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   The Twelfth Tone
Area 12 Newsletter                                                                                 May 2017

In This Issue
From the Chair
Northern Nevada
Northern California
Southern California
LA Metro
Central California
Southern Nevada
San Francisco Bay Area
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Area 12 Board
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Message from the Chair - Tessique Houston

Hello Area 12!

As I reported to you last month, on April 22 and 23 your Area 12 Board held our Spring meeting. We had a lot to discuss and I have lots to share with you!

We started our board meeting with the reading of the Area 12 Mission - just as we printed it in last month's column. It's always a good reminder of our focus.

One of the biggest decisions we needed to make was about the 2018 biennial conference. We had been planning to take it to Hawaii, as many of you know. However, due to the high costs of holding an event in Hawaii and our current financial condition, the board voted to not hold the 2018 event in Hawaii. This was a very tough call - so many of us had been excited at the prospect of heading across the ocean to join our fellow ringers on the islands! But it just does not make fiscal sense at this time. We are all looking forward to the future when we can make this event happen in Hawaii.

So, what will happen in 2018? Well, we brain-stormed several ideas, and we have plans. Unfortunately, I can't announce anything until some pieces fall into place. Please know we are working on an event for 2018 and we will let you know about it as soon as we can.

Other events are in the works as well. Keep your eyes on this newsletter to bring you info about director's workshops, certification events and other ringing events to come.  Again, lots of plans, waiting for pieces to line up!

As I mentioned last month, there are administrative things to deal with. We discussed our finances and our by-laws and procedural rules. I don't want to bore you with all the fine details, but, suffice it to say, we made decisions about that stuff! Our by-laws are outdated and really needed amending, so we made some proposed changes and are sending them on the the National Board for approval. This is something that will eventually involve the membership of Area 12 - you will need to vote to approve them once they come back from the National Board, so keep your eyes open for that in the coming year.

What was the very best thing we did at the board meeting?  Meet! I love getting together with all of these wonderful people who give their time to the art of music through the medium of handbells. Let me tell you, Area 12, our board is made up of some really creative, passionate, dedicated people! It was wonderful to spend time working with all of them. I hope you get a chance to work with them some time in the future (if you haven't already).

So there you have it, a recap of the meeting. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me or your Regional Coordinator.  We are here for you.

Tessique Houston
Communiqué - Barbara Meinke, Communications

What a great response to the call for old newsletters! Thanks to Debbie Shaw, we will soon have a The Twelfth Tone archive on our website dating back to 1991! Give us some time to get it all uploaded and then check it out! What? You have even older issues? Contact me!

Did you know we can't really read minds? Your Area 12 board wants to use our time and effort to serve you best but we need YOU to tell us what that entails. Just email any one of us to tell us what you want from your Guild membership.

We have been thinking about putting out an email newsletter listing upcoming events, concerts, and other handbell happenings in Area 12. Would you like that? Let me hear a resounding response one way or the other! Either email me or flood our online submission page with listings! We'll get the hint!

Waiting to hear...

Barbara Meinke
Communications Director
Patty Marquart Scholarship


Want to attend this July's
National Seminar near Anaheim?

Need some help making it happen?

We want to give away an opportunity for an
Area-12-Guild-member-director-first-timer to go!

Now, don't make this hard for us! APPLY!!

Deadline May 31. Recipient notified June 15
Questions? Contact Past Chair Michèle Sharik at pastchair@handbellmusicians.org
Northern NV - Barb Walsh, Regional Coordinator


If you haven't already decided to join us, maybe this is just the incentive you need! We have a new class for our Spring Ring!

Have you ever been intrigued by those bell trees?  Alison Pruett, our Southern Nevada Regional Coordinator, will be starting from the ground up with Bell Tree Basics. Now will you join us?
15th Annual
Sierra Spring Ring
May 20, 2017
Marvin Picollo School
Reno, NV

This event is endorsed by Handbell Musicians of America


Umpteenth Annual
Young Ringers' Festival

May 23rd   in Reno, NV
$1 per student

The students will perform a processional and one massed piece. In addition, each ensemble is encouraged to share a solo piece. 

This event is sponsored by Handbell Musicians of America

Please contact me at my email address below or call 775-677-8117 for more information on either of these events.

Barbara Walsh
Northern Nevada Regional Coordinator

For information on Northern Nevada's concerts, events,
and other opportunities,  click here
Northern CA - Nancy Schmitt, Regional Coordinator
Nancy Schmitt
Hello Northern California,

Mary Balkow, Massed Ringing Conductor
Barb Walsh,  Red Zone Bronze Conductor

Basic Ringing, Change Ringing, Bell Trees I and Bell Trees II, Bell Maintenance, JAM session of new music, Handchimes, and Stopped Techniques

Julie Hunziker, Mel Tully, Ben Brown, Barb Walsh, Mary Balkow, and Carillons ringers.

Registration:  ONLY $35.00!
This event is endorsed by Handbell Musicians of America.
Registration forms available on the

Nancy Schmitt
Northern California Regional Coordinator  

For information on Northern California's concerts, events,
and other opportunities,  click here!
Southern CA - Michèle Sharik, Regional Coordinator

Greetings and Salutations, SoCal!

As I write this, I am in the middle of preparations for our Spring Ring. Hopefully, as you read this, I will be happily recuperating from all the excitement and busy-ness! 

Honestly, our annual Spring Ring is one of my favorite events all year because I get to see all of you in person. :-) I'll be writing more about the event in next month's newsletter, hopefully including pictures and video, so be on the lookout for that. 

Meanwhile, I know some of you are planning spring concerts, so please be sure to either send the pertinent info to me or go to the Area 12 webpage and submit your event yourself.  Remember, this is free advertising for you, so be sure to take advantage of it!

Looking ahead, I want to remind all of you this year's National Seminar is right in our backyard, in Garden Grove in Orange County! Many of our own Area 12 people will be teaching and performing at the event (including yours truly). There are some awesome classes on offer, so I hope you take advantage of how close the event is - especially with the drastically reduced travel costs for us - and come learn about everything handbell! Just click on the link for National Seminar in the side bar below.

Michèle Sharik
For information on Southern California's concerts,  events,
and other opportunities,  click here .  
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LA Metro - F. Thomas Simpson, Regional Coordinator

Hi, LA Metro!

Concert season is upon us!  There are numerous upcoming concerts in the La Metro region and a ton of them are posted on our website.  Do you have an event you would like to share with us? Do you have an end-of-year concert we should all know about? If so, please consider sending information to me or submitting it online so we can share it with others! 

At last week's board meeting, plans were laid for our fall events and our 2018 Spring Ring - back in Pasadena!! Look here in the coming months for more details about both. Are there events you would like to see happen? PLEASE Reach out to me, I am here to serve YOUR needs!!

Here is a blurb from your now Chair-Elect about last month's Spring Ring. Enjoy the video and we hope to see YOU next year!

* * * * * * *

LA Metro is back in the Spring Ring business! After a couple of years off, LA Metro held a highly successful and appreciated Spring Ring this past March 31 - April 1. The artists of Timbré Ensemble led the two day event with nine education classes and lots of massed ringing. I personally was thrilled to see the 78 ringers actually do a processional into the hall with memorized music! Those ringers came from ten groups in the LA Metro region and we closed the event with an entertaining concert for the public. Pasadena Presbyterian Church, the church home of your brand new LA Metro regional coordinator, Thomas Simpson, proved a terrific venue and we look forward to being there again. I would like to personally thank our teachers and clinicians Michele Sharik, Marquise Usher, KatRyn Howell, Alex Guebert, Cyndi Tully, Brianne Pituley, Barbara Meinke, Beth Mays, Mary Liao and Linda Krantz.

Bound for South Australia_ Alex Guebert_ composer and conductor
Bound for South Australia, Alex Guebert, composer and conductor

See you all at National Seminar in July!

Scott Leggett, Chair Elect Area 12

* * * * * * *

I hope you have an exciting end to your ringing year!

F. Thomas Simpson
For information on LA Metro's concerts, events,
and other opportunities,  click here.
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Central CA - Christine Anderson, Regional Coordinator

Last weekend the Area 12 Board met for our semi-annual meeting, something I look forward to every spring and fall. There were many things to discuss, lots of great fellowship, and ideas for the future bantered good-naturedly back and forth.

I came away with new enthusiasm for all the facets of our musical art of handbell ringing and a greater desire to be in touch with our Cen-Cal members. I feel pretty isolated on my mountain and sure wish you Cen-Cal members would tell me what's going on in your neck of the woods. Here's on to get you started.

Bellissimo - Handbells with Rebecca Hendricks is presenting a concert on  Saturday, June 10 at 7:30 p.m. and  Sunday, June 11, at  2 p.m. at the Cambria Center for the Arts Theater, 1350 Main Street, Cambria. Tickets are on sale now for $20. It's going to be a fantastic concert and I hope many of you will come out to support this group. There will also be a wine bar! Tickets are available at  brownpapertickets.com or call  800-838-3006.

The Bakersfield Spring Ring  the end of March 
was a big success! more details coming?

Do you know of other festivals or concerts coming up in our region? Please post your event on our Area 12 calendar!

Lastly ~ Please let me hear from you! What do you want to see at our events? What prevents you from attending? What classes would you like to see offered? What kind of events would entice you to attend and encourage your fellow ringers/directors to attend? And how would you like to be involved in planning such events? I hope to get your feedback and ideas in my inbox!

With Bronze Praise,
Christine Anderson
Central California Regional Coordinator

For information on Central California's concerts, events,
and other opportunities,  click here .
Southern NV - Alison Pruett, Regional Coordinator

We're all recovering from Easter and getting ready for our spring concerts and Pentecost. In the midst of all that, it's easy to forget about upcoming handbell events - the biggest being the Guild's National Seminar

The five days of classes, ringing tracks, concerts, and camaraderie are second to none, but If the cost of attending the full event is keeping you away, daily registration has now opened. This means you can sign up for just one or two days. It's important to note that short of National being held in Las Vegas, this is as close as it's ever going to be to us. That 4-hour drive is easy especially when you have a car full of ringers!  If you have any questions about National or want help finding roommates or carpools, reach out to me or other ringers in Southern Nevada. Hope to see you there! For more information on National Seminar, just click on the link in the side bar below!

Alison Pruett
Southern Nevada Regional Coordinator

For information on Southern Nevada's concerts, events,
and other opportunities,  click here .

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Hawaii - Karen Carlisle, Regional Coordinator
Karen Carlisle
Handbells in Hawaii
is National News!

Check out this article in the recent issue of  Overtones, the professional journal available to Handbell Musicians of America members (you will need to log in to view it!)

What? You're not a member yet? Your director is the member? No worries! You can join with either a full membership or sub-membersh and have access to online resources like Overtones and so much more! Just click here.

Karen Carlisle
Hawaii Regional Coordinator

For information on Hawaii's concerts, events,
and other opportunities,  click here .
SF Bay Area - Kendra Scott, Regional Coordinator

Hi Bay Area,

John F. Kennedy famously said, "Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country." 

Any society should be aware of the importance of this give-and-take relationship. As a board member of Area 12, I am always trying to find better ways to meet your needs, and in order to reach that goal, I need your feedback!

One of the many topics we discussed at our Area 12 Board meeting last weekend was ideas for ringing and directing events in our area. So I've brainstormed some topics and I'm interested to hear which of these you would be interested in learning more about right here in the Bay Area. Drop me a line at    bayarea.area12@handbellmusicians.org with your preferences and ideas!
  • Learning to compose for handbells
  • composing for smaller ensembles
  • assigning music non-traditionally
  • rehearsing music when you don't have bells on hand
  • marketing your ensemble
  • understanding music theory: the structure of the music
  • maintenance and repair
  • using bells in community outreach
  • pairing bells with other instruments
  • mastering fancy techniques or rhythms
  • efficient rehearsal practices
What other kinds of events would you like us to organize in the future? A  Reading Session? A Director's Workshop? A Beginning Ringer Bootcamp? Give me a holler! We'll make it happen together!

Don't forget to check out our Events Calendar for spring concerts in your area!

Keep those bells a-ringing!

Kendra Scott
Bay Area Regional Coordinator

For information on San Francisco  Bay Area's concerts, events,
and other opportunities,  click here.

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cartoon bells  
Advertising Rates for the  2017 Publishing Year

The Twelfth Tone  is published the first of each month, except July, by Area 12 of the Handbell Musicians of America (The Guild). The Guild is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the musical art of handbell/handchime ringing through education,  community, and communication. The editor of this publication reserves the right to reject or modify copy.

Advertising Rates: 

We offer two different ad types

1.(a) Ad designed and formatted by you that is exactly 150 pixels X 300 pixels and sent in a jpeg or gif file. The ad will by hyperlinked to your website.
$10/issue            $54/6 issues                 $94/11 issues 

1.(b) Ad designed and formatted by you that is exactly 150 pixels X 600 pixels and sent in a jpeg or gif file. The ad will by hyperlinked to your website.
$18/issue              $97/6 issues                $168/11 issues

2.(a) 1.5" X 4" ad which can contain a picture or logo sent as a jpeg or gif file and will be hyperlinked to your website. You provide the text to be formatted by the editor.
$15/issue              $81/6 issues                $140/11 issues

2.(b) 1.5" X 8" ad which can contain a picture or logo sent as a jpeg or gif file and will be hyperlinked to your website.  You provide the text to be formatted by the editor.
$27/issue            $146/6 issues                 $252/11 issues 

Payment is due  before publication.
NEW submission  DEADLINE is the 20th of each month.
No issue in July.

Please submit your ads  via  email  to
Barbara Meinke , Communications Director