Tuscarawas Connexions

Check It Out

In this week's edition, you'll find new information on:

  • UMC Pilgrimages Letter and Upcoming Conversations
  • Aldersgate Worship Night - Crossroads UMC
  • Faith Connections Newsletter - Flat Rock Homes
  • 100 Years of Sundays - Massillon: First UMC
  • Celebrate Arts @ Mt. Union - North Canton: Faith UMC
  • Shoe Box Paint Night - Greentown UMC
  • Cabinet Re-Districting Proposal - Annual Conference

Letter to "United Methodists on a Pilgrimage" & Upcoming Conversations

There have been some churches in the Tuscarawas District that have held a Church Conference in order to vote on the matter of affiliation with the United Methodist Church. These vote results are rarely unanimous. Therefore, some members of these congregations likely will be finding themselves on a pilgrimage to find a new worshipping and discipling community of faith. A letter has been sent to these persons (click here to view the letter). This letter acknowledges their journey and invites them to gather with other pilgrims to explore new United Methodist possibilities.

We invite those on this pilgrimage to join one or both of the conversations happening this week. Two more gatherings are planned in the weeks to come. The agendas at each of the meetings are the same:

  • Thursday, May 4 at Top of the Viaduct Restaurant in Massillon at 5:30 p.m.

Be blessed on your journey.

Rev. Cara Stultz Costello

Cabinet East Ohio Conference Re-District Proposal to Annual Conference 2023

“Flexibility, Creativity, Courage”

Considering rapid changes in our church and culture, Bishop Tracy S. Malone convened a task group to look at current trends and consider how to best address these realities. The primary task of this group was to study these realities and recommend how many districts are needed in the East Ohio Conference to address these trends and to best position Conference laity and clergy to live into our shared vision and mission. Bishop Malone introduced the process for redistricting in February 2022. Per ¶ 415.4 of The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church 2016, the bishop and district superintendents will “form the districts, after the number of the same has been determined by vote of the Annual Conference.”


Following the action of the 2023 East Ohio Annual Conference to determine the number of districts Bishop Malone and the Cabinet will work to develop new boundary lines at their September meeting. The goal is for new districts to be in place on January 1, 2024.


The task group that studied the current district structure of the East Ohio Conference and provided a written recommendation to Bishop Malone and the Cabinet was comprised of a diverse group of clergy and laity from across the East Ohio Conference. The work of the task group was guided by these three values: flexibility, creativity, and courage.



The number of districts should provide as much flexibility as possible to the gifted lay and clergy leaders of the East Ohio Conference so that they best utilize both our people resources and our financial resources in moving one step closer to living into our shared vision and mission. Redistricting will provide flexibility in Conference and district structures and best position us to be good stewards of people’s time, gifts, and energy so that more financial resources will be available for ministry in the local church.



When East Ohio Conference pastors, congregations, and faith communities have flexibility in how vital resources can be used it will free all to be more creative in ministry. One way this creativity has been modeled over the past year has been demonstrated in new models for superintendency. The hope is that these new models will better position districts to be able to more effectively resource and equip churches to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. It is the local church that is the primary place for disciple making and each district is a key grassroots connection for resourcing this primary mission. With more resources at the grass roots level, churches can increase capacity to engage in ministry with their neighbors and communities.



The task group agreed that with the rapid changes in our church, and culture, it is time to make a bold and courageous change to adapt to these realities. This adaptive change is being proposed so that local churches will feel empowered to expand the transformational ministries that are impacting communities across the State of Ohio. Reducing the number of districts is a courageous way for the East Ohio Conference to be more flexible with resources and more creative missionally so that pastors, congregations, and faith communities can continue to live into our shared vision of reaching new people, younger people, and more diverse people.



After receiving and reviewing the report from the task group, the East Ohio Conference Cabinet makes the proposal to the Annual Conference to reorganize around four districts. The Cabinet believes redistricting in this way will empower the East Ohio Conference to be more flexible, creative, and courageous in living into the principle that districts and conferences exist to support the local church. Following Annual Conference action, the next step per ¶ 415.4 of The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church is for the bishop and Cabinet to work together to draw the district boundaries.



How will redistricting affect the conference budget and local church apportionments?

  • All indicators are that this proposal will continue to move us in the direction of lowering the Conference budget, so that more dollars are kept in the local church for mission and ministry.


Will there still be district offices? 

  • District staff play a key role in helping to resource and supporting pastors and local churches. There will continue to be district offices but the form of those offices – be they brick and mortar or remote – is yet to be determined.


How often will we see the district superintendent? 

  • Over the last year, different models for superintendency were piloted. With fewer districts, we will continue to utilize models that ensure clergy and churches receive care and support. You will see your district superintendent as often as you currently do. 


How will it be determined who will be in leadership in the new districts?

  • There will be a time of transition for leadership as the district governance structure will also be shifting. There will be discussion with current leaders about this transition. Those who are willing and able to continue to serve in the new districts will be considered for nomination.


How many churches will be in each district? 

  • The exact number of churches is difficult to determine currently. Several factors will be considered when defining district boundaries such as missional needs, county lines, school districts, and population growth. 


Who decides the names of the new districts?

  • The bishop and the East Ohio Conference Cabinet will solicit input from Conference members in a collaborative process to determine the names of the new districts.
District News

Cara's Weekly Calendar

May 1: Sabbath

May 2: District Strategizing

May 3: District Strategizing

May 4: District Strategizing

May 5: District Strategizing

May 7: Worship on the District

100 years of Sundays

Click on the article below from the Canton Repository to read about Viola Fisher and her being a member at Massillon: First UMC for 100 Years!

100 years of Sundays: Jackson Twp. woman celebrates century as faithful church member

Lay Servant Ministry

John Wesley valued the role of laity in the early days of his ministry. He describes what he considered to be essential qualities of a Lay Person. While it is God that calls us into ministry, both clergy and laity, it is the responsibility of the church to equip those called and provide them with opportunities for Spiritual Formation. Through time, the UMC has created a program of training to help individuals answer God’s call.

The Tuscarawas District Board of the Lay Servant Ministries program is pleased to announce our schedule of upcoming classes and opportunities for Spiritual Enrichment. Classes are open to anyone, whether or not you are considering a call to participate further in the Lay Servant Ministry Program.

All classes will be at Bolivar United Methodist Church, 248 Poplar St, Bolivar 44612.

Friday, May 12th 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm & Saturday May 13th, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm

Basic Lay Servant Training Course – Part 1 & 2

Course cost - $15.00. Snacks and beverages will be provided Friday evening, lunch is available for $10 on Saturday.

The participant’s book for this Course “Lay Servant Ministry – Basic Course” must be purchased in advance. It is available from The Upper Room web site: (upperroom.com/store&resources), for $12.00 plus shipping. The book can sometimes be found on the Cokesbury web site and Amazon for slightly less.

Registration Form / Eventbrite Registration

Saturday, May 13th 8:00 am to 5:00 pm

Advance Lay Servant Class – Opening Ourselves to Grace.

Course Cost $15.00. Lunch is available on this day for both classes for $10.00.

The participant’s book for this class “Opening Ourselves to Grace” is free as a PDF download from UMCDiscipleship.org/resources/lay-servant-ministries-advanced-courses. If you are unable to download PDF’s please email Eddie Courtney at msged@earthlink.net and he will mail a copy to you.

Registration Form / Eventbrite Registration

Saturday, Jun 24th, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. 

Lay Servant Advanced Class – Embracing Personal Prayer. 

Course cost is $15.00. Lunch is available on this day for $10.00.

The participant’s book for this class, “Lord, Teach us to Pray” is available from the UpperRoom.org/store for $10.00 and must be purchased and read in advance.

Registration Form

Saturday, Oct 14, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Lay Servant Advanced Class – Lay Servants Lead in Conflict Resolution. 

Course cost is $15.00. Lunch is available on this day for $10.00.

The participant’s book for this class “The Spirit and Art of Conflict Transformation” is available from the UpperRoom.org/store for $25.00 and must be purchased and read in advance.

Registration Form

Please check with your pastor to see if your church has tuition assistance money available for continuing education or spiritual enrichment opportunities.

If you would like more information on the Lay Servant Ministry Program for our district, please email any of the following:

Around East Ohio & the Tuscarawas District

Annual Conference 2023

Registration is Now Open for Annual Conference 2023

The 54th session of Annual Conference is June 8-10 at the John S. Knight Center in Akron and registration for this year’s conference is now open.

Registration closes end of day Friday, May 12.

New this year:

  • AC 2023 t-shirt for purchase with proceeds benefitting Youth Service Fund (YSF).
  • Purchase the t-shirt and register for all EOC special event luncheons on the same link at which you register for Annual Conference and Clergy Session.
  • A Modify Registration button to purchase a shirt and/or meals at a later time after you’ve registered for Annual Conference and Clergy Session.
  • A courtesy shuttle to and from the John S. Knight Center and Akron First UMC.
  • Childcare provided at Kozmic Korner Pre-School and Child Care Center.
  • Housing and day camp opportunities during AC at Camp Wanake.

Learn more and register on the Annual Conference 2023 website.

EOC Appointments - Tuscarawas District

Click here for all EOC Appointments


New Appointment

Cara Stultz Costello

District Superintendent

Thom Kalb

North Canton Faith UMC

Lauren Radzik

North Canton: Grace UMC

Shannon Sampson

The Vine UMC

Christine Ulman

East Rochester and New Franklin UMCs

Michael Ward

Crosspoint UMC

East Ohio Conference E-News

Find the information about what is happening throughout the East Ohio Conference through the biweekly newsletter. From appointments to mission opportunities to events....

See the latest E-News from HERE.

Summer Camp 2023

The Tusc District has processed camperships for over 40 children already & still has plenty of funds available for your child, grandchild, etc. to attend!

Click here to complete your application today!

Every Summer Has a Story Make Camp a part of your story in 2023!

There is still room for you at Camp!

At our East Ohio Camps Sites – Aldersgate, Asbury, and Wanake - it is not too late to get registered for Summer Camp 2023.  Find all you need to register online at www.EOCSummercamps.org or contact us for a brochure at camp@eocumc.com or (330) 499-3972 ext. 108. 

Cost of Camp Stretching Your Budget? Conference Camperships are available!

Positions Available

Dover First United Methodist Church is seeking qualified applicants for the part-time position of church financial secretary. Click here for the job description. Resumes or questions can be sent to Pastor Wesley George via email.

Otterbein (Navarre) UMC is seeking applicants for Youth Director Position (grades 9 - 12) and Assistant Youth Leader Position (grades 6 – 8). If you are interested in either of these or have questions, please contact the church at 330-484-2776.

Simpson UMC in Canton is actively seeking an Organist. Please contact Simpson via email.
Items Available

Otterbein (Navarre) UMC has a variety of Sunday School & Bible Study books available. Click here to access the entire list. If interested, please contact Doris Brown by email.

Items Missing
Items Needed
Please submit your request for publication of an event, job ad, or announcement to Megan at canaltuscdistoffice@eocumc.com by Thursday at 12:00 noon to run in the following Monday
Tuscarawas Connexions. Please be aware that the less words the better and please note that flyers are not always easily readable in this format.

Please share this newsletter widely and encourage those that would like to receive it directly to share their contact email with the District Office.
Tuscarawas Connexions
Official Publication of the Tuscarawas District East Ohio Conference —
The United Methodist Church

Tuscarawas District Office
8800 Cleveland Avenue NW, North Canton, OH 44720
Phone: (330) 499-3972 ext. 106