From our former email:
Dear Families,
In our very busy times, we would like to take a moment to draw our attention back to our preparation including the process of prayer, catechesis and family faith sharing and attending Mass.
Please take a moment to go through our to-do list again, below. Please take the time to catch up, as some of us have become a little behind on our preparation tasks.
A reminder to all: In order to complete First Reconciliation and First Eucharist the preparation must be completed and sacrament celebrated.
Each family and child is expected to either be active in Family Faith Formation or in Catholic School, participate in our in-person and zoom gatherings for catechesis and prayer, weekend Masses and most of all, make this time a priority for your family. Catholic School Families are expected to do the Immediate Preparation for the Sacraments; separate from their Catholic School Classses.
If for any reason, the current time is proving to not be working for your family's schedule, you are welcome to postpone First Reconciliation and First Eucharist until a later date; the next formal sessions will be in Fall 2024 and Spring 2025. We have families and children of all ages who go through the preparation.
Questions or concerns, please contact or one of our team members and we are glad to meet with you and guide you through your Faith Formation Journey going forward.
Blessings to you and yours,
Nancy Veronesi, Director of Worship
and your First Eucharist Team