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on it!
Our National
Click logos to get more info!
 So much coming up this spring! Hope you'll join us!
Communications Director
Message from the Chair - Tessique Houston
Hello Area 12!
Most of Area 12 has been experiencing a WET winter! I know we need it in California and Nevada, but I think I would like to move to Hawaii right now to get away from it! I hope the weather hasn't interfered too much with your rehearsals and plans for the coming year.
I know many of you are making plans to attend the wonderful workshops and Spring Rings coming up. These events are great for building your skills in a supportive and encouraging environment. And it's always great to get together with other handbell musicians and share your experiences.
Don't forget, National Seminar is coming to Area 12! I really encourage you to make this part of your bell life this year. This event gives you a chance to meet other handbell musicians from across the country. I'm always impressed when I talk to others and hear about all the cool stuff that is happening in the handbell community around the country. National Seminar also draws people from other countries - so there are even more wonderful interactions to have!
We will be having our Area 12 Spring Board meeting on Saturday and Sunday, April 22 & 23. We are still working on location, but plan for it to be in somewhere in SoCal or LA Metro area. Our Area 12 Board meetings are always open to all members of Area 12, and if anyone is interested in joining us, you can contact me for more information. We welcome any member who would like to see what we do and how they could get involved!
I hope you all find great joy and fulfillment in all your ringing endeavors - be they at your "bell home," a Spring Ring, or National Seminar.
YOU can help! - Patty Marquart Scholarship
Central Calif - Christine Anderson, Regional Coordinator
I don't know how many of y'all like winter as much as I do, but I'm loving it this year, with all the snow we're getting in the mountains in Central California! We are very thankful to finally be getting out of the drought.
Speaking of drought, are your handbell choirs in a parched land of boring ringing? It's time to get out of the winter doldrums and gear up for an exciting season of spring ringing! CenCal will be offering at least one Spring Ring. If you know of others, PLEASE contact me with details so I can get the word out!
Saturday, March 25
St. John Lutheran Church
4500 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield
Clinicians include
Barb Walsh, Tess Houston, Mel Tully, and Christine Anderson
Mel and Christine will have their stores, so save your pennies for the things you need for your handbell programs.
Another note ~ I'll be holding a session for unusual fixes for your ailing bells, so please bring any of your handbells that need some attention or fixing. It will help if we can do a hands-on class to show how to deal with things that go wrong with our bells.
Happy Ringing - stay warm and safe!
Central California Regional Coordinator
For information on Central California's concerts, events,
Southern California - Michèle Sharik, Regional Coordinator
Hi there, SoCal!
I hope you've had a wonderful January and are swiftly getting back into the swing of things with your bell groups. My own groups are starting back up soon and I am looking forward to getting back into the "ring" of things myself.
I have started to receive registrations for our Spring Ring (Yay!) and I'd like to remind everyone there are a few discounts available - for Guild Members, for Youth, and for Early Birds. The Guild Member and Youth discounts are not time-sensitive, but the Early Bird discount is - and it expires on February 28! Your registrations must be POSTMARKED on or before Feb 28 in order to qualify for the discount, so please get your registrations in soon. Click below for printed info and forms.
Early registration also helps with the event planning. Early registrants get the "primo" positions on the massed ringing floor, plus their choice of parts for the Bronze Vision choir. So don't delay; register today!
On a personal note, I am now in my last semester of grad school, working toward a Graduate Certificate in Performing Arts Medicine. My final project is a research study of injuries of handbell musicians. Once I finish my ethics training and my research questionnaire is approved by my university's Institutional Review Board, I will be posting a link to the questionnaire. I hope many of you will participate in my study once it's available and help me in what will most likely be the first academic study of the handbell community to be published in a peer-reviewed professional medical journal. This is good for our community and I am very excited about it! Stay tuned into The Twelfth Tone and handbell groups on Facebook for more information as it becomes available. And thank you for your support. :-)
April 28-29, 2017
St. Thomas More Catholic Church
Oceanside, CA
This event is sponsored by Handbell Musicians of America
That's it for this month. Have a great February!
For information on Southern California's concerts,
The Early Bird Discount ends Feb. 28! Get your registration in NOW!!
March 31 and April 1
Pasadena, CA
featuring Timbré Ensemble
Get all the information and registration forms on our website...just go to the date on our calendar and click for more information!
This event is sponsored by Handbell Musicians of America
Los Angeles Metro Regional Coordinator
For information on LA Metro's concerts, events,
San Francisco Bay - Kendra Scott, Regional Coordinator
Dear Ringers,
It's time to register for the Bay Area Spring Ring and ALSO the Director's Workshop, right here in the Bay Area! Here's everything you need to know from our very own P.L. Grove.
The Bay Area Spring Ring and Intense Ring returns this year on April 28 and 29, and if you haven't already signed up, registration is now open. This year's general repertoire has five selections, so participants should register early and start practicing. Some of the music has been selected with the Lenten season in mind, so it can also be used in your worship services. And the Intense Ring is back, promising to be, well, intense!
New this year is an extra event on Sunday, April 30 just for directors. A portion of the Guild's popular Master Series will come to the Bay Area when Bill and Carolynne Mathis offer a shorter version of their directors' boot camp. The event is geared towards both new and seasoned handbell directors and offers insight into both conducting and rehearsal techniques. The four-hour workshop will focus on score study, rehearsal techniques, conducting, critical listening, and teaching rhythm (including asymmetrical and mixed meters). And as far as boot camps go, you can't beat this price!
Bill and Carolynne Mathis have taught their Handbell Director's Boot Camp numerous times at both National Seminar and during the Masterclass Series workshops. Don't miss this once in a lifetime opportunity to experience this "mini" director's boot camp with two of the most experienced teachers in the handbell community. Separate registration for the directors' workshop is
available here.
and Director's Workshop
April 2
, 29, and 30, 2017
Valley Church, Cupertino CA
This event is endorsed by Handbell Musicians of America
Kendra Scott
Bay Area Regional Coordinator
For information on San Francisco
Bay Area's concerts, events,
Northern Nevada - Barb Walsh, Regional Coordinator
Mark your calendars!
15th Annual
Sierra Spring Ring
May 20, 2017
Marvin Picollo School
Reno, NV
more info next month!!
Barbara Walsh
Northern Nevada Regional Coordinator
For information on Northern Nevada's concerts, events,
Northern CA - Nancy Schmitt, Regional Coordinator
Hello Northern California,
"Kettle Bells"
Bella Norte bells of First United Methodist Church in Eureka, CA, under the direction of Linda Dionne, rang bells for the Salvation Army in December. At this location the Humboldt Fire Chief was the bell ringer! Note the "kettle" is a fire boot!! When they rang at another kettle, a man leaving ACE hardware walked to his car and
back to make a donation "because of the bells"!
This next photo is from Timber Ridge Assisted Living where the residents were very appreciative of the bell choir coming to perform. THANK YOU, Linda Dionne, for sharing your experiences of spreading the art of handbell ringing to your community.
I welcome other people to share their handbell experiences from up here in the northern state. If you have future concerts or workshops please let me know so I can post them on the Area 12 calendar.
Northern California Regional Coordinator
For information on Northern California's concerts, events,
Southern Nevada - Alison Pruett, Regional Coordinator
Hello, Southern Nevada!
We had a great time at the Las Vegas Twelfth Night Festival with Tim Waugh this year!
Be sure to mark your calendars for January 12-13, 2018 for the next Twelfth Night Handbell Festival with Christine Anderson as our guest clinician. And check check the Area 12 calendar for other festival opportunities coming up!
Alison Pruett
Southern Nevada Regional Coordinator
For information on Southern Nevada's concerts, events,
and other opportunities,
click here
Hawaii - Karen Carlisle, Regional Coordinator