16 Always rejoice, 17 constantly pray, 18 in everything give thanks. For this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5 (New English Translation)
How many times a day do you constantly pray and give thanks? My answer is, not nearly enough. I have paused to give thanks when I get good news in the mail, when I find my keys or my cell phone, when the traffic finally clears. But do we constantly thank God for everything? Not for the days I have spent in quarantine or wearing a mask due to COVID. (Even though these probably saved me from getting sick.) Not for the drenching downpours I faced. (Even though they were preceded by weeks of drought.) Do you see what I’m getting at?
Thanksgiving Day is one we looked forward to every year. Whether it was traveling to visit my grandmother as a youngster or helping prepare for the family to come to our house, Thanksgiving Day meant a huge, delicious meal, talking to family and almost family, enjoying various football games, even marching in the Philadelphia parade when I was in college. The giving thanks to God part happened the night before in church and for a few minutes before that fantastic turkey dinner.
These days, as I approach the season of thanks, I have been thinking more about my mother. She was the one who prayed with me every night before bed, who often prayed a special prayer before meals, who always brought the Upper Room out after breakfast for family devotions. Times my Dad was away - church committee meetings, pastoral calls, conference activities – often took him away from home. My mother was a role model for a thankful, faith-filled life as much as my pastor Dad.
While we learned to say the “God is great. God is good…” prayer before meals, it was my mother who taught me the Wesley grace. As you pause for prayer before your Thanksgiving meal, may I offer this as a fitting way to express your gratitude.
Be present at our table, Lord. Be here and everywhere adored. Thy creatures bless, and grant that we may feast in Paradise with Thee. We thank Thee Lord for this, our food. For life and health, and every good. By Thine own hand, may we be fed. Give us, this day, our daily bread. Amen.
Sue Uzelmeier