurel and John Moore
Kristi Byas Wasson
Mary Kay Lininger
Edna Blare
Tom Gill
Ellen Phillips
Kalem Buchanan
Eric Ramelli
Bush Family
Tom Stamm
Carolyn Miller
Rebstock Family
Families and Educators facing a new school year so differently
All those with COVID-19
The East Valley Men's Shelter


How can I give?

 Mail to the church office: 
2936 N. Power Road, Mesa, AZ 85215.

 Online giving at: giving

 Text giving at 833-933-0203

Need to reach our pastor? 
Use this link:

Pastor Jen  (Rev. Jennifer Lambert, Senior Pastor)

Looking for RMUMC information on the go?

Download the RMUMC app from the Apple app store or Google Play store, by searching "Red Mountain UMC".
Please email if you have a prayer concern or request.
Red Mountain United Methodist Church | 480-981-3833 | |