I want you to understand what really matters, so that you may live pure and blameless lives until the day of Christ’s return. May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation – the righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christ – for this will bring much glory and praise to God. Philippians 1:10,11
As I have matured in my relationship with Jesus, He has helped me see that I haven’t always had accurate thoughts about my faith. For example, think about the scripture above – it talks about living a pure and blameless life. I used to think that living a pure and blameless life was only to please God – to keep Him from being disappointed in me. He just expected it! And if I didn’t measure up – well then, He would be angry with me. The way I acted would either get His approval or disapproval.
But, now I have a different outlook on this matter of living a pure and blameless life. I now see that living a blameless life matters for reasons other than avoiding punishment. It matters because I represent Jesus to a watching world. Representing Jesus places a responsibility on me to behave with integrity. Unbelievers expect that from me, but sometimes I fall short. My old nature wrestles with the new nature and sometimes the old nature wins. When that happens, it’s my responsibility to try to make things right.
My behavior can either make Jesus attractive to those who don’t know Him, or it can turn them away. Thankfully, Jesus is all about helping me succeed. As I surrender my will to Him, He transforms me through the power of His Holy Spirit – the Holy Spirit that is living in me. I become more like Him and, hopefully, my life creates a curiosity in others to know the One who has changed me and who gives me hope.
Dear God, make me like salt. Help me to create a thirst in others for you. Amen.
Pastor Ruth