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on it!
Our National
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Message from the Chair - Tessique Houston
Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful end to 2016. I'm looking forward to an excellent 2017, full of music making!
I'm excited that
National Seminar will be held in Area 12, July 11-15 in Anaheim! This is going to be a great opportunity for some of us to get to a national event. There are so many great concerts and classes. I encourage you to consider getting there and experiencing it, especially if you have never been to a National Seminar before.
This is also an excellent opportunity for Area 12 to show how generous we are. We will be needing lots of equipment and lots of people to volunteer to make this all happen. I know many of you have been generous with your equipment and time in the past for Area 12 events. I will be contacting many of you for that generosity again. If you would like to volunteer time or equipment, please email me - I am the local liaison for this national event. There are some perks for you if you do, and I'd be happy to discuss them when you contact me.
I wish you all a Ringing New Year!
Until next time,
YOU can help! - Patty Marquart Scholarship
Communiqué - Barbara Meinke, Communications Director
As I sit in Aunt Linda's kitchen in Oregon looking at the new snow outside, I am going to call vacation break and reprint an article from last year. So, for those who still need a New Year's resolution and those who need to try again, see below!
Top 10 New Year's Handbell Resolutions (2016)
(determined by number of "likes" on Facebook at time of writing)
10. Learn something about music theory. (Brian, CA)
9. Spend less rehearsal time "running" things and more time
on specific musical details. (Charlie, WI)
8. Not to clink the bells! (Michelle, WI)
7. Make music, not just ringing notes. (Jeanne, FL)
6. No making a face when you hit the wrong note! (Renée, MD)
5. Stop being timid when I tell people I play handbells. (Derek,
4. Work with a small ensemble or learn bell trees. (Leslie, OH)
3. Work harder at "playing" the music and not "counting" the
music. (Neesa, VA)
2. At least pretend to look at the director. (Juliet, VA)
1. Let my face know that I love what I'm doing! (Sarah, NC)
Let your resolve begin!
Happy New Year!
Communications Director
Southern Nevada - Alison Pruett, Regional Coordinator
Hello, Southern Nevada!
I hope everyone had a great Christmas ringing season and a fabulous New Year! It's not too late to join us for the Las Vegas 12th Night Handbell Festival. We currently have 123 ringers registered to attend from Nevada and California for 1.5 days of ringing under the direction of Tim Waugh. Come as a ringer or join us in the audience for the closing concert on Saturday, January 7 at 5:30 pm. All events will be at the Boulder City Recreation Center (900 Arizona St, Boulder City, NV). Come close out the Christmas season with this wonderful annual event.
This event is endorsed by Handbell Musicians of America
Alison Pruett
Southern Nevada Regional Coordinator
For information on Southern Nevada's concerts, events,
and other opportunities,
click here
Central Calif - Christine Anderson, Regional Coordinator
Happy New Year! I hope everyone has recovered from all the activities of December, and can take a deep breath before plunging into the new year.
Here's an upcoming event for you:
Friday, January 6, 2017
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
2700 Eton Rd, Cambria
Evening handbell concert, refreshments; open to public with good will offering - call the church for time of the concert:
If your bells are taking a short vacation, now would be an excellent time to check for any broken/cracked handles or handguards and examine the condition of restraining springs. If you haven't had your handbells refurbished for 10 or more years, you might want to start raising funds to have that job done. There are local people who are happy to do the work, saving the expense and time of sending bells to a factory far away.
Are you also saving up for National Seminar in Anaheim? Let's have a good representation from Central California at this great event!
With a joyful ring,
Central California Regional Coordinator
For information on Central California's concerts, events,
San Francisco Bay - Kendra Scott, Regional Coordinator
Happy New Year!
The holidays are always a busy time for handbell musicians. I'm sure we are all enjoying a little bit of rest and relaxation before starting up our rehearsals again. I'm sure enjoying my sofa, a warm blanket, and lots of tea. I'm also looking forward to planning my spring season of music with my community and school music ensembles.
Registration is open and online for three wonderful activities on April 2
, 29, and 30, 2017
. Click on the blue title for all the info!
and Director's Workshop
April 2
, 29, and 30, 2017
Valley Church, Cupertino CA
This event is endorsed by Handbell Musicians of America
Kendra Scott
Bay Area Regional Coordinator
For information on San Francisco
Bay Area's concerts, events,
Southern California - Michèle Sharik, Regional Coordinator
Happy New Year, SoCal peeps!
I hope all of you had a fa
bulous holiday season full of love, laughter, and music! I just recently returned from my eighth concert tour of Japan with Sonos Handbell Ensemble and had a fabulous time eating Japanese food, seeing the sights, and making music for wonderful people. If you'd like to see pictures and read stories about the trip, head over to the
Sonos Tours Japan 2016 blog
Now that January is here, it's time to prepare for spring events, including the 2017 SoCal Spring Ring, held once again at St. Thomas More Catholic Church in Oceanside. The dates are
Friday and
Saturday, April 28 & 29, and our clinician is the amazing Stevie Berryman. Please be sure to get your registration in soon to take advantage of the Early Bird discount and to ensure a good spot on the ringing floor. Encourage your advanced and advancing ringers to sign up for Bronze Vision where they'll work with Stevie in a smaller group on two pieces for the concert. It's sure to be fun, fun, FUN!
April 28-29, 2017
St. Thomas More Catholic Church
Oceanside, CA
This event is sponsored by Handbell Musicians of America
And don't forget to list your bell choir's events on our calendar. You can either send them directly to me, or submit them yourself using this
handy link. This is free advertising, so please take advantage of it!
Ok, I think that's it for this month. Best wishes as you prepare for your spring activities.
For information on Southern California's concerts,
Los Angeles Metro - Scott Leggett, Regional Coordinator
Happy New Year! First let me say how excited I am to be the new Area 12 Chair elect and to begin work with the board in my new role to better provide support and opportunities for our current and new members of Area 12.
In the meantime, as we look for a coordinator for LA Metro, let's talk about the upcoming Spring Ring, Friday and Saturday March 31-April 1, in Pasadena. The artists of Timbré will be leading us in an exciting two-day event where you choose how you want to participate. The event is "cafeteria style" where you can participate on Friday evening and Saturday, or just on Saturday. You can choose to ring with an "advancing to bronze" group on Friday evening or take classes. Saturday, you may choose to take classes and be part of the massed ring or do just the massed ringing. The impressive list of clinicians and teachers involved in the event include Michèle, Sharik, KatRyn Howell, Marquise Usher, Alex Guebert, Elizabeth Mayes, Barbara Meinke, Linda Krantz, Brianne Pituley, Cyndi Tully, and Mary Liao. This event will explode with handbell talent, so please go to our website and register today!
March 31 and April 1
Pasadena, CA
featuring Timbré Ensemble
Get all the information and registration forms on our website...just go to the date on our calendar and click for more information!
This event is sponsored by Handbell Musicians of America
Here's to a joy filled and happy 2017!
Los Angeles Metro Regional Coordinator
For information on LA Metro's concerts, events,
Northern Nevada - Barb Walsh, Regional Coordinator
Mark your calendars!
15th Annual Sierra Spring Ring
May 20, 2017
Marvin Picollo School
Reno, NV
more info next month!!
Barbara Walsh
Northern Nevada Regional Coordinator
For information on Northern Nevada's concerts, events,
Northern California - Nancy Schmitt, Regional Coordinator
Hello Northern California,
It is that time of year again in which most of us make New Year's resolutions. So how about making this one: "
Ringing the National Anthem at an Oakland A's game this summer." A date will soon be determined and we will need hundreds of ringers to line up on the baseball field and ring arranger John T. Bartsch, Jr's
The Star Spangled Banner.
The song will need to be memorized so the earlier the better to start learning your two notes. This will be a wonderful way to spread the art of handbell ringing and enjoy a baseball game!
Please remember to send in your workshop, festival, or concert information for the calendar.
Northern California Regional Coordinator
For information on Northern California's concerts, events,
Hawaii - Karen Carlisle, Regional Coordinator