1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Flag Salute
4. Special Items:
a. Proclamation: Juneteenth - June 19, 2023
b. Proclamation LGBTQIA2s+ Community Pride Month June 2023
5. Public Comment: (for discussion of items not having a public hearing on tonight's agenda)
6. Consent Calendar:
a. Approval of Minutes: City Council, May 16, 2023
b. Approval of Minutes: City Council Worksession, May 23, 2023
c. Payment of Vouchers (Shelly Carter)
d. Grant Agreement with the Department of Natural Resources for Community Forestry Assistance (Alyssa Jones Wood)
e. Reappointment of Rado Shane Harrington to the Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners (Hanna Miles)
f. Thunder in the Valley 4th of July Fireworks Display Permit (Brian Hurley)
7. Public Hearing:
a. Resolution No. R2023-008, Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (Mary Heather Ames)
b. Third Amendment to Development Agreement between the City of Tumwater and the Craft District (Brandon Hicks)
8. Council Considerations:
a. Resolution No. R2023-009, Golf Cart Lease (Chuck Denney)
b. Offsite Lease with South Puget Sound Community College (Dan Smith)
c. Service Provider Agreement with TCF Architecture, PLLC, for the City Operations and Maintenance Facility Design (Bill Lindauer)
9. Committee Reports
a. Public Health and Safety Committee (Leatta Dahlhoff)
b. General Government Committee (Michael Althauser)
c. Public Works Committee (Eileen Swarthout)
d. Budget and Finance Committee (Debbie Sullivan)
10. Mayor/City Administrator's Report
11. Councilmember Reports
12. Any Other Business
13. Adjourn