November 2023

Three Georgetown alums join McCourt Advisory Board

Koonal Gandhi (MPP’05), Shéhérazade Semsar-de Boisséson (SFS/G’90) and Dr. Georganne Vartorella (C’73, M’82) join more than 20 dynamic leaders in politics, policy, business and philanthropy.

Tech & Public Policy program welcomes new fellows

Georgetown graduate students will work with Frances Haugen, Facebook whistleblower and advocate for accountability and transparency in social media, and her organization Beyond the Screen, to help identify and develop strategies to mitigate social media harm.

Meet the 2023-2024 Richmond Foundation Fellows

Seven McCourt School students will work with faculty members and research centers on a variety of new and expanded projects, including research on Medicaid, Healthcare Shortage Professional Areas and policy responses to global health problems.

Transforming conflict into mutual understanding

McCourt School affiliated students became certified mediators in the Virginia court system through mentorship and experiential learning in the Conflict Transformation Lab’s innovative, interactive course.

Uncovering sources of life-giving water

McCourt Ambassador Serenity Fan (MIDP’24) uses their interdisciplinary skills to help ensure people who live in South Asia have access to life-giving water supplies.