Tuesday, May 4, 2021
Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens,
and I will give you rest.”
Matthew 11:28
Rest is something that many of us put aside for later as we have so many things that we always need to get done right away. Our increased use of technology, that was allegedly going to make our lives easier, seems to gobble up more and more of your time. As a result, we often feel as though we have less time to complete more tasks.
Rest is essential to our health, well-being and survival. “The Benefits of Resting and How to Unplug in a Busy World” is the title of an article in Forbes magazine of January 15, 2021. It explains why rest is important. Rest “heals your body,… reduces stress,… boosts creativity,…improves productivity,…(and) enhances decision making.” Ways to improve your rest include, ”Practice gratitude,…take deep breaths,…cultivate healthy habits (like exercise, yoga or stretching and learning to shut down you mind and sitting quietly),…Practice sleep hygiene (like having a set routine and schedule.” Reading a devotional or Scripture before bed is good, too.
Rest is important. God, Himself, rested after 6 days of creating everything. Jesus would take time for rest and prayer after spending time healing and teaching all the people that came to him. And there are multiple references throughout the Bible about resting.
The world we live in contains chaos. It always has and probably always will. That, alone, makes our need for rest important and an ongoing necessity. Rest is worthy of our attention. Rest needs to be a priority that we regularly schedule. In that way, we function at our best, which gives glory to God.
Precious Lord,
Thank you for your Word that tells us of the need for rest. Thank you for your examples of rest: after creation and after time spent healing and teaching. May we follow your Word and example by practicing regular periods of rest for our benefit and your glory. Amen
Denise Clark
Christ Servant Minister