May  2016

Get Involved. Be in the Know. 
Our Unit meetings are moving right along in their studies of important issues. The North Tulsa Unit will be concluding their year-long study "Re-entry into Society After Prison" this 
month following their "Life After Prison" community forum. The Br eakfast Unit will dive into a thought-provoking article entitled "Should Everybody V ote." And the Midtown Unit will continue their study and discussion of LWVMT's policies and positions. 

Join us at one of the Unit Meetings. Educated and informed voters are key to our democracy. The meeting dates and study materials may be found here
Nominate Now!
The 2015-2016 Fiscal Year is coming to a close. With that, some of our Board of Director seats are coming available too! 

If you know some o ne you feel would be a good contribution to the LWVMT Board  of Directors or would be a wonderful committee chair-nominat e them! Nomination forms
can be found at the League office or by contacting Emily Davis, Nominating Committee Co-Chair or Diama Norris, Nominating Committee Co-Chair.
LWV Conventions
It's convention season!  There are two upcoming conventions that we wanted the membership to be aware of- see below. 

LWVOK 2016 Council
Saturday, May 21st, 2016
Fairfield Inn & Suites
Lawton, OK
All League members are welcome to attend. Find more information here.

LWVUS National Convention
June 16th-19th, 2016
Washington D.C.
Further details may be found here.
Madam President      
Madam President was a huge success!  Thank you to everyone 
who attended, sponsored, or donated to this event! And of course, a huge gigantic thank you and pat on the back to our Madam President Committee, especially Event Chair Meredith McDaris and honorary Event Chair Shagah Zakerion of Tulsa Young Professionals.  You all did an amazing job!
*Pictured are the 2016 Madam President Honorees. 
LWVMT Annual Meeting 2016
Save the Date!  The LWVMT Annual Meeting 2016  will take place on Tuesday, June 7th.  Mark your calendars! We hope to see everyone to reflect and celebrate a great year of realizing the LWV mission and looking forward to another wonderful year ahead! Membership will also be renewed at this time!
Successful Community Forums
The League of Women Voters of Metropolitan Tulsa and its various Program sub-units have been busy! We have recently had not one, but two successful community forum events- Money Power vs. Power of the People and Life After Prison.  Part of LWV's mission is to educate and empower the community and these forums have done just that! Thanks to everyone who participated! 
In This Issue
Unit Meetings
Madam President
Annual Meeting
Community Forums



  We can't
   Make Democracy Work

without you!
The League welcomes everyone over 18 who wants to help make a difference in our democracy.  Forward this email to your friends and invite them to

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Want to connect with fellow members and to be the first to learn about our many important activities taking place across town?

Join us on  Facebook and follow us on Twitter!   

This is the perfect way to stay up to date on what the League is up to and how YOU can get involved!