Hello, my name is Peter Christian Smith and I have been a member of The Church of St. Michael & St. George for nearly forty years. I was born to a very faithful mother on Good Friday in 1953, hence the name. My wife Nancy is a Professor of Physical Therapy and Orthopaedic Surgery at Washington University School of Medicine and I retired from the media business a few years ago. We live in Clayton and usually attend the 9:15 AM service, Gospel side.
The specific impetus for my joining CSMSG happened when my son Nicholas was born in 1983 and needed to be baptized. Although an Episcopalian since birth, I hadn’t regularly attended an area church since moving back to St. Louis after college. A call to inquire about CSMSG as the venue resulted, to my great surprise, in a home visit from the Rector, Ed Salmon. Ed insisted on meeting with my son’s mother and me in person before he’d agree to baptize our baby. That really got my attention!
In short order the parish became an important part of my life. We have celebrated many weddings, baptisms, and funerals at CSMSG and it feels like home every time I walk through the door. It has been difficult these past several months without regular, easy access to the physical church building and our friends and fellow parishioners. However, Nancy and I are grateful for the online services; the email encouragement from clergy, staff, choristers and others; and all the ways CSMSG has worked to keep us feeling connected.
Our principle focus since the pandemic began, in addition to staying safe and healthy, has been enjoying the birth of our second grandson and second granddaughter this spring. With God’s blessing we look ahead with hope and faith to the birth of our fifth grandbaby this fall. In the midst of all the challenges our world is facing we give thanks to the Lord for these little miracles!
Peter Smith