Jesus told him, 'I am the way, the truth and the life.
No one can come to the Father except through me."
John 14:6
A phrase that many have heard before is "Truth is the first casualty of war." It is originally attributed to Aeschylus from Greece around the 5th century BC; who phrased it "In war, truth is the first casualty". It has also been attributed to Hiram Johnson, when in 1918 he said, "When war is declared, truth is the first victim".
These phrases got me to thinking about the truth in our current society. Even though there are no major wars like World War I or II, I cannot help but feeling that the truth is constantly being a casualty. So, does that mean there is a war? And, if so, where is it? What is going on?
Perhaps the "war" is against the truth itself. Whether it is the pandemic, the violence in cities or politics (UGH!!!), it seems almost impossible to truly determine the truth about any situation. Is there so little respect for the truth anywhere these days? Is Satan having a field day with destroying the truth? And if so, how do we fight a war like that?
Fortunately, for us Christians, we have an answer. Jesus is the truth! If the truth is under attack, does that mean that Jesus is under attack? With the decline in recent decades of church attendance and in the number of people who profess to believe in Jesus; our faith in Jesus is more important than ever. Keep believing, keep praying and whenever you can, politely and gently talk about Jesus to everyone you know.
Father God,
Please help us to spread the Good News of Jesus to everyone we know, and in a manner that will be receptive to all whom we encounter. We fervently pray for our world to be aligned with Your will and the nature of heaven. And, in Jesus name we pray. Amen.
Denise Clark
Christ Servant Minister