Thurs playgroup
Above: Photos of the High School Girls Bible Study group and the Thursday Morning Play Group via Zoom.
From Marty Chapman, Coordinator of Parent Ministries

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
–Philippians 4:6-7

It requires faith to let go of our anxiety and turn our cares and concerns over to God, doesn’t it? I struggle every day with decisions and choices I feel that I should be able to make, but find myself double guessing what the next right step should be. "Oh ye of little faith…"But when I read the second sentence in this quote, there is a lovely feeling of being washed over with "the peace that passeth all understanding" and it helps me to relax, to “let go and let God.”

This year the High School Girl’s Bible Study group has been reading Genesis. Today’s reading is Chapter 22, in which God instructed Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, his only son. Sacrifice his ONLY child?!! This story makes me shiver with fear. What would I have done in this situation? I can only imagine, and it is probably not what Abraham did. But I can keep reading Scripture, and praying for strength so that I can do God’s will. 

Week after week, as we read about Abraham and what he was called to do by God to prove his faithfulness, I am inspired to work a little harder at strengthening my faith. As the hymn says: “Faith of our fathers, living still.” The FAITH of Abraham inspires me.

There have been many blessings over these past three weeks of “sheltering in place.” Bishop Salmon always said that we were created for relationship with God and each other. Thanks to today’s technology we have been able to connect to keep our Bible Studies and even the Thursday Morning Playgroup going. We have been able to connect with HS Bible Study alumnae from Seattle, Portland, Kansas City, Chicago, and Miami during these Bible Studies. 
It is said that the opposite of FEAR is LOVE. In the words of The Right Reverend Michael Curry: 
"God love us, walk with us and help us to love each other, and we WILL find our way."

God's Peace,

  • Holy Week Schedule at
  • Morning Prayer, Monday Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 8:00 AM
  • Maundy Thursday 7:00 PM
  • Good Friday 12 Noon
  • Easter Sunday 10:00 AM

  • Be on the look out for a phone call from Church Receptionist Becky Arthur or other staff members, as we update our Realm directory.