The Brooklyn Oratory Parishes
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Boniface
October 8, 2021
Blessing of the Animals at Assumption Parish
October 10, at 1:00pm
Please keep the sick of the community in your prayers:
Winnie O’Grady, Maurice Beshlian, Eliza Lazzarini, Adama Brown, Kim Manzi, Odessa Burke Ryan, Suzanne Mollman.
Rest In Peace: Sr. James Annette McCauley, Nina C. Canoy, Jonalyn L. Borja, JoEllen Lynch, Joan Creech, Br. Patrick Ryan, Nicole Favard, Nickolas Varipapa, Lettie Washngton, Barbara Blake, Anthony Farraye.
Mass Intentions
Both parishes have some open mass intentions for November and December of this year. If you would like to remember someone living or deceased, contact the parish office The offering for a mass is $20.
What's up with Family Faith?
November 2 is All Souls Day.
We invite you to send in the names of loved ones to be remembered in the Novena of Masses that begins that day at our Parishes. Email We will include the names of your loved ones to the Books of Prayer on our altars.
The Parish Office is closed on Monday, October 11 for the Columbus Day holiday. No 12:10pm Mass (StB) on Monday, October 11.
Save the Date: October 24
Outdoor coffee hour following the 11:15am Mass at St. Boniface
Thanksgiving Food Drive
The Oratory Parishes Thanksgiving Food Drive will begin on Saturday, October 16th, and continue through Sunday, November 21st.
Food collected will be shared between Hour Children and Second Harvest. Some food will be used for the Newman Food Pantry to service the college students in the area. You may participate in the following way:
- Use Pushpay to donate, and your contribution will be used to purchase bulk food for the pantries. Select the “Poor Box” fund.
- Bring essential items listed below to Assumption and St. Boniface during the weekend liturgies, or during weekday Mass times.
- You can also order online and have it delivered to 64 Middagh Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201-att: Fr. Michael Callaghan
- Place your items in the narthex, in the bins marked Food Drive.
Essential Items Needed:
Pasta, Rice, Stuffing Mix, Mashed Potato Mix, Cereal, Tomato/Pasta Sauce, Canned vegetables, Canned Soups, Canned Juices, Canned Fruit, Instant Noodles (bowls/cups), Instant Oatmeal Packets, Mac ‘n Cheese (boxes or bowls), Saltines, Crackers, Hot Chocolate Packets.
Note: On canned items, please choose low sugar and low salt.
Thank you for your generous support.
Your faithful stewardship has helped sustain our communities and maintain vital ministries and services. Thank you for keeping faith with us and supporting our common work of the gospel. You can make your donation online through PushPay by clicking on one of the links.
Thanksgiving Food Drive –Poor Box Fund
Or mail checks or envelopes to:
64 Middagh St
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Attn: either ABVM or St Boniface
The Month of October dedicated to Our Lady
let us ask her intercession:
O Mary, a simple girl from a small village in Galilee, pray for us, for our brothers and sisters so that we can experience the love of God within us, a love that gives us the courage here and now to carry forward what God asks of us, living our faith without hiding it. Contemplating your love, my heart is full of joy, as we learn to love God above all things, and to love each other as Jesus has loved us. Help us to respond promptly and joyfully to the vocation to love in this life, communicating the joy of the Gospel to our brothers and sisters in Christ, especially the weakest and poorest of society. Amen. Alleluia!
Pope Francis
The Brooklyn Oratory Parishes
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Boniface
Roman Catholic Communities in
Downtown Brooklyn and Brooklyn Heights
Both parishes operate from one office:
64 Middagh Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201