Next Area 12 Board Meeting (virtual):
SPRING 2022 | March 18-19, 2022 ••• Friday, 6-9 p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m.-6 p.m.
Kendra Scott
It's almost spring, Area 12!
Here's what the poet Emily Dickinson has to say about it,

A Light exists in Spring
Not present on the Year
At any other period –
When March is scarcely here

A Color stands abroad
On Solitary Fields
That Science cannot overtake
But Human Nature feels.

There are a few events happening around our region this spring, which you should definitely check out if you're in the area, and there is of course the Las Vegas Ringers' Conference happening this summer. There are many wonderful classes and some great repertoire to enjoy. Registration is open and we hope to see each and every one of you there, with bells on.  

Happy ringing!
Martilena Here –
Red, White & Bells is only 4 months away. Yea!!! I have most of the pieces down, I think. I am looking forward to this month’s Bell Table Talks where I can ask Stevie Berryman and Barb Walsh questions about how they are going to interpret the fabulous pieces that have been selected. I really really like the composition contest winner piece, Fervent Freedom by Michael Mazzatenta. Also I am excited that their notes have been uploaded to the conference website.  
Bell Table Talks are on:
  • Tuesday, March 8, 2022, at 7:00 pm Pacific

  • Sunday, March 13, 2022, at 3:00 pm Pacific
As I have sat in on some of the planning committee’s meetings, the one thing I have taken for granted in the past is how many little tasks have to be completed to make it all FABULOUS. We all have different attributes, skills and talents, as well as things we enjoy doing and I bet that those attributes, skills, talent and things that bring you joy can be matched up with tasks that need to be completed at Red, White & Bells.
I will give you a few examples:
  • Do you like getting to know new people and making them comfortable in unfamiliar situations? Consider volunteering at the Registration/Help Desk.

  • Do you love the look of a rehearsal space all set up for ringers to do our thing? Consider volunteering to help with set up or tear down.

  • Are you one of those folks that get a kick out of knowing that you have helped others learn and have a good time. Consider volunteering “full-time”.
Gretchen might get mad at me if I go on with too many examples…. So I will get to the point. If you or a family member/friend plan on joining us for Red, White & Bells and would like to volunteer to help, please complete the Volunteer Form.  
There are opportunities for people to volunteer “full-time” during the Youth/Conference Choir activities (Friday, July 1 through Sunday July 3) and then during the Ringer’s Conference (July 3 through July 5). Sharon Guilliams, our Registrar, refers to these positions as “Full-Time/Full-Ride” positions. That is because these special folk receive double occupancy lodging and the event provided meals for the days that they are full-time, and the registration fee is waived. This could save you $120 or more! The Full-Time/Full-Ride volunteers will also have the opportunity to attend all the concerts and sit in on some of the rehearsals and classes.
These full-time volunteer positions are great for the parent whose son/daughter is ringing in the Youth Conference and does not like slot machines, or a significant other that doesn’t ring, or a ringing choir member who is not participating in conference choir, but is traveling with folks that are in conference choir. There are a lot of reasons to be a full-time volunteer. I even got to spend some time with a ringing friend recently that was a full-time volunteer at a past conference because at that point in time she could not afford to participate, but wanted to be involved. She raved about the experience.
So please consider helping out. Note that the Volunteer Form is not the only way you can let us know about your desire to help, you can also indicate on your registration form that you are willing to volunteer.
Thanks again and I hope to see you at the Bell Table Talks as well as at Red, White & Bells!!!

Off to practice Fervent Freedom.

Upcoming Deadlines
Red, White & Bells is sponsored by Handbell Musicians of America, dedicated to uniting people through the musical art of handbell and handchime ringing.
Carol Pickford
Secretary's Report
Your board is getting ready for the Spring board meeting March 18 and 19. All members of HMA Area 12 are welcome to attend this virtual meeting. (Contact Carol for the link.) We are looking forward to our report from Beth Mays, our Education Chair, on the turn out at our booth at CASMEC (California All-State Music Education Conference). I was able to be there part of the time, and we were very encouraged to see educators interested in the possibility of handbells integrated into their education programs. (See Beth's article below with more great pictures!)

The board was sad but understanding in receiving a resignation letter from our treasurer Helena Broadbent. We send her a big THANK YOU for the 3 ½ years of service to the board. Kathy Arnold has agreed to fill in for the balance of the term until elections can be completed and the elected treasurer takes office this fall.

Much of our work in the last several months has been planning for the Red, White and Bells conference in July, we hope you will take a look through the event webpage, and consider signing up. With COVID restrictions easing up, I’m sure you are as happy as I am to be looking forward to bell events!
Area 12 Booth at CASMEC
Gail Berg
Gail Berg
Is It Time to Renew Your HMA Membership?
Your Handbell Musicians of America membership benefits include access to online resources (with unique log in), Overtones magazine, access to scholarships and grants, access to chime or bell loan programs, access to health insurance (group), participate in individual emphasis events (like Distinctly Bronze); and depending on the level of membership, voting rights (Guild and Area elections), and ability to take a group to events (at a discount; such as National Conferences). 
Your Handbell Musicians of America membership benefits include access to online resources (with unique log in), Overtones magazine, access to scholarships and grants, access to chime or bell loan programs, access to health insurance (group), participate in individual emphasis events (like Distinctly Bronze); and depending on the level of membership, voting rights (Guild and Area elections), and ability to take a group to events (at a discount; such as National Conferences). 

The majority of Area 12 members have their membership expire on March 31. You should have received an email from HMA reminding you of your upcoming membership expiration. And there should be US mail reminder received early in March. 
The easiest way to renew is:
  1. Log in to the Handbell Musicians of America website (  
  2. Select "Renew Membership" in the options on the left side of the page.
  3. From the membership status page, on the top line, far right select "Renew Now."
  4. Select the membership type from the options. Optionally, you can click the box near the bottom and set up automatic renewal.
  5. On the next page, enter any coupon code.
  6. Then enter payment details and click "Submit" to finalize your renewal.

You can also renew by mailing a check.
Questions? Need help? Please contact me at

Additional Note from our membership director, Gail Berg — there has been a report that sub-members (and their directors trying to renew the sub-members) are having issues renewing online. This should be resolved soon. (Do make sure the main director member is renewed before trying to renew the sub-members.) Contact Gail Berg with any questions.
Regional Updates
Michèle Sharik
For information on Southern California concerts, events, and other opportunities, click here.  
SoCal Spring Ring is sponsored by Handbell Musicians of America, dedicated to uniting people through the musical art of handbell and handchime ringing.
Hi, there, SoCal!

As you probably know by now, our Spring Ring this year is designed to help you prepare for the Vegas conference. Four of the five pieces are part of the Vegas repertoire, so you'll get a chance to play these pieces in a massed ring setting under the baton of SoCal's own Douglas Lynn.

However, as of this writing, I have received NO registrations for our event. I don't like to do this, but if I don't have enough registrations by April 1, I'll have to cancel the event. I don't want to do that because it is such an amazing opportunity to prepare for our Area Conference, PLUS it's been a long time since we've been able to ring together and I miss you all.

2022 SoCal Spring Ring
May 14, 2022
St. Thomas More Catholic Church
Oceanside, CA 92056

Details and registration are available here.

My best, 

Barbara Walsh
For information on Northern Nevada concerts, events, and other opportunities, click here.  
Sierra Spring Ring is endorsed by Handbell Musicians of America, dedicated to uniting people through the musical art of handbell and handchime ringing.
Howdy! It's that time of year!
Saturday, May 14, 2022, 9:00-3:30

Sparks United Methodist Church
1231 Pyramid Way, Sparks, Nevada
  Massed pieces:  
Into Your Kingdom by Joe Galyon, pub. Ringing Word (RW8271)
A Simple Dance arr. Michael Glasgow, pub. Choristers Guild
(CGB637 for 2-3 oct., CGB638 for 4-6 oct.)
We’ll also learn a short processional during the event.
Heitz Handbells is offering a discount on Sierra Spring Ring music.
Bell Changes and Weaving, Bell Articulations and Chimes, 
4-in-Hand, Healthy Ringing 
Cost: $20/person due May 1st
or e-mail Barb Walsh at 

We hope to see you there!
A full-service handbell store
with music and accessories:

gloves • gifts
maintenance items
mallets • binders
bell tree items
Malmark products

visit us at

7209 Morgan Ave S
Richfield, MN 55423

Sharon Guilliams
Howdy dowdy,

I hope everyone is getting into the Spring frame of mind as many of us take our Lenten journey to Easter. Unfortunately, I had to make the decision to cancel the LA Metro Spring, Freedom to Ring. There were just not enough registrants to make the event viable. The good news is that our SoCal region is having their Spring Ring in Oceanside on May 14 in Oceanside. Please consider supporting Area 12 by attending that event.
I really want to provide the LA Metro area with events that you want and need! Because our numbers were so low for the Spring Ring, I'm thinking either the event, or the date or something wasn't what our area wants/needs. So, now I need your help! What are you looking forward to seeing in the LA Metro Region (Red, White & Bells, Ring, Read and Rejoice where no preparation is required and you can buy new music, Bell Jubilee where not preparation is required, and you can tune up your personal or choir’s skills or a 2023 Spring Ring to celebrate ringing together? Next month, I will be including a link to a survey to get your ideas. The survey will allow you to rank some ideas and times of year as well as an area to include original ideas/needs. You don’t have to wait for the survey to send me ideas.

If you have not gotten to reading the back part of the most recent Overtones, I wrote an article on my thoughts about expanding handbells further into education. One of the points I made was that we need your help! Please if you know of a school that has a handbell program, please send that information to me or Beth Mays, our education director. Of course, we would love to have the school’s name, the director’s name, and address, what grade, what type of bells, how many octaves, etc.… But, even if you don’t know it all, give us a lead. Also, if you know of a school that had a handbell program and may have bells sitting in a closet, let us know that too. 

And speaking of youth, I had the opportunity to attend the advanced Handbell Festival at Loma Linda University Church on February 25. There were roughly 75 high school youth creating fabulous music under the baton of Mathew Compton. It was very clear to me that the directors of these youth (Michael Spencer, Celia Chan Valerio, Alissa Tanguay and James Walters had prepared the music very well. And just to give you an idea of the caliber of music they were playing, one of the pieces was Voyages by Matthew that our own Cathedral Bells played at National Seminar last summer with Bells of the Cascades! Which reminds me, please add your events to the Area 12 website listing of events or send them to me and I will get them added.

As always, if you need anything let me know.

Spring Ring is sponsored by Handbell Musicians of America, dedicated to uniting people through the musical art of handbell and handchime ringing.
For information on LA Metro's concerts, events,  
and other opportunities, click here.  
Beth Mays
Area 12 at CASMEC!
I had a wonderful time this past weekend at the CASMEC conference in Fresno. For those who are not familiar, this is an annual conference for music educators across California. There is a large focus on youth music and music in schools, which made it an ideal event to talk about handbells. With the "new novelty" of meeting in person, the first time since 2019, it was a wonderful experience to meet new educators and showcase the many advantages a handbell program brings to schools. We even introduced bells to a couple of Marines! We talked about our Vegas conference and the loan program and made many new connections to people who were unfamiliar with all handbells can offer. As we move forward, I am so pleased that we are able to meet safely and that music programs are starting back up. I hope we will see more handbell programs started along the way!  

Area 12 will also be attending the NMEA conference in Reno, Nevada on April 7-8 as well. If you are attending this conference, please stop by and say hello!

Beth Mays
Nancy Schmitt
Our National Organization (click logos to get more info!)
The Twelfth Tone is published on or around the first of each month, except July, by Area 12 of the Handbell Musicians of America (The Guild). The Guild is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the musical art of handbell/handchime ringing through education, community, and communication. The editor of this publication reserves the right to reject or modify copy.
We have over 1600 contacts, a 40% open rate (17% higher than the industry average) and a 13% click rate. Book your ad NOW!

For advertising types and rates:
Payment is due before publication. Submission DEADLINE is the 20th of each month. No issue in July.

Please submit your ads via email to:
Teachers: Would you like the use of a three octave set of handbells or handchimes to add interest and a new dimension to your music class?

Area 12 encourages schools and other educational institutions, both public and private, to develop educational programs using handbells and handchimes.

To support the development of such programs, Area 12 has six 3-octave sets of handbells and three 3-octave sets of handchimes for loan.

To learn more about the responsibilities and procedures for participating in this program, click here.
Looking for a previous issue? We archive the Twelfth Tone on our website:
Area 12 Board
Elected Officers

Chair Elect
Past Chair

We have an open position for
Area 12 Historian. Love scrapbooking? Taking pictures? Learning from and sharing information with other ringers? This might just be the job for you! Contact Kendra if you want to know more about this position.
Appointed Officers


Social Media

Vendor Liaison
Regional Coordinators

Central California
Far Northern California Liaison
Los Angeles Metro
Northern California
Northern Nevada
San Francisco Bay Area
Southern California
Southern Nevada