Words of Encouragement
from Marty Chapman
As I write this, I should be swimming in the Atlantic Ocean, sitting on the beach with a Corona in hand. I am supposed to be on vacation with my children, my grandchildren and my husband’s extended family in South Carolina. This is the week that our extended Chapman family was scheduled to gather at Edisto Beach for our annual family vacation. We usually have 4 houses and somewhere between 45-70 people who travel from across the US to be there. It is a top priority for all members of the Chapman Clan. 

Enter…Corona virus! The COVID kind…

This vacation was cancelled a month ago as we knew it would not be safe for us to gather in such a large group, with relatives of all ages from places near and far. As this week approached I felt my sadness increasing. The disappointment of not being able to go this year was sinking in. I have not missed this trip in 37 years. So much has changed since March 13 th , it continues to astound me. I spend all year looking forward to this time at the beach, relaxing and basking in the sun while spending time with so many who are near and dear. 

My emotions are heightened by the current state of our world battling this virus, and by the civil unrest and deep hurt fracturing our country. Despite the multitude of losses and sadness, there are blessings such as the time to really notice nature and its inherent beauty. Tonight, as we celebrated the “kickoff” of our vacation from many locales, many relatives were able to gather via Zoom that we would NOT have seen, if we had gathered in person. 

“You created our hearts for unbroken fellowship. Yet the constraints of time and place, and the stuttering rhythms of life in a fallen world dictate that all fellowships in these days will at times be broken or incomplete... Grant us, therefore, courage to love well even in this time of absence…How we look forward, O Lord, to the day when all our fellowships will be restored, eternal and unbroken. Amen.” These verses from Every Moment Holy seem perfectly composed for this time. 

I am reminded of this verse from 1 Corinthians 13:12: “For now we see through a glass darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.”


  • Please register to attend this Sunday's in-person worship services on the home page of our website.

  • The Zoom coffee hour will not take place this Sunday.

  • Be sure to download the Sunday Morning Prayer service leaflet posted on the web so that you can participate in the liturgy. We join with one voice in the Worship of the living God.  

  • Be on the look out for a phone call from Church Receptionist Becky Arthur or other staff members, as we update our Realm directory.