So the Lord must wait for you to come to him so he can show you his love and compassion. For the Lord is a faithful God. Blessed are those who wait for his help. Isaiah 30:18
I’m waiting for the traffic light to change.
I’m waiting for the dentist.
I’m waiting for my friend.
I’m waiting for the repair man.
I’m waiting for Covid to end!!!
We do a lot of waiting. The Bible is full of Scripture verses that tell us to wait, especially to wait upon the Lord. But what about the times when someone waits for us? I’m sure that most of us are thoughtful and considerate enough to do our best to make sure that we don’t keep others waiting. At least, we do that as much as we can.
I have always been a curious child. I’m sure that I drove my mother crazy with my questions. Like the time that my mother told me to not point my finger at Grandma’s dog. I mediately asked why. My mother wouldn’t tell me why and just insisted that I not do it. But I needed to know why. So, instead of waiting, at the first chance I got, I pointed m finger at the dog and the dog promptly bit my finger. It hurt, but now I knew the reason not to do that.
In that same curiosity, there was a time when I began to wonder, if amid all our appropriate waiting on God, if God ever waits for us? I found my answer in Isaiah. Yes, God does wait for us. But, just like our everyday waiting for each other, it’s not polite to keep someone waiting for us if we can keep it from happening. In the same way, we should always do our best to keep God from waiting for us to go to Him so He can show us His love and compassion.
Dear God, Thank you for always loving us and being compassionate with us. Help us to always turn to you in all things and not keep you waiting for us. PS – Please help us to be loving and compassionate like You! Amen
Denise Clark, CLM