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Our National Organization
Click logos to get more info!
Area 12 Board
Elected Officers
Chair Elect
Past Chair
Appointed Officers
Regional Coordinators
Central California
Los Angeles Metro
Northern California
Far Northern California Liaison
Northern Nevada
Southern California
Southern Nevada
San Francisco Bay Area
Message from the Chair - Scott Leggett
Greetings, All!
I hope this finds you all safe, healthy, and comforted if you have experienced a loss during this pandemic.
The Area 12 board recently held a virtual board meeting to continue our work and planning to meet the Area 12 mission, with the Vegas conference a major part of our discussions. Please see the special announcement below regarding the conference.
Most of the scheduled Spring Ring events have been cancelled, but the Sierra Spring Ring is going digital this year on May 9, and all are welcome. Please see the Northern Nevada article below for more information.
The board is also in the early planning stages to put on a virtual conference this summer to engage our members and provide some fun educational, performances, and ringing activity; look for more information to come.
Like most of you, I am eyeing the fall when we all may be able to go back to a more familiar routine in our ringing life, but needing to think about how it may still be different with some social distancing required, large group gatherings limited, and how we can adapt. Handbell musicians are nothing if not creative, and we will find ways to make it work out. We will share ideas over the next few months here in the Twelfth Tone on ways to resume and meet the guidelines in place when the time comes.
Meanwhile, please avail yourself of all the social media handbell offerings, stay connected with each other, and stay safe.
'Til next time,
Red, White, & Bells - Las Vegas 2020
With great disappointment, we announce that the Area 12 Conference scheduled for July has been postponed until 2022.
Our host venue, UNLV, has cancelled all outside group meetings for the summer, as well as on-campus classes for students, in order to keep everyone safe during this time. The good news is that we are able to re-schedule the event for the same time period in July 2022, and we plan to keep the program intact as much as possible.
I especially wish to thank the event chair, Alison Pruitt, and the board committee who have worked so hard for the past two years in planning and putting together a great conference for Area 12.
Refund information for those who had registered has been communicated, and the Area 12 board hopes to see as many of you as possible in July 2022 at Red, White, and Bells!
Scott Leggett
Show your #Area12Pride by ordering a member polo shirt!
Polo shirts are Kelly Green in color, made from 60/40 cotton/poly pique. Logo is embroidered on the upper left chest. Available in women's and men's sizes XS to 6X.
Pricing guaranteed until November 1, 2020.
From $35.00 delivered.
It's election year in Area 12!
We are now compiling a slate of candidates for the three elected offices on our Board of Directors: Secretary, Treasurer, and Chair-Elect.
Both the Secretary and Treasurer positions are two-year terms, with the ability (though not the obligation) to run again for a second term. Those positions may serve no more than two terms in a row (though they may run again at a later date). The Chair-Elect position is a total of six years: two as Chair-Elect, two as Chair, and two as Immediate Past Chair.
Our By-Laws require us to have two candidates for each elected office, so if you or someone you know is interested in joining the Area Board, please email
Tessique Houston, our Immediate Past Chair, for more information.
Northern Nevada - Barb Walsh
Tintabulations was so disheartened to announce the cancellation of the Spring Ring that we decided to dive into this internet thing-a-ma-jig and see what we could do. Thanks to a few tech savvy Tintabbers, we are proud and ready to livestream our event!
Topics covered during the event include: Musescore, weaving, drumming, rhythm, 4-in-hand, and problem solving tough parts. Finally, this magnificent day will conclude with a masterclass with renowned handbell musicians Michael Glasgow, Emily Li, Tammy Waldrop, and Tim Waugh.
More information will be coming soon so check out Tintab's
website or
Facebook Page.
For now, please check out this
video ad for more about all the fun you can have at our first ever Digital version of the Sierra Spring Ring!
Saturday, May 9, 2020
2:00 - 6:00 PM
18th Annual Sierra Spring Ring
Digital Edition
This event is endorsed by Handbell Musicians of America.
For information on Northern Nevada's concerts, events,
and other opportunities,
click here.
Southern California - Michèle Sharik
Hi there, SoCal!
It is with great disappointment that I must announce that the 2020 SoCal Spring Ring (scheduled for May 23) has been canceled.
However, Douglas Lynn has agreed to be our clinician again next year, so we'll see him in 2021! We haven't chosen a date yet, but as soon as we do, I will announce it here.
Meanwhile, I hope you are all staying safe and healthy during this turbulent time. My church has been holding live online services and I was happy to be able to play a bell solo for our Good Friday service, in addition to helping with the readings and Psalm chanting. I also played a solo for our Easter service and played along on the hymns.
I hope you will take the opportunity to attend the
Digital Edition of the Sierra Spring Ring. It looks like it's going to be wonderful!
Take care of yourself -- and each other!
For information on Southern California's concerts, events,
and other opportunities,
click here.
Northern California - Sandi Walker-Tansley
Greetings from my livingroom/ office/craft room to yours!
I hope this finds you and yours well, healthy, and safe. I am sure many of you are missing bells as much as I am. I realized that I missed not only making music, but much more the camaraderie and fellowship I find behind the tables. One of my groups had a Zoom meeting, just to check in and see each other. What fun!
Obviously, all of our rehearsal and concert plans have been nullified, at least for now. Perhaps this is a chance to gain some clarity. What do you want to do with your music? Who can you reach? What is missing out there, that you can add?
I encourage you to reach out to someone in your world, today. A fellow ringer, someone who has told you what your music means to them, or someone who has influenced you. Call them, write an email, send them a card or letter. We can all use a little brightness as we wait for the time when we can make music together again.
Until then, take care, and wash your hands!
Save the date:
October 10, 2020
Redding Handbell Festival
CrossPointe Community Church
Redding, CA
Tessique Houston will be the massed director. Barb Walsh will direct the Red Zone Bronze Choir. Registration fee is $35.00 per ringer. Classes and massed ringing. Registration forms are available here.
This event is endorsed by Handbell Musicians of America.
For information on Northern California's concerts, events,
and other opportunities,
click here.
San Francisco Bay Area - Marquise Usher
Hey, Bay Area!
If you're like me, you are definitely missing handbell events and ringing with your friends. But it's never too early to start making plans for next year's events!
The Bay Area Spring Ring has been re-scheduled for 2021, so you can start planning now in anticipation. The good news is if you purchased music for this year's event you are all set for next year, since the organizers have arranged for conductor Stephanie Rhoades to return next year. Also coming back is Michèle Sharik for the noontime concert. And both Stephanie and Michèle will be featured clinicians, along with concert pianist Martin Morley. I will be leading the youth track which is held every other year, so if you have any young ringers, 2021 will be the year to sign them up!
For all the details, head over to the
Handbell Ventures website. And watch for registration to go live in the fall.
For information on San Francisco Bay Area's concerts,
events, and other opportunities,
click here.
Los Angeles Metro - Sharon Guilliams
Happy May, LA Metro --
I hope this newsletter finds you well and you are finding ways to keep handbells in your heart, mind, and hands. Well, at least two out of the three.
Even though April was tough for me with two family members in the hospital for non-Covid issues, celebrating a milestone birthday with only my husband and dog Bruiser, and no bell practices or planned concerts, my "tough" month is nothing compared to other people in the world and even my handbell family. (Some in the extended handbell family have lost their jobs, some are working seven days a week, and some of their churches have just gone silent. Luckily, I don't know anyone that has gotten Covid.) So know that handbell folks are in my thoughts and prayers.
I have been amazed at the innovative ways folks have kept handbells going. I loved Nick Hansen's assignment to his students on practicing the three-bell drill and all those one-person handbell choirs that have rung all the parts of a song. It is very cool. One group in Area 12 has even found a way to turn their Spring Ring into a digital edition, this is awesome. (Check out Northern Nevada's
event schedule for details.)
I know of two events in the planning stages for the fall that will get us back up and running. Stay tuned for more information. Since Red, White, & Bells has been postponed until summer 2022, the plan is to postpone the repertoire from the 2020 Spring Ring until the 2022 Spring Ring. This means that we will have fresh music at our 2021 Spring Ring. Stay tuned. If you have specific date or venue suggestions, please let me know.
For information on LA Metro's concerts, events,
and other opportunities,
click here.
Central California - Christine Anderson
Greetings, CenCal!
Are you feeling like you're living in some alternate universe? Is every day the same? Are you missing handbells like I am? As my solo gigs get canceled one by one, I'm finding it hard to be motivated to practice. As I scramble to find something meaningful to do each day (cleaning house doesn't count!), I've come up with some ideas that may or may not be helpful to you and me both:
- Wear something different every day, see how long it takes to go through all your clothes.
- Polish your bells.
- Learn a new skill - like cooking, knitting, figuring out a computer program, or solo ringing.
- Reach out to an old, long lost friend.
- Apologize to someone you've hurt or offended; forgive someone who has hurt or offended you - and tell them.
- Clean out your closet, start a give-away bag for when the thrift stores reopen.
- Go through your piles of music and promo CDs - toss or give away or put great pieces in a "must-do" file.
- Make your own mask.
- Take a walk/hike/bike ride with a friend, keeping your distance.
- Express appreciation to someone for impacting your life in some way.
If you've been burned out with directing or ringing, now is a good time to take a breath, then start missing handbells again. Do something totally different.
I hope we can get back to "normal" again soon, and maybe the "new normal" will be better than the old one.
For information on Central California's concerts, events,
and other opportunities,
click here.
Many concerts were supposed to be happening in May and yet the bells will instead stay silent. I really miss the ringers in my groups and the fellowship we share. But I know the bells will ring again, and we will all appreciate them so much more for their absence!
This is such an unusual time in our lives. We should all take this time to really take care of ourselves and our
ohana (family). We are all used to being so busy that some of the simpler things in life get put on the back burner.
I have come to appreciate many things about my husband, my children, and my family. And I do have to say I appreciate my children's teachers and everything they are and do so, so much!
Stay home, Stay safe.
For information on Hawaii's concerts, events,
and other opportunities,
click here.
Southern Nevada - Alison Pruett
So, we're all struggling with how to keep bells going during this time of COVID-19. However, if you have a church who is streaming services, you have options!
There are lots of solos out there that could be done with just one ringer and a pianist. There are also lots of 8- and 12-bell pieces where you can play with up to six ringers and, because you don't have to share bells, you can still social distance.
Just because we may not be able to play as usual doesn't mean we still can't play!
For information on Southern Nevada's concerts, events,
and other opportunities,
click here.