Tuscarawas Connexions
District News

District Office Updates

From Megan: Thank you Canal District for your countless prayers, texts, and emails checking on Nathan and our family. He is doing ok and we are learning our "new normal" :) I will be in the office on Tuesdays & Thursdays, while working remotely for the next few weeks. The easiest way to contact the office is via email.

Church and Community Transformation


“Like all organizations, you have fallen into certain patterns of operation, some good and some not… you have two choices: to continue to do what you always have done or to reorganize…” Michael Gecan, Professional Community Organizer of the Metro Industrial Areas Foundation


If Michael Gecan’s statement resonated with you then, you are invited to one of three basic trainings - Church and Community Transformation - offered by Dr. Angela Cowser, Associate Dean of Black Church Studies and DMin programs at Louisville Presbyterian Seminary, and the “Thriving Congregations” Cohort members.

In this two day training, you will be introduced to some basics of church and community transformation, to begin to discern the role of the congregation or charge that you are part of in this work, and to learn how this is part of what God calls us to when we pray “Thy kingdom come.” 

It is highly recommended that participants come in teams that have both clergy and lay.   Lay members should be leaders within the church- not limited to ‘official’ leaders but those dedicated and faithful leaders who believe in the power of the church and who will be listened to in the broader congregation. Cost is just $15 at person!

Register you and your team for one of the following workshops. The workshops are hosted in three district but people from all districts are welcome and encouraged to attend:

Sept 23-24 at Wedgewood UMC (Akron, OH) https://www.eventbrite.com/e/395914580167

Oct 14-15 at Union Ave UMC (Alliance, OH) https://www.eventbrite.com/e/395921079607

Nov 11-12 at Church Hill UMC (Youngstown, OH) https://www.eventbrite.com/e/church-and-community-transformation-tickets-395926275147

Consultation & Charge Conference Season

Charge Conference season is quickly approaching! The 2022 Charge Conference and Consultation forms are now live on the Conference website.

Consultations will begin in August and will be scheduled on a regional area with DS Cara Stultz Costello meeting with clergy during the day and the church(es) in the evening.

For churches in a multi-church appointment - only 1 Clergy Assessment form needs to be submitted. The SPR committees of each church are encouraged to work together to complete the assessment.

For Charge Conference - held on Saturday, October 15 at 1:00 p.m. at Union Ave UMC: Please complete this form for EACH person in a leadership role.

2022 General Charge Conference Instructions.png

Cara's Weekly Calendar

September 19: Sabbath

September 20: Consultations & District Strategizing

September 21: Consultations & District Strategizing

September 22: District Committee on Ministry meeting & Consultations

September 23: District Strategizing

September 25: Worship on the District & District Strategizing

East Ohio Conference News & Trainings

Wespath FAQ

Wespath, the benefits and pension partner of the UMC, continues to focus on continuity of benefits for those who serve and the impact of disaffiliations on pensions, benefits and liabilities funding. FAQs are updated periodically.

Link to Wespath FAQ

East Ohio Conference E-News
Find the information about what is happening throughout the East Ohio Conference through the biweekly newsletter. From appointments to mission opportunities to events....

See the latest E-News from HERE.
Around East Ohio & the Tuscarawas District

Strategic Ministries

New Online Learning Platform

We are excited to share with you about another tool that your Connectional Ministries Office now has to help resource you and your church as we invite all to join our online learning platform! Designed for both lay and clergy this is a way to have learning happen on your own schedule. There are already many courses available from other conferences that we are in partnership with and in coming months we will be adding more and more of our own content. 

Registration is at: https://eocumc.myabsorb.com/?KeyName=EO%20Sign%20UP

We just launched our Charge Conference course. This course would be particularly helpful to new clergy or lay who have not dealt with the paperwork before. The chapters can be done in any order so they can just engage with the parts that they want. https://eocumc.myabsorb.com/#/online-courses/62d66c8a-512d-4b47-8587-349480a00f86

Among the courses, make sure to check out Rule of Christ. This resource helps learners to explore how to manage conflict in their church. While churches with new pastoral appointments should make sure to review this class, it can bring value to every faith community. https://eocumc.myabsorb.com/#/online-courses/8ba13648-889e-411c-857d-099495709b69

Rule of Christ Trainer Training - If you are interested in becoming a trainer for Rule of Christ please register here.

EOC Young People's Ministries

There are two events coming up for Young People's Ministries:

  1. Young Adult Retreat: Friday October 14-16 @ Lakeside
  2. Project Feed Service Project: Sunday, November 13 2:00 p.m. @ Wadsworth Middle School 

Watch for more information soon!

Positions Available

Otterbein (Navarre) UMC is seeking applicants for Youth Director Position (grades 9 - 12) and Assistant Youth Leader Position (grades 6 – 8). If you are interested in either of these or have questions, please contact the church at 330-484-2776.

Simpson UMC in Canton is actively seeking an Organist. Please contact Simpson via email.
Items Available
Items Missing
Items Needed
Please submit your request for publication of an event, job ad, or announcement to Megan at canaltuscdistoffice@eocumc.com by Thursday at 12:00 noon to run in the following Monday
Tuscarawas Connexions. Please be aware that the less words the better and please note that flyers are not always easily readable in this format.

Please share this newsletter widely and encourage those that would like to receive it directly to share their contact email with the District Office.
Tuscarawas Connexions
Official Publication of the Tuscarawas District East Ohio Conference —
The United Methodist Church

Tuscarawas District Office
8800 Cleveland Avenue NW, North Canton, OH 44720
Phone: (330) 499-3972 ext. 106