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July Resources

  • 2023 Annual Pledge Campaign Materials ready for download
  • Register for our next webinar preparing for your fall campaign
  • Check out gifts and merchandise to support your campaign!

Dear Davey,

This year I listened, as usual, to the staff and hosts of National Public Radio (NPR) read the Declaration of Independence. This is a tradition at NPR dating back several decades, and it’s been one of my own traditions for many Independence Days. Most of us know how it begins, we learn it in grade school. “When in the course of human events…” it stirs something within us, or at least within me.

But this year, it was the last line that put itself into my head most firmly, and as I went about my day, I kept coming back to it. After a long list of broad statements about the powers and rights that a sovereign nation should keep, the declaration ends with “we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our Sacred Honor.” This sounds like a stewardship campaign to me!

When I am asked to make my gift to fund the mission and ministry of my congregation, I am asked for more than a financial gift. I am asked to support the work of my church with my ideas, efforts, wisdom, experience, prayer, and my money. It takes more than a budget to run a ministry – it takes the whole body of Christ and its constituent parts.

In a recent meeting of stewardship leaders, I was blessed to hear Bishop Greg Rickel speak about stewardship. He told us that the tithe was only the beginning of our commitment – what is ten percent when the need is so great? As Christians we give one hundred percent. We’re all in to grow the kingdom of God, to seek and serve Christ in all persons, and to love our neighbors as ourselves.

Stewardship campaigns, unlike many other types of fundraising programs, ask us to make our commitments publicly, to turn in forms or to declare our support in the full light of the gathered. We make our pledges to the Church and to each other. I will join my gifts with yours and together we will support the needs of our community. My life, my fortune, and my sacred honor. My commitment to my church is a sacred gift, indeed.


All good gifts,

Cn. J. Davey Gerhard III

Executive Director

Promote your campaign with collateral

Consider aligning the messaging and visibility of your pledge campaign this year. When your messages are aligned, your members know that there is something exciting happening at church - something different. Your campaign should be a time of high energy and enthusiasm where the love for the ministry you do together and the community you have formed should be highlighted for your members.

This year, after receiving many requests over the years, we have partnered with Printify to produce swag for your campaign.

Banners for indoor or outdoor use can raise the visibility of your fundraising effort.

Buttons, stickers, and magnets are great tokens to hand out to folks who have turned in their pledge materials or volunteered for the campaign.

Mugs make a nice thank-you gift for your campaigners and members.

We hope that you'll find these low-cost, high-quality items useful as you roll out your campaigns. Let us know what additional designs we should create next year!

Vanco - proven to increase donations for your ministry

Did you know?

·     eGiving increased from 30% of donations in 2019 to 48% in 2023.

·     eGivers are more likely to attend church and engage in activities than those

who give in person.

·     81% of givers are willing to cover the processing fees

The newest edition of the Vanco Churchgoer Giving Study highlights key trends in online giving, attendance and engagement. Featuring insights from 1,000 churchgoers across multiple Christian denominations about how they give and part icipate in their congregation. Download your free copy today and put this knowledge into action at your church.


Download the study

The 2023 Webinar Calendar is uploaded - fill out your training plan today!

We are revisiting some favorite trainings and offering some new ones this year as we combine materials for annual campaigns with practical teaching on stewardship topics. See our Webinar page to learn about and register for all our webinars this year!

Preparing for Stewardship Season: Best Practices

Consider this your pre-campaign pep talk for committee members, stewardship chairs, and clergy alike! Join us for a session where we walk through this year's campaign theme and materials and talk about best practices for effective campaigns.

Register today for our webinar on Saturday, July 29, 9AM Pacific / 12PM Eastern

Breaking Through the Pledge Plateau

There comes a time with each congregation when the campaign plateaus: when members make the same gift year after year; when the pledges are on autopilot. What can you do to shine a new light on your programs and ministries to help your members make their best gifts?

Right as you return from your summer break, learn best practices for breaking through the plateau and increasing the impact, gift size, and cheerfulness of your members so that your ministries can flourish.

Sign up for our free webinar on Saturday, August 26 at 9AM Pacific / 12PM Eastern

Complete Materials for 2023-2024 Annual Pledge Campaigns 

Ready for Download

The 2023 - 2024 Annual Pledge Campaign materials have been uploaded and are ready for use. All year, you have been using the Seasonal Reflections to underscore good stewardship practices, and taking advantage of training and the timeline to form your committee. Now you have access to the complete package for your annual campaign. In addition to the weekly reflections, this year's package includes:

  • Sample letters from the Clergy, Wardens, and Committee Chair
  • Prayers for the Pledge Cards and Prayers at Ingathering
  • Prayers of the People during your campaign season and a Post-Communion Prayer you may use during the weeks of your pledge drive
  • Pledge cards that focus on time, talent, and treasure
  • Proportional Giving cards