Tuesday Connection| February 25, 2020
If your clients expect to be in a high tax bracket in retirement or are worried about taxes rising, they can use cash value life insurance to help supplement their retirement income. Click here to learn more about this concept. 
High-net-worth clients have the assets to self-fund for long-term care (LTC) expenses, should the need arise. But they might not realize that there could be a hidden cost to self-funding: estate taxes due on the funds left untouched. Go here to learn more.
We understand the challenges that residents from foreign countries face when buying life insurance in the U.S. Here’s an overview to help clarify the underwriting process for this program. 
When planning for their financial future, clients want to know that some things are predictable. Take a look at how three methods of living benefits compare. Click here for all the details.  
Life insurance is essential when it comes to protecting your clients and their loved ones. Many people don’t get enough coverage because they think it’s too expensive. Show them how affordable $1 million of coverage for 20 years can be.
We hope you can join us at our 2021 Sales Conference in Fairmont Southampton, Bermuda Beach Resort. Click here for more details. 
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T 781.449.6800   F 781.449.7694