Hybrid City Council Meeting
7:00 p.m. | June 6, 2023
This meeting of the City Council will be held both remotely and in-person at Tumwater City Hall.

ATTEND in Person
Tumwater City Hall | 555 Israel Rd. SW, Tumwater, WA 98501
ATTEND Remotely

Watch Online

Remote meeting http://www.zoom.us/join, and enter the Webinar ID 826 6120 0333 and Passcode 908524.

Listen by Telephone
Call (253) 215-8782, listen for the prompts and enter the Webinar ID 826 6120 0333 and Passcode 908524.

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Flag Salute

4. Special Items:
a. Proclamation: Juneteenth - June 19, 2023
b. Proclamation LGBTQIA2s+ Community Pride Month June 2023

5. Public Comment: (for discussion of items not having a public hearing on tonight's agenda)

6. Consent Calendar:
a. Approval of Minutes: City Council, May 16, 2023
b. Approval of Minutes: City Council Worksession, May 23, 2023
c. Payment of Vouchers (Shelly Carter)
d. Grant Agreement with the Department of Natural Resources for Community Forestry Assistance (Alyssa Jones Wood)
e. Reappointment of Rado Shane Harrington to the Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners (Hanna Miles)
f. Thunder in the Valley 4th of July Fireworks Display Permit (Brian Hurley)

7. Public Hearing:
a. Resolution No. R2023-008, Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (Mary Heather Ames)
b. Third Amendment to Development Agreement between the City of Tumwater and the Craft District (Brandon Hicks)

8. Council Considerations:
a. Resolution No. R2023-009, Golf Cart Lease (Chuck Denney)
b. Offsite Lease with South Puget Sound Community College (Dan Smith)
c. Service Provider Agreement with TCF Architecture, PLLC, for the City Operations and Maintenance Facility Design (Bill Lindauer)

9. Committee Reports
a. Public Health and Safety Committee (Leatta Dahlhoff)
b. General Government Committee (Michael Althauser)
c. Public Works Committee (Eileen Swarthout)
d. Budget and Finance Committee (Debbie Sullivan)

10. Mayor/City Administrator's Report

11. Councilmember Reports

12. Any Other Business

13. Adjourn
The City Council agenda and supporting documents will be posted to the City website by the Friday afternoon before the meeting. Written minutes for the current year are published after approval by Council.
Public Comment

In-Person and Remote Comment
Attend in person to give public comment or attend remotely. Register by 6:45 p.m. the day of the meeting to provide public comment remotely using the web-based meeting platform. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with a login to join the online meeting.

Written Comment
As an alternative, prior to the meeting, the public may submit comments by sending an email to council@ci.tumwater.wa.us, no later than 5:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting. Comments are submitted directly to the Mayor and City Councilmembers and will not be read individually into the record of the meeting.
City Council Meetings

The Tumwater City Council meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.

This is a formal Council meeting for the purpose of conducting official City business and includes public comments; public hearings; presentations; the adoption of ordinances and resolutions, contracts, agreements, and budgets.
Tumwater TV

All regularly scheduled Tumwater City Council meetings are telecast live on Tumwater TV, Channel 26 (Comcast).

Video recording of this meeting will be available from TCMedia within 24 hours of the meeting.
Tumwater Records Center

For meeting minutes and agendas older than the current year, search the Tumwater Records Center.
Accessibility & Accommodations

The City of Tumwater takes pride in ensuring that people with disabilities are able to take part in and benefit from, the range of public programs, services, and activities offered by the City.

To request an accommodation or alternate format of communication, contact the City Clerk at (360) 252-5488, or email CityClerk@ci.tumwater.wa.us. For vision or hearing impaired services, please contact the Washington State Relay Service at 7-1-1 or 1 (800) 833-6384. To contact the City ADA Coordinator directly, call (360) 754-4128 or email ADACoordinator@ci.tumwater.wa.us.