Tuesday, January 30th -

featuring a video podcast interview with John Sorensen

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm CT | 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm ET

11:00 am – 12:30 pm MT | 10:00 am – 11:30 am PT

Find the time in your region HERE

Closed captioning is available

Sage-ing International, The Jung Center, and the Community for Conscious Aging present a Turning Points interview featuring John Sorensen.

What makes this interview so unique is that it does not focus on the career and success of John Sorensen; rather, it focuses on the significant turning points in his life especially during the times of struggle and transformation along with the wisdom gained from his experiences of uncertainty, missteps, and difficulties. From his shared story, we will learn more about how these difficulties in life have the power to lead to meaningful new beginnings. We will be inspired to reflect on those “dark nights” in our lives and adopt some of the valuable learnings.

January 30th - John Sorensen

As a youth, John Sorensen heard the call to venture into outer space and followed that calling for 45 years of engineering design, corporate management, and entrepreneurial experiences. His early career was devoted to spacecraft and rocket engineering including trajectory design for astronaut Moon landing. He later transitioned to air transportation systems technology development and thereafter led over 100 design projects for US government agencies, manufacturers, and airline clients. During this period, he authored/co-authored hundreds of technical papers, articles, and reports.

In 2005, John heard another, deeper calling – time to re-invent and dedicate himself to humanitarian service. This led to John following the hero’s journey of stepping into the unknown, seeking how to manifest that calling. In 2014 that journey of self-discovery resulted in John co-founding what is now Elders Action Network (EAN – www.eldersaction.org ). Via EAN, John is a passionate supporter of social and environmental justice activism, including comprehensive efforts to combat the threats of climate disruption and the destruction of our American democracy. In addition to EAN leadership, John supports external causes directed at local regenerative community transformation and inner personal growth.


Katia Petersen PhD, is currently the co-chair at Sage-ing International. She is also the President of Petersen Argo Inc., an organization focusing on Transformational Leadership and Conscious Living. 

Katia brings decades of experience as a clinical psychotherapist, educator, and author, and is an Emmy award recipient for outstanding educational programming both on television and radio. She is known for her ability to shift one’s perspective on life, while re-igniting our sense of purpose and meaning. Dr. Petersen thrives as a motivational speaker, master trainer and mentor.

Ron Pevny, M.A., CSL, for forty years, has been dedicated to assisting people in negotiating life transitions as they create lives of purpose and passion.

Ron is the Founding Director of the Center for Conscious Eldering, based in Colorado, which for 20 years has presented workshops and retreats across North America to support people in bringing purpose, growth, and service to their elder years.

Ron is the author of Conscious Living, Conscious Aging: Embrace and Savor Your Next Chapter, published in 2014 by Beyond Words/Atria Books. Ron is also a Certified Sage-ing® Leader. He served as the host for Transforming Aging Summits presented by The Shift Network in which he interviewed 60 leaders whose work supports conscious eldering. 


Tuesday, January 30th

12:00pm - 1:30pm CT

Fees on Sliding Scale:

$45 Supporter

$35 Basic

$30 Reduced

Turning Points will feature the 90-minute interview using ZOOM technology. Those who are registered but unable to view an interview at its scheduled time will be able to access the recording. 

Click here to register for the program

For program information or

to request one of a limited number of scholarships contact:

Education Coordinator Rosemary Cox, r.cox@sage-ing.org

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