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Our National Organization
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Area 12 Board
Elected Officers
Chair Elect
Past Chair
Appointed Officers
Regional Coordinators
Central California
Los Angeles Metro
Northern California
Far Northern California Liaison
Northern Nevada
Southern California
Southern Nevada
San Francisco Bay Area
Message from the Chair - Scott Leggett
Greetings, all!
I'm writing this on Ash Wednesday, feeling like Christmas was just last week. But time moves forward, seemingly faster and unrelenting. Lent is a time of self-reflection and transformation and I cannot help but reflect on our handbell art form and community and how we are truly in a time of transformation.
The widespread handbell music ministries of the not-so-far-away past in our churches continue their rapid decline as church attendance overall is declining and changing, and I believe strongly that our future growth lies in our schools and community groups.
Your Area 12 board has been exploring this for a while now and we recently participated in a major music educators conference which you can read about in the Featured Article below. If today's young people are not exposed to handbells in a church setting, we need to get bells in their hands at school, but to do that we need to educate our music educators on our instrument, and the exciting ways they can incorporate bells into their programs. In addition to this education, our schools need the bells as well, and wouldn't it be a great use of all those bells languishing in church closets if they could be donated to a local school to start a program?
Likewise, we should be encouraging the startups of community groups, perhaps using a set of bells at a church where they are not being used. We really need to think about our instrument in a different way to reach people of all ages, introducing them to the fun world of handbell ringing.
A great example of this effort is demonstrated by our own Karen Carlisle, Regional Coordinator for Hawaii (and US Pacific Islands). Her leadership in Hawaii has been amazing, and she so often "thinks outside the box," as they say. She has formed multiple community groups, after-school programs (even at the YMCA), not to mention different church positions over the years. She has worked to bring handbells to where the people, and especially the youth, are. There are now other community groups formed in Hawaii that are going strong and that's the kind of growth we need to see everywhere. Read more about this in Karen's article below.
On another note, if you plan on attending our exciting conference in Las Vegas in July, please register ASAP, and if you planning to attend but not ready to register, send us an email so we can continue our planning; it will be a big help. Lastly our Area 12 board meeting is Friday and Saturday March 20-21, and we are meeting concurrently with the LA Metro Spring Ring in Tustin, CA. It's not too late to register for the Spring Ring, and as a bonus you can meet the Area 12 board in person; come one, come all!
'Til next time,
Red, White, & Bells - Las Vegas 2020
Notes from the Registrar:
- The package price on the registration website reflects the "early bird" registration price. For example: $300 Main Conference Ringer, $20 Non-Refundable Registration Fee, and the <$25> credit for early bird registration is reflected as $295 for the Package Price. The early bird discount will not show up as a separate item in the final payment section.
- If you are a class instructor, certification instructor, clinician, or committee member, you will be given a promo code to put in the registration. Sharon Guilliams (Registrar) and Kendra Symonds (Instructor/Clinician Coordinator) will send you instructions on how to register and what your promo code is.
- The 3.5% credit card processing fee applies to all transactions. This includes payment via debit card. We are using UNLV's registration platform and so unfortunately, there is no way to avoid this fee.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Sharon at
Kendra Symonds & Barb Walsh
at CASMEC 2020
In February, four intrepid Area 12 Board members set out for Fresno, California, to present a session on handbells in education at the California All-State Music Education Conference (CASMEC). The conference offered countless sessions geared toward band, choir, orchestra, and general music educators.
Gail Berg and Kendra Symonds arrived on Thursday to set up an exhibitor booth representing Area 12 with membership flyers, handbell price lists from Malmark and Shulmerich, and other educational materials. Of course they also brought bells, chimes, and boomwhackers to play with!
Bright and early on Friday morning, Tessique Houston, Barb Walsh, Kendra, and Gail presented a session to about 40 elementary music teachers entitled "Incorporating Handbells and Handchimes in the General Music Classroom". The session featured many hands-on activities, including random ringing a pentatonic scale, color-coding song lyrics for ring-and-sing, and a sample Orff activity from Griff Gall's and Paul Weller's excellent book
Ring, Dance, Play. The session ended with a demonstration of various handbell articulations and a quick one-octave arrangement of "Old MacDonald Had a Bell".
For the remainder of Friday and Saturday numerous students and teachers alike visited the booth to learn more about bells and chimes, our bell/chime loan program, or at least to ring the F3! Some of Area 12's handbells were even included in a showcase concert by the San Jose State Wind Ensemble.
All in all, it was a highly successful weekend that left all of their feeling hopeful about reaching new and returning handbell musicians.
San Francisco Bay Area - Marquise Usher
Hey, Bay Area!
Unfortunately, the Directors Workshop scheduled for
Saturday, March 14, 2020 has been canceled.
However, there's still the
Bay Area Spring Ring & Intense Ring
Friday & Saturday, April 24 & 25, 2020
Clinician: Stephanie Rhoades
Registration for the Bay Area Spring Ring is now open! The
early bird deadline is March 15, so head over to Handbell Ventures website and register for the Intense Ring and the Spring Ring now!
We're excited to welcome Stephanie Rhoades to the conducting podium. Our own Michèle Sharik will perform the Saturday noontime concert. Classes will be led by Martin Morley, Marquise Usher, Michèle Sharik, and Stephanie Rhoades.
This event is
endorsed by Handbell Musicians of America.
A few weeks ago in rehearsal, one of my ringers asked me how it was that I came to play handbells. While my handbell beginnings are pretty normal, all the stuff that has happened between then and now has been pretty monumental. But that question caused me to reflect on the people I've met, gain a deeper appreciation for the outside the box conversations I've had, and helped me remember how grateful I am for the places handbells have taken me. Looking back on my handbell history has sharpened my vision for the future of handbell ringing and has reminded me why I continue to ring.
What's your handbell origin story? Where did it all begin? Take some time to reflect on when handbells were introduced into your life and how they have shaped the years that followed.
Your Regional Coordinator,
Marquise Usher
For information on San Francisco Bay Area's concerts,
events, and other opportunities,
click here.
Los Angeles Metro - Sharon Guilliams
Friday &
Saturday, March 20 & 21, 2020
LA Metro Spring Ring
Ringin' at Red Hill
Clinicians: Matthew Compton and Erik Der
Additional information and registration form can be downloaded
This event is sponsored by Handbell Musicians of America.
Individual Ringers are welcomed and encouraged!
Come join Matthew Compton, Erik Der, the Area 12 Board, and Jeffers Handbell Supply at
Ringin' at Red Hill, March 20th and 21st. (You do not have to attend Friday night if it does not fit your schedule.) I have some copies of the music if you would like to participate, but have not had a chance to purchase the music. I would be happy to make arrangements for you.
Matthew is a great young composer and a very fine director who will bring the best out of the ringers in attendance. Erik has worked with groups in the Orange County area and is an accomplished ringer from whom you will learn many great things.
The Area 12 Board is meeting on Friday and Saturday at Red Hill and the schedules have been coordinated such that many of them will be ringing right alongside you. How neat is that?!
Jeffers is making a west coast swing and
Ringin' at Red Hill just happens to be on their itinerary. So if you want to check out the
Red, White, & Bells conference repertoire, try out some mallets, or need gloves, there is no shipping charge!
Please contact me directly and we will take care of your registration. If you can't make the commitment for the day, please come and support the LA Metro Ringers by attending the concert at 4:00 pm.
More information and the registration form can be found
I hope to see you there!
For information on LA Metro's concerts, events,
and other opportunities,
click here.
Northern California - Sandi Walker-Tansley
Hello, Northern California!
Saturday, March 28, 2020
Sacramento Area Spring Ring
Centennial United Methodist Church 5401 Freeport Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95822
This event is endorsed by Handbell Musicians of America.
Sandi Walker-Tansley
For information on Northern California's concerts, events, and other opportunities,
click here.
Northern Nevada - Barb Walsh
We have two great events coming up this spring in Northern Nevada:
Saturday, May 9, 2020
18th Annual Sierra Spring Ring
South Reno United Methodist Church 200 De Spain Ln, Reno, NV 89511 9:00 am - 4:00 pm $15.00 per person
Massed pieces:
Andante in F Minor, by M. Helman, GIA, G-7634
Andante Maestoso, arr. K. McChesney, Beckenhorst, HB180A
Plus a variety of classes taught by members
of Tintabulations.
Additional information and registration form
will be available soon!
This event is endorsed by Handbell Musicians of America.
-- and --
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Umpteenth Annual
Young Ringers' Festival
South Reno United Methodist Church 200 De Spain Ln, Reno, NV 89511 10:00 am - 11:00 am $2.00 per person
FREE music with registration:
Reno Boogie,
by Dr. Jim Smith
Processional in C Major, by Barb Walsh
Clinician: Barb Walsh
Additional information and registration form
will be available soon!
Barbara Walsh
For information on Northern Nevada's concerts, events,
and other opportunities,
click here.
Southern California - Michèle Sharik
Saturday, May 23, 2020
SoCal Spring Ring
Clinician: Douglas Lynn
This event is sponsored by Handbell Musicians of America.
Greetings, SoCal!
It has come to my attention that the registration form that was linked in my February newsletter article omitted one of the repertoire selections. (However, the piece
was listed in the November newsletter article in which I announced the repertoire.)
Mea culpa! -- or --
*facepalm* as the kids say these days.
The registration form linked above has ALL the repertoire listed, so if you downloaded the form last month, please make sure you have the complete list. I will also be pointing this out in my registration acknowledgement emails, so hopefully everybody gets the news.
But just to make absolutely sure, here is the complete list again:
- Processional on 'Deo Gratias', by Douglas Lynn. Level 2+. Unpublished. Available with your registration for $1.00 per copy, $10 maximum. (See registration page for details.)
- *Jubilee, by Arnold Sherman. Level 1+. 2 versions: Choristers Guild CGB472, 2-3 octaves handbells -OR- CGB473, 3-5 octaves handbells.
- *Grace All Sufficient, by Sondra Tucker. Level 2. Casa Publications, HB034, 3-6 octaves handbells.
- *Soliloquy for Bells, by Karen Buckwalter. "Easy/Medium" (probably Level 2+). Harold Flammer, HP5175, 3-5 oct handbells. <== (This is the one that was omitted from an early version of the registration form!)
- *Fervent Freedom, by Michael Mazzatenta. Area 12 Composition Contest Winner! Level 3. AGEHR Publishing, AG35387, 3-5 octaves handbells and optional 3 or 5 octaves handchimes.
* from the Red, White, and Bells Area 12 conference repertoire
The Early Bird deadline is MARCH 31, so don't wait to register!
See you in May!
For information on Southern California's concerts, events,
Central California - Christine Anderson
Hi, CenCal!
What's going on in your neck of the woods? Have you put any events on the calendar?
Have you made plans to attend
our conference in Vegas? I'm looking forward to connecting with the ringers and directors in Central California this summer.
Please let me know what's happening in your world of handbells.
Joyfully Ringing,
For information on Central California's concerts, events,
and other opportunities,
click here.
I have had many irons in the fire lately, and so I was thinking back to a couple years ago when I started branching out and really thinking outside of the box.
When starting a new group, we usually think of doing it in a church setting, but these days it seems that many churches in Hawaii are losing their bell programs, so I decided to branch out into the community.
In 2018, I started an after-school program at the YMCA. It was the perfect place! So this past October, I took it further and started a beginning adult community group there, too.
Then a member of the YMCA let me know about a program at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa (UHM). OLLI has educational programs for adults age "50 and better" in all 50 states as well as the District of Columbia. I am currently teaching an eight-week course and it has been welcomed and successful. It is the first handbell program ever offered at OLLI-UHM and it looks like it will continue in the fall!
Handbells are so much about getting others involved and about education. Thinking outside the box gets you -- and handbells -- out there. And then you never know where it will lead!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
For information on Hawaii's concerts, events,
and other opportunities,
click here.
Southern Nevada - Alison Pruett
I hope you are looking forward to
Red, White, & Bells this summer! Be sure to register soon!
Alison Pruett
For information on Southern Nevada's concerts, events,