Tuesday Devotion - August 18  
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love
and self-discipline."
2 Timothy 1:7
   I wonder how many of us have experienced the "pandemic blues or blahs"? Have you had those feelings of the need to do something, but all the urgency, desire or motivation seems to be lacking? Besides, we tell ourselves, it can be done tomorrow, as the day languishes away. After all, there really is no reason to hurry. The boredom just overtakes any desire to get moving, especially since we often feel so limited in what we can do.  
   The other day, a new thought appeared in my mind. What if this was an opportunity I was missing? What is God calling me to do during this time? And then an answer came. Maybe, and perhaps, it is "for a time such as this" (Esther 4:14), that it is time to work on becoming stronger mentally, physically and spiritually; a time to get ready to come out of this pandemic better than before... better than ever.
   How can this happen? The Scripture verse gives us an answer, "power, love and self-discipline". We are given the power we need to get moving. We are given love and we are given self-discipline, if only we are willing to use them. It is helpful to be reminded, that no matter what our circumstances may be, "God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity". What a bolster to our feelings to know that God knows our situation and has given us the tools by which we may prepare ourselves for the future He has waiting for us. And, by preparing for the future that awaits us, we may, in the process, give glory to God through it.  
Precious Lord,
How wonderful it is that you give us opportunities to prepare for a future that you alone can provide. Help us to prepare ourselves mentally, physically and spiritually so that we may not only be ready for the time after the pandemic is over, but that we might also give you glory. Amen.
  Denise Clark
  Christ Servant Minister
820 Almshouse Road  Ivyland, PA 18974
215 357-6998   stjumc@aol.com