Today’s high-net-worth clients may live or come from all over the world, but many share the same life insurance and wealth transfer needs. Help your clients living abroad or with ties to the United States navigate the wealth transfer process with a program designed specifically for them. Click here for enhanced guidelines.
Is your client worried about pensions and Social Security? Educate them on the eight common risks and benefits of incorporating life insurance into the retirement planning process with the “Managing 8 Risks to Retirement Income” presentation here.
John Hancock Aspire combines the long-term financial protection your clients want, with a personalized diabetes support program that meets the unique health and lifestyle needs of people living with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, and rewards them for taking steps to manage their condition and live a longer, healthier life. Click herefor full details.
Help your clients understand how life insurance with Living Benefits is not only designed to benefit their loved ones after they die, but can help provide income in retirement. Go here to learn more.
As we approach the end of the year, please keep in mind important deadlines to ensure that all of your business processes in a smooth and timely manner. Click here for