But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.  Romans 5:8


A couple of months ago, we were driving to a restaurant in Cape May for dinner. On the way, we passed the First Assembly of God Church. That church often has signs along the road with catchy messages. The message that caught my eye said E-Z Pass to Jesus.


I am sure that many of you have an E-Z Pass on your wind shield. We do. The pass is an electronic transponder that can be read when passing a toll plaza on any road where tolls are required. Some people think they are invasive but most like the convenience offered. Each E-Z Pass is loaded with a prepaid amount of credit for tolls. Once the credit is depleted, it automatically is recharged by a draft on our credit card, so there is always enough money on the E-Z Pass to cover any toll.


Many tolling authorities even offer a discounted toll amount to those with E-Z Pass. To reduce operating costs, the number of E-Z Pass express lanes have been increased. While E-Z Pass holders have an increased opportunity to zip right through the toll plaza, there is often a long line of vehicles waiting in each lane with an attendant to collect the tolls. Each vehicle must wait its turn to pay the attendant.  Some places have even eliminated attendants completely, with a bill sent for overdue tolls to the vehicle owner each month to be returned with a payment. 


Each church, be it Assembly of God or Methodist, provides a similar “express” channel to Jesus’ redeeming love.  As the scripture from Romans states, all, whether sinner or saint, who seek Jesus will find Him. The express channel to Jesus automatically reloads just like the E-Z Pass because He paid the price for our sins on the cross. We do not owe anything at the end of the month for this saving grace. Ironically, the number of church members is decreasing, just when it is getting harder for people facing doubt and tribulation to find comfort and relief.   It is even more important now to spread the Gospels’ promises, even if we are not comfortable as evangelists. We need to let those we encounter who are soul-sick know that St. John’s is available to provide a conduit to Our Savior, to be an E-Z Pass to Jesus.


Prayer: Lord Jesus, we praise your Name. May we seek outreach opportunities to share the good news of Your redeeming love with those we meet who need it. We want all those we encounter to benefit from Your grace. Amen.


                                                                                         Carol Rice




Prayer List
St. John's Ivyland
820 Almshouse Road
Ivyland, PA 18974
Rev. Brad Leight, Pastor