Tuesday March 17, 2020

AC/DC? What's it going to be?

So you decided that you want to add a School Zone Crosswalk Beacon, Radar Speed sign or Flashing Beacon for your municipality or DOT. What do you choose? AC or DC? Well Carmanah has made that decision easier for you by putting together this worksheet for you to decide what works best for your location and power needs. 

Still not sure? This brochure will show you the products, side-by-side for comparison. 

Once you know what you want or have additional questions, give us a call and we'll happy to help you with options and prices. 


April 27-29, 2020 | Des Moines, IA

May 4-8, 2020 | Peoria, IL

May 6-8, 2020 | Catoosa, OK

May 7, 2020 | Peoria, IL

Congratulations Joan Kasten

We are delighted to help celebrate Joan Kasten's storied 16 year ca reer at MoboTrex and her successful retirement at the end of March.  As you m ay know, Joan loves to plan events and drive organization.  She has led 53 of our successful Midwest User's Group events where she made customers and partners feel welcome and the learning environment fun.  She has been our internal organization machine making sure we submit all the forms and meet all the deadlines.  When we ask if she has seen a document, the typical reply is "yep - I downloaded it and saved it this morning."  She is one step ahead and eager to help.  Joan was also instrumental in implementing and maintaining the Tuesday Traffic Talk from its inception.

It's no surprise that she has trained her successor Cody Lanning to the n-th degree.  He is ready to continue her standard of excellent service that has been the trademark of Joan's career.  If you wish to send Joan a personal note her email is
- Joel Wright, President and CEO

Some items featured in our Tuesday Traffic Talk are not available in all of our territories. Please consult your Regional Sales Manager or Inside Sales Representative for clarification.

(covers TTT prior to 10-11-2016, the rest are found on our website calendar by date)

Know your traffic trivia? Here's your chance to show us.
Today's trivia question is: 

What are the official LED colors used in the Countdown numerals, hand and walking person in a PED signal. We need the exact shade of color (used in specs).
Send your answer to  
with  Traffic Trivia  in the subject line.
The answer to the March 3rd  trivia question was a "permissive left turn" is a traffic signal indication where left turns are made through gaps in oncoming traffic.

Thanks to all that played.

Be on alert today.

If you have a funny picture of a traffic related item, send it to

"Just because something doesn't do what you planned it to do, doesn't mean it's useless."
  ~Thomas A. Edison, American inventor

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109 W. 55th Street, Davenport, IA 52806  |  563.323.0009  |