“He who loves a pure heart and whose speech is gracious will have the king for his friend.”
                  Proverbs 22:11
This year has been a year unlike any other that I can remember in my lifetime, and I have heard many others lament about these times too. I also venture a guess that it will be as unforgettable as memorable for many. I often wonder what others are doing to lower their levels of anxiety, to maintain their mental health, to exist without their normal connections with one another. A time when we so deeply need one another but in the name of safety and health must isolate.
My mind went back to the late 90’s last week when I heard about the sweet going home of one of the Porch Pals from Women of Faith, Luci Swindoll. She was a treasure trove of wisdom, an unmatched gift-giver, someone who celebrated the beauty around her, made a party of every day, looked for moments to be kind, to laugh and to be present in the moment. “Anyone experiencing her would have gained a better understanding of the heart of Jesus, and wisdom for living with your eyes set on heaven and your feet planted on terra firma.” The following is a story that opened the window into Luci’s love of children and Jesus.
“A dear friend of mine who teaches elementary school music was apprehensive about having to change the date of a musical program on the school calendar. She had to face the principal, ask for the change and possibly be rejected. These events are determined well in advance and generally set in concrete! She rehearsed what she would say but still had a fretful feeling. While dusting off her desk, she swept a small scrap of paper to the floor. When she picked it up, she was amazed to read the words, ”When I am afraid, I will trust you.” She could hardly believe her eyes; it was just the encouragement she needed. She smiled and walked straight to the principal’s office for her talk. Things worked out beautifully and the date was changed with minor adjustments.  A few days later a little girl in her music class asked her if she saw a piece of paper with the words “When I am afraid I will trust in you” written on it. She had had a test coming up and was afraid she wouldn’t pass. Her Mom had put the note in her lunchbox to calm her fears. The very thing that had calmed the heart of a child had calmed the heart of the wise and mature teacher.”
When we face troubles and times like today when we may be fearful, remember God has given us this verse to let us know He is greater than our fear. “When I am afraid, I will trust in you.”
(Psalm 56:3)
What a blessing it is Lord, to know you are my strength and my confidence. Help me know I am completely safe when I put my trust in you. Amen.
                                                                        Barbara Schneider