Tuesday July 9, 2019

Taking the Next Step in School Zone Safety
In our last Tuesday Traffic Talk we featured the the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program and how your municipality can get more information on funding and participate in Safe Routes to School activities.

Now that you have found an interest school zone safety funding and activities  it's time to focus on the products.  Carmanah has released the third video in their School Zone Safety video series.  Radar Speed Signs increase school zone safety by helping drivers see their current speed, acknowledge they are speeding, and slow down, with no police presence required.

For more information and the rest of the School Zone Safety series from Carmanah, please click here.



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July 21-24, 2019 Austin, TX

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August 18-22, 2019 New Orleans, LA

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Davenport 2019 User Group
December 10-11, 2019 | Davenport, IA 


We want to hear from you!  Do you have a traffic tip that could help others in the industry?  What have you learned that might be beneficial  to others or could save someone time?  If you would like to be featured in an upcoming Tuesday Traffic Talk in the Expert Corner section please send your tip to

Are you looking to become a member of our Traffic Expert team?  Or do you know someone in the field looking for a job?  We currently have available openings to join our team.  To see available opportunities and for more information about us, visit our careers page here.

Some items featured in our Tuesday Traffic Talk are not available in all of our territories. Please consult your Regional Sales Manager or Inside Sales Representative for clarification.
(covers TTT prior to 10-11-2016, the rest are found on our website calendar by date)

MoboTrex has recently redesigned their website, check out the new and improved site at

Know your traffic trivia? Here's your chance to show us.
Today's trivia question is:

In 1956 the United States Interstate System was formed.  

Which direction do odd numbered  routes run vs even numbered routes?

Send your answer to with  Traffic Trivia  in the subject line.
The answer to the June 25th trivia was Ampelmannchen. They first came out in 1961 in East Berlin.
Thanks to all that played.
Looks like someone needs Summer School!

If you have a funny picture of a traffic related item, send it to

"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty"

~ ~Winston Churchill

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109 W. 55th Street, Davenport, IA 52806  |  563.323.0009  |