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Group Coaching & Other Information
Welcome to Tuesday Talk Group Coaching! kl bw group
Group coaching is a very affordable way to work with me and also gather with like-minded folks who are on a conscious career/life journey.

Please be prepared to talk about the current state of your job search and bring along any suggestions , questions or resources you would like to share with the group, as well as a notebook, pen and business cards (if you have them).

We will have a mix of men and women (anywhere from 2-8) from various industries and stages in their career so it is a great opportunity to connect with a diverse group of like-minded folks and think out of the box -- and you never know who knows who!
And of course the meeting will be facilitated by me - I will offer coaching, insights, tools and resources that can help support and guide you throughout your transition. 
Kristina has a special gift for helping people find their way in their careers and life. She has a sick sense about people and always made me feel better when I was stuck. She combines the perfect combination of intuition and career smarts in her sessions.
Her support group has been life changing and instrumental in propelling me forward.
  ~ Ilana A.
I was amazed by your ability to synthesize so much information from so many completely different personalities and tailor unique homework assignments to us. I also have great admiration for the compassion and empathy you showed to everyone, your holistic approach, and your patience, among many other traits.
~ Shelly C.

RSVP Required to [email protected]  
The cost is
$55* payable via PayPal button below 
in advance by 12 noon the day of the session
and $60 at the doo r (cash or check only)
* Payments in advance are non-refundable and cannot be applied to future sessions.
We meet on the second floor in the atrium (top of the escalator) at  
875 Third Avenue between 53rd and 52nd Streets  
(Please call or text my cell phone 917-816-0834 if you cannot find us or if are running late.)
*Please note that this is an ongoing event. RSVP's accepted up to one hour prior to the session, bu t payment in advance must be made by 12noon the day of the session otherwise you will need to pay at the door

Check out a video that features the group here
From Passion to Profit Career Transition Support Group - Episode 1 

Since I last spoke with you, I've had some pretty dramatic changes - New Job, a Big Move, Healthy Dating Relationship. It's been pretty awesome. Emotionally, I've done a 180, and my life is certainly a reflection of that. My last session with you spurred a lot of wonderful life changes.    ~ Palanda B.
A s a result of working with Kristina, I now have the tools, motivation and perspective to create my dream career and life.  Because of her insights and expertise, I am the happiest and most content I've ever been and found an incredible peace of mind. ~ Alyssa C. 
Your insights have had a huge impact on my career and my self-confidence and planted this seed of truth in me that I knew I had to start tending to. I share this story here.  
I just wanted to say thank you for your advice and I'm glad we crossed paths. ~ Anna W.
Kristina gave me permission to be myself!  I can say no other person has empowered me in that way as much as she has - and I am TRULY forever grateful for that.." 
~ Cherise R.
I can honestly say that speaking to you was one of the most important events in my life. It is almost unbelievable how a 2-hour conversation can have that effect. 
  ~  Bozhanka V.
For those of you who haven't worked with me and are wondering, what is it that I do? My goal as coach is to help you become more connected to who you are and your place in the world at this particular time. That will look different for everyone, since we all have our own unique path and it depends where you are in that journey at the time of our session.  Most folks come to me when they are at some sort of crossroads, either due to a deep internal dissatisfaction or an external situation that has been imposed on them.   
Because each individual is different in terms of what they need and therefore in the results of our interaction, I thought I would let them speak for themselves, and will post some testimonials on social media and here in honor of my 11th anniversary as a professional coach:
  Here's a  PDF to see more reviews, and a few PGG's that highlight my work and journey are here:
You can also click on the below video to get an idea of how I can help:  

Thinking about working with a coach? Here's some ways I can help 
 Are you ready to get unstuck and be more aligned with who you are?
If the answer is YES, click here or contact me at any time, and we'll get you on the right track in your career and life like I have for hundreds of other men and women who were at a similar place!
Career & Personal Growth Articles Resource:  
Here are several articles I've either written or have been quoted in.  Find any of them helpful?
Be sure to share the love on social media and tag @clearlykristina :)

25 Job Skills to Leave Off Your Resume (quoted at the end) 
Missed a talk? Watch it here:
sibl authetic branding
Click here to watch "Authentic Branding: Letting the Real You Shine in Any Situation" presented at SIBL presented on March 1, 2018  

Kristina Leonardi speaking to an overflow crowd at NYPLs Science Industry Business Library

Click here to watch "Who Are You & What Are You Supposed to Be Doing with Your Life?" presented at SIBL on January 31, 2018
What can working with Kristina do for you? Here's a recent client testimonial: 
What I found most appealing, and what sets Kristina apart from other career coaches, is her emphasis on your "whole picture." She considers everything you were exposed to or experienced, how that ties into your life's goals and how to find the best path forward from there. Talking with Kristina made sense of all the ideas and confusion running around in my head.  The initial session further confirmed the direction I want to go in and visualize where I want to be; doing her homework helped me become more confident in owning what my gut is telling me and fueled my passion to pursue what I know deep down is right for me. 
As a result of working with Kristina, I now have the tools, motivation and perspective to create my dream career and life. Because of her insights and expertise, I am the happiest and most content I've ever been and found an incredible peace of mind.  
~ Alyssa C.
Muse panel clip
Thinking about working with me one-on-one?

Here are a few ways my services can help you with your career and life, as most of you fall into one or a combination of the following categories:
Executive Coaching:
Who :  Managers, Business Owners, Directors, C-Suite Executives 
What : Authentic leadership, motivate staff, cultivate teamwork, facilitate communication, inspire vision and culture, increase employee engagement, manage stress, improve work/life wellness
ROI/Why :  Productivity, People and Profit!
Career Coaching:
Who:   Career Changers, Career Climbers, Job Searchers, Moms, Dads, Grads
What:   Exploration, discovery and attainment of meaningful work and lifepath, improve job performance, professional development and advancement, enter or re-enter job force, time/stress management and work/life wellness 
ROI/Why:   Purpose, Peace and Promotion!  
Life Coaching:
Who: Anyone feeling lost/at a crossroads, unsatisfied, stressed, blocked, confused, passionless   
What: Life transitions, identity issues/crisis, body/mind/spirit wellness, authentic expression, improve relationships   
ROI/Why:  Balance, Bounty and Bliss!  

Why should you work with a coach?
Many of you have seen me speak or have already worked with me, but if not, here's a clip of how I answered a question about what I offer as a coach when presenting at a panel discussion hosted by The Muse (Click image above for that one answer; click here for entire panel discussion )
What can working with Kristina do for you? Here's a recent client testimonial: 
 I gained valuable tools and productive habits from this experience. More importantly, I gained CLARITY as a result of "doing the work" that Kristina recommended. She was easy to talk to (down-to-earth), encouraging and intuitive. She did a great job at helping me identify which obstacles stood in the way, what needed shifting, what didn't, and how to "get to the core" or the root of the problem... I wholeheartedly recommend her!  ~ Ivan S.   

Contact me by email or give me a buzz at 917-816-0834  or more information and to schedule your session today!  
Read more about me and my work in these past PGG's:
Available on Amazon or at the NYPL!
Author of
"From her calming voice and beautiful perspective to her ability to connect the dots and provoke "ah-ha!" moments, her words will change you for the better. " ~ Amy P. 
About Kristina
Kristina Leonardi is a career/life/executive coach and motivational speaker who has a proven record of getting "stuck" clients empowered to make lasting changes aligned with their true passions and talents in a short time. She provides a practical framework for each individual to make the most of their personal and professional lives, allowing them to recognize, connect to, and fulfill their role in the world at large and live with clarity, balance and direction.
For more information visit
You can also text CLEARLY KRISTINA to 22828 to join mailing list or use link at top of this email 

  Kristina Leonardi | PGG Personal Growth Gab | 917-816-0834 | [email protected] |