Tuesday, April 6, 2021


Where, O deathis your victory? Where, O deathis your sting?”
           My brother and I are often in conversation, remembering scenes from our childhood. As preacher’s kids we were always reminded that the world was watching. This week, we were reminiscing about an event that happened many years ago. 

One year, the week before Easter, we had a big snowstorm that dumped a nice amount of soft, wet snow on the ground. I believe I was about 8 years old and Mark was 4. We were off from school that week, so I decided we should go out and build a snowman. Since Easter was a few days away, we added bunny ears and were very proud of our Easter bunny made of snow. Dad was NOT happy. As the neighborhood pastor, he felt it irreverent to have a rabbit on the lawn next to the church for Holy Thursday and Good Friday services. Needless to say, we had to demolish our project.

We were little kids then and didn’t quite appreciate all the ramifications of the events of the week. One thing I know for sure, bunnies are cute but they are not what makes Easter happy. Easter is happy because God has made us free. We have received forgiveness through the blood of Jesus and we have been given a gift that will lead to life eternal with our Lord. Death has no sting. The evil of the world has been overcome by the love of God. The Holy Spirit has come to guide us through life, no matter what. So, my friends, Happy Easter! Christ is Risen. He is risen indeed!
Holy God, Christ Jesus and Holy Spirit, we praise you for the miracle of love and the promise of eternal life. Thank you for your amazing gift of full forgiveness and salvation. Help us always to remember what makes Easter so happy. Through our Lord, Jesus Christ. AMEN!
Sue Uzelemeier
St. John's Ivyland
820 Almshouse Road
Ivyland, PA 18974
Rev. Brad Leight, Pastor