Traktung Dudjom Lingpa


Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche


"Delightful Ocean of Pith Instructions"

Trekchod - Rushen Retreat

December 30 - January 7

Dear Becky,

For those fortunate individuals who are qualified, Tulku Thadral Rinpoche has chosen to give Rushen-Trekchod teachings based on a recently translated commentary by Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche entitled, "Delightful Ocean of Pith Instructions". Based on Dudjom Lingpa's "Buddhahood Without Meditation: Instructions on the Swift Path of the Great Transfer", the text was Dudjom Rinpoche's first treatise (at age 17) on the Great Perfection.

Tulku Thadral Rinpoche will give teachings on the first chapter, which covers Rushen, the preliminary practices for Trekchod.

Dudjom Rinpoche III Sangye Pema Shepa said in the foreword to this text,

"If you wish to accomplish the unsurpassed level, merely intending to practice the Dharma or acting like a practitioner outwardly will not help. Without grasping at the swift path as the easy way, if you go to a remote or isolated place and turn your mind toward the essential meaning, resting your mind one-pointedly in sustained practice, you will obtain the fruit."

There is no more perfect place to practice than at Pema Osel Ling, under the supreme tutelage of Tulku Thadral Rinpoche. Students may also participate by streaming, but we encourage you to attend in person.

Even if you have taken Rushen instructions in the past, these teachings with Tulku Thadral Rinpoche will definitely "turn your mind toward the essential meaning"! Find out more and register here.

Becky, for your friends at Pema Osel Ling

Year - End Appeal

Join us in protecting and sustaining Pema Osel LingHelp us as we carry out needed repairs, prepare for storms and protect against wildfires. Maintaining our precious Lotus Land of Clear Light depends on our whole sangha. Please give today or make a monthly pledge of support.

Donate in lieu of a holiday gift and we will be happy to send an e-card.

Find out how you can help here.

Upcoming Dharma Events

Dungse Thinley Norbu Rinpoche's Twelfth Dechö

December 14 - 9 am and 2:30 pm

Dorsem Lama Chöpa (Offerings to the Lama as Vajrasattva)

In person (sorry, no meals) and by streaming

Dudjom Rinpoche

Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche's Dechö

December 29 - 3-6 pm

Ka Ter Dorsem (Vajrasattva) Puja & Tsok

In person and by streaming

2024 Trekchod Retreat

Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche's "Delightful Ocean of Pith Instructions"

Tulku Thadral Rinpoche

December 30, 2023 - January 7, 2024

In person and by streaming

2024 Retreats

Gutor-Losar Retreat

January 31 - February 10

Chakung Jigme Wangdrak Rinpoche

"Mountain Retreat"

March 1-3

Ngondro Retreat with Sam Bercholz

March 30 - April 7

Summer Retreat

May 14 - June 16

Children's Retreat

June 10 - 15

To offer butter lamps, tsok and to support our ongoing activities, please click here.

Holy Day and Daily Pujas by Streaming

Dec 12, 8:00 am - New Moon - Shakyamuni Day - Buddha Puja

Dec 20, 8:00 am - Medicine Buddha Day - Orgyen Menla

Dec 22, 8:00 am - Guru Rinpoche Day - Dorje Drolo

Troma practice Tuesday evenings 6 pm and Yeshe Tsogyal practice Saturday mornings 8 am

Beautiful shrine room; individual cabins, shared kitchen and bathrooms

Contact Dharma Programs

Personal Retreat Opportunities in our Three-Year Retreat Cabins

Shorter Retreats: From one week to three months (Dec. '23 to Feb. '24)

Longer Retreats: 3, 6 or 12 months (starting February '24)

Programs & Activities

Five Taras and Great Arhat Mandala Project

Based on a prophecy of Dungse Thinley Norbu Rinpoche, we have commissioned and have now installed five marble Tara statues in our Shrine Room.

DONATE to create an auspicious connection with the Tara Project.

Three-Year Retreat (Drubdra)

We are now inviting applicants for our next traditional three-year retreat, which will start in 2024. 

For more information email [email protected]

DONATE to help make essential repairs to our retreat facility.

Dudjom Tersar & Troma Ngondro Program

  • Group Q&A online sessions
  • Group accumulation sessions
  • Personal mentors
  • Special resources

Public Ngondro Teachings and Lungs - December 13:

Tulku Thadral Rinpoche teaching on Troma Ngondro

Program members only:

Q&A Dudjom Tersar

Accumulation Session

Red Dorje Drolo Stupa Mandala Completion

We have now finished pouring the concrete inner courtyard for the Stupa Mandala, the 4' outer courtyard and footings for the auspicious fence and individual stone stupas. Thank you for your support!

Siddhi Dung Nyen

Ongoing ~ 79.1 million

Due to the great obstacles the world is facing, we are accumulating 100 million Vajra Guru mantras. 

We invite you to be part of this great undertaking by sending your accumulations to [email protected]

Numbers will be updated on our homepage). 

2023 Annual Yearbook

Coming Soon!

For now, see our 2022 Yearbook with photos of our 2022 pujas, retreats and art activities, catch up on the progress of our Stupa and Tara/Arhat projects, and enjoy stories of wedding attendees who have had transformative experiences here.

Dharma Treasures

20% Off All Himalayan and Japanese Incense and Burners Sale Extended to December 15

Wooden Incense Boxes, Hand Carved and Painted in Nepal

7", 10" and 14"

Dudjom Treasure Vases

Sacred objects empowered to promote abundance, prosperity, healing, and protection from unwanted circumstances

Sign up for the Treasure Vase Newsletter

Become A Member of the Vajrayana Foundation

Vajrayana Foundation | | [email protected]

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