Congratulations Joan Kasten
We are delighted to help celebrate Joan Kasten's storied 16 year ca
reer at MoboTrex and her successful retirement at the end of March. As you m
ay know, Joan loves to plan events and drive organization. She has led
of our successful Midwest User's Group events where she made customers and partners feel welcome and the learning environment fun. She has been our internal organization machine making sure we submit all the forms and meet all the deadlines. When we ask if she has seen a document, the typical reply is "yep - I downloaded it and saved it this morning." She is one step ahead and eager to help. Joan was also instrumental in implementing and maintaining the Tuesday Traffic Talk from its inception.
It's no surprise that she has trained her successor Cody Lanning to the n-th degree. He is ready to continue her standard of excellent service that has been the trademark of Joan's career. If you wish to send Joan a personal note her email is
- Joel Wright, President and CEO