Freedom Is Not Free


He is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his Son and forgave our sins. He has showered his kindness on us, along with all wisdom and understanding.

Ephesians 1:7 NLT


World War II was a truly horrible time in the world. My father served in the navy during the war. He rarely spoke of it. But when he did, even though I could understand the words he spoke, I could barely conceive of how anyone could experience what he did and witness what he did and still be able to function.

At that time there was a deep understanding that there were certain things that were worth speaking up for and, if necessary, even fighting for. The freedom to be able to practice your religion without persecution was valued. Being able to express your opinions in a respectable way without being bullied or harassed was valued. There were, and still are, many ideals that are worth speaking up for today; like loving God, the source of perfect love, and loving everyone else.

As we approach a time of parades and picnics, let us also take time to remember why we are doing these things; remember that we have the freedom to do these things because people who came before us gave of themselves that we might have these freedoms. And most importantly, that Jesus gave of himself so that we could have the ultimate freedom; access to heaven.

Heavenly Father, how can we ever thank you enough for the sacrifice that you have made on our behalf? You long to have our “thank-you” be a loving relationship with you because you know that the only way to truly have peace on planet Earth is through loving you, the source of all perfect love, and loving each other. Amen.


                                           Denise Clark, CLM



Prayer List
St. John's Ivyland
820 Almshouse Road
Ivyland, PA 18974
Rev. Brad Leight, Pastor