Anti-Racism Initiative
Two things play a prominent role in my life when it comes to Anti-Racism, and neither were in my control:

1. My parents Whether it was watching my Mother engage people in the grocery store (or wherever!) to lend an ear or always having my Dad’s ear if I needed it after a game, my parents have made it clear that we love everyone like our neighbor and we listen to those we love. Their actions made their words undeniable.

2. School – From getting bussed to Rawlings Elementary in 1st grade to my senior year playing football at Buchholz High School, I made friends with kids from across town that I otherwise would not have. For those authentic experiences, relationships built, and the opportunity to face challenges and achieve goals together with all my teammates, I am eternally grateful.

One of my favorite reminders when I have kids under my watch is “God gave you two ears and one mouth so you can listen twice as much as you talk.” I think it’s important, for white people especially, to listen (and watch) much more than we are speaking about racism.

I don’t know how to properly address what’s going on with racism in our country. But I know how to love and I know how to listen. And I’m going to make sure I’m listening extremely close to those who don’t look like me.

If you need a place to get started, I would recommend the following: Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson and the movie 13th.

~ Ben Haines, Director of Sports & Recreation Ministries.
Coming in December: 2 Outdoor Worship Services
That's right! Starting Sunday, December 6, we will be offering two worship services each week under the big tent. Our outdoor modern service will move from 9:15 am to 9:30 am, followed by an outdoor traditional service at 11:00 am. 

Beginning that Sunday, there will also be two worship services online each week at the same times (9:30 am for modern and 11:00 am for traditional).  

We are excited to take this next step in offering onsite worship while also offering a high-quality online experience for those joining us on our digital platforms.
Sunday Worship
This Sunday, Rev. Catherine Fluck Price will close our For the Common Good series with a message considering Acts 2:42-47.

To worship online, we invite you to join us on YouTube at 9:15 am and on both YouTube and Facebook at 11:15 am.

To join us in person under the big tent on Sundays at 9:15 am, please register on Saturdays by 11:59 pm so we can best prepare to welcome you.
Wednesday Worship
This week, Heather Pancoast, Co-Director of Gator Wesley, will be joining us and sharing a message called, "When God Shows Up" (John 4:4-30). We hope you'll join us live on Wednesday at 6:35 pm on YouTube for this special time of worship together.
Mission Box
This week’s Mission Box is for Bread of the Mighty Food Bank. Their mission is to provide hope and encouragement to the hungry and the food insecure. They acquire, sort, store, and distribute food to nonprofit programs that provide for the needy. To learn more, check out their website and see how you can help to close the ever-growing gap between those who need food and the food that is available.
Thanksgiving Baskets: We are in the home stretch! We are just a little bit shy of turkeys and $10 grocery gift cardsso if you are able to donate any of these items, please drop them by the blue bins or turkey cooler in the kitchen loop no later than Wednesday (donations accepted 8:00 am to 6:00 pm). Thank you so much for your generosity this year: we're feeding more families than we ever have, and you have all been amazing with your support of this outreach!
United Methodist Women Honors Trinity's Three Fixateers
The Trinity Three Fixateers can be found around the Trinity campus most every day of the week. They are doing the many jobs that keep our buildings and grounds in good repair and welcoming. From counting turkeys for Thanksgiving Baskets, building the Live Nativity Set, cleaning the Trinity Nature Paths, and building picnic tables, they are masters of all. They generously donate of themselves in ways we could never repay. They do it for the love of the Trinity community of faith. The Trinity chapter of United Methodist Women has honored Jack Brown, Bill Buhi, and Jeff Tennant with a Special Volunteer Recognition for their tireless work on our behalf. When you see them, remember to say, “Thank You!”
Food Hospitality
We are blessed with many treasures in our church. We are blessed with beautiful grounds, inspiring spaces, and a variety of ministries to find connections. One of the most precious gifts we have is each other. With open arms, we welcome and embrace one another with love, prayers, and encouragement. Speaking of treasure, the recipe I share this week is full of autumn flavors and gem-like colors. If you have a recipe and story to share, please send them to me here.

Sending you all abundant blessings,
Franny Long, Food Hospitality Coordinator

I also offer this blessing for your meal.

Masterful Creator,

We are thankful for all that you designed. We are thankful for this and every meal.
Thankful that you welcome us to the feast of life with outstretched arms and a loving embrace. It is through your love and grace that we are called to love and welcome all whom you created.

Lord, please continue to guide us in the light and be with us in the darkness. We welcome your presence in all we do. Thank you for the gifts of this meal and those present here and at a distance. With our words and gestures of grace we ask that you bless this food.

We're Hiring!
Director of Adult Ministries: Trinity is seeking a passionate follower of Christ with gifts for guiding others in their discipleship journeys to lead our Adult Ministries to the next level! This vital position is part of the leadership team at Trinity and will guide the implementation of Trinity's vision to re-imagine disciple-making for a 21st-century context. Key responsibilities include mentoring persons in spiritual formation; establishing new small groups and supporting existing ones; recruiting, training, and encouraging servant volunteers; and overseeing Trinity's ministry of hospitality. If interested, please send a cover letter, resume, and completed Trinity employment application to Jennifer Thomas. (Check out the full job posting here.)